Ethan VS Leon. Serpent Vs Wolf.

Ethan slid to a halt about 7 meters after the clash with Leon. Leon was also thrown 3 meters back which caused him to be slightly surprised. Ethan was stronger than he envisioned but he wasn't bothered by it. He quickly conjured a dozen ice balls with sharp spikes on them, each the size of a basketball and attacked Ethan with them. Ethan run towards him and skillfully dodged all the attacks at him and threw a punch at him. Leon managed to block the punch but once again, he had underestimated Ethan as he was thrown of his feet by the punch. That punch was unusually powerful. Stabilizing himself, he flashed towards Ethan with speed and kicked him with an ice infused leg. Ethan blocked the attack at the cost of a few frostbites and cracking bones. It seemed Leon was going all out. The earlier attacks were just him holding back.

Ethan seeing this crouched on the floor while maintaining his earlier pose. Bright blue energy surrounded him and his eyes glowed slightly blue. Everything within 10 metres from him was affected and raised up, floating, which were actually remnants of Leon's attacks. Leon also conjured a huge snowflake over himself which rained snow onto him.

The duo once again flashed from their positions and attacked each other with affinities and martial arts. Leon's attacks were power-packed and hit Ethan hard not forgetting his martial arts which were almost flawless. Coming from an ancient family, even if they were just side families, Leon's martial arts were ancient martial arts granting him great control over his strength and weaknesses unlike the genius who created his own. Ethan's martial arts was both strange and familiar but it had many flaws, not forgetting half of the full set was sealed by the wicked system. He was really having a hard time. Besides, he was fighting an Advanced Rank mage, this wasn't a beast. Leon had the mindest and qualities of a human and that was what made it all difficult.

After a few clashes, Ethan was kicked in the stomach real hard which sent him flying. He hit the ground hard causing a few cracks on the floor. That wasn't all as cracks appeared on his energy suit causing him to be confused. Zark explained that the system had limited the energy suit's power to fit the battle so it will most likely get destroyed  by the end of the duel but it won't be destroyed for good. Ethan got up breathing profusely. That attack did a good deal on him and he was in a hell of a pain. Leon wasn't spared though, his energy suit also had a few dents here and there.

"Now you really made me angry and you will pay!"

"Cringy. You've been angry since you were born!"

Leon ignored Ethan's retort and summoned his Spirit Beast. A blue portal appeared behind him and out flowed a cold and chilly air. A white wolf with blue piercing eyes and a blue snowflake pattern on its forehead and a silver claw tattoo on its chest stepped out of the portal with loud and booming howl. It was 6.5 feet tall, very domineering.

Ethan didn't waver by this and summoned Angitia. He was now up against two formidable foes, both a level higher than him.

Angitia appeared coiled around his neck. It then slithered down to the ground and assumed its true form. It transformed into a large serpent about 5 feet in length and as wide as an average elephant's trunk. Its bronze colored horns glinted in the sun. The rune on its forehead glowed slightly, the same appearing on Ethan's forehead. Bright blue energy surrounded them as chilly air surrounded Leon and his Beast. Not all, Leon's hair turned white and spiky and his skin turned icy pale while ice horns grew on the wolf.

The ongoing transformations caused the audience to be stunned. No one was left out. Both fighters were strong, very strong. Leon's prowess was a bit understandable but Ethan was a huge surprise. He could easily be the strongest 1st year or strongest Novice Rank mage in the academy.

Ethan smiled wryly when he saw Leon's transformation. He felt the familiar aura of a path in the air and knew that his opponent had activated his path. Even if it was weak, it was strong enough to fight a Novice Rank mage. Hell, he could even fight Angitia and him alone without his Spirit Beast's aid.

Ethan got into a fighting stance with Angitia. Leon's wolf howled causing ice to instantly cover half of the stage. It had literally divided the stage into two between Leon and Ethan. Ethan's side had blue energy filling it up while Leon was literally chilling in snow.

Like the play button had been pressed, both fighters vanished from their positions and clashed again. Leon attacked with spiked hands infused with ice energy. Just the movement of his hands froze the air as he attacked furiously. Ethan used Telekinesis to block and evade these attacks but he still got hit by some causing more cracks in his suit. His helmet had already broken up and he was slightly bleeding from the mouth. Leon also had cracks in his suit due to Ethan getting some opportunities to rip his suit with Telekinesis.

The beasts weren't idle rather, they were having a go at each other. The wolf was fast and strong and coupled with the path, it was having the upper hand clearly but Angitia wasn't a pushover. She was very swift as she managed to dodge most of the attacks and attack back when she got the chance.

From the battle, Ethan and his Beast were clearly having it hard but his prowess was something that shocked everyone and infuriated Leon more.

Bang! Boom! Pah!

Ethan was bombarded with swift and powerful attacks infused with ice. He was thrown 6 meters in the air and kicked down into the stage, creating a small crater. Leon didn't wait for him to rise up and kicked him out the crater sending him tumbling into Angitia. Angitia managed to catch Ethan but she was also hurt from the impact. That attack was clearly a full powered strike.

Leon landed in front of them, raising his head arrogantly.

"I must give it to you. You are strong but you are still weak. Too weak to fight me. Too weak to even protect your Spirit Beast. I don't know what happens to Spirit Beasts of Beast Awakeners but I will find out today, with your weak Beast, peasant. Hahaha!" Leon mocked.

He then raised his leg which glowed icy blue and kicked the serpent but alas, it didn't connect.

"You would do no such thing!" Ethan roared as a blue light burst out from and clashed with Leon's leg. The impact of the attack blew both of them along with their beasts away. Ethan quickly recalled Angitia who turned into a tattoo his back and shoulder. She didn't want to leave him but she couldn't ignore his orders either. Leon and his Beast managed to stabilize themselves while Ethan hit the floor hard. His energy suit was ripped from the top leaving him with only the pants part. His attire too was shredded leaving him bare chested, his finely chiseled muscles and upper body on full display for all to see. He was slightly pale and breathing heavily as he was on his last legs. As in, his recent attack used up almost all his energy leaving him with a little bit which wouldn't change anything. He was also feeling a great headache from using his power like that and without the support of Angitia now, he was in for a good beating but he wouldn't go down so easily.

Looking at the gloating Leon, Ethan grinned like a mad man, his face all bloody.