Using His Face As Rug. Face of Terror.

Clara stared at the bloodied Ethan with shame and worry. It was all her fault and she knew it but what could she do? She set him up and one thing led to the other. And that was all her doing. She was afraid Ethan would hate if he should ever find out the kiss was all a plot to get him to propose; sigh, things we do for love. She was the mastermind behind all this even though Leon's hate and skirmishes was a whole different thing, they all originated from the element of confusion and guilt she created and she totally knew it. She also knew that the consequences of this duel will befall her sooner than later as the truth will come out from her own mouth. She was truly scared of what Ethan could do but she brought it upon herself and she would have to face the repercussions.


Ethan channelled the last of his energy to his feet and dashed towards Leon. He quickly slid under Leon's raised leg and kicked him in the nape. He then moved to the side and punched his face with all his strength. His speed had doubled but for a few seconds as he was on his last legs. He then jumped high and attacked Leon with a hammer kick. Leon didn't dodge this attack but took it head on. He caught Ethan's leg and using him as a hammer, hit the floor with his face, drawing blood. Ethan was done for. The only skill in his arsenal was Face of Terror but he couldn't find any opening to use it.

Leon then grabbed his head and using it as a rug, dragged it on the floor, creating a path of blood and broken teeth.

Most people closed their eyes at this scene as it was too heart breaking. Ethan was clearly strong but against someone with a path, he was a little bit more than an ant. Even though Leon couldn't use his paths actual power, just his transformation was enough for a Novice Rank like Ethan.

Trevor felt a strange anger overcome him but Lamair consoled him but that didn't mean he wasn't angry also. As a matter of fact, they both had murder on their minds, not with their eyes glowing red and purple respectively.

Leon obviously oblivious to the feelings and views of others continued with his torture of Ethan. He broke his fingers and hands making him cry out in pain. He then impaled his legs with ice spikes while freezing his blood slowly. Ethan was in agonising pain but he was smiling mischievously amidst all that.

Leon seeing this angrily grabbed his head and looked straight into his eyes.

"Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. You are so pathetic. Even if you become an Advanced Rank mage, you are still nothing in my eyes, just a peasant who wants to eat the finest turkey in the land. You are weak and will always be weak. What did I tell you before this duel and now look how beaten up and bloodied you are. A frog can never eat the swan and you my friend, is the frog. You are just a pitiful nobody. You have talent but what is talent without resources and background. Let me tell you something. This whole thing is a fallacy. I just wanted to beat some fear into you which wouldn't be seen as bullying and you made it happen. You created your own trap. You are so pathetic and will remain like that till your death, peasant."

"Nice speech coming from a simp. Well done. You may have humiliated me today, defeated me brutally. So what? You found an excuse to beat up a 1st year who recently awakened and even had to use your Spirit Beast and Path to achieve such simple results. You are pathetic. You are the frog. And let me tell you one thing, we lose today to win tomorrow. You are weak if you have to go through schemes and use all your trump cards to defeat me.

Look into my eyes, is this the face of WEAK? This is the Face of Terror!" Ethan eyes changed to slits like a snake's and glowed with a blue light. Leon suddenly froze in his actions while Ethan finally gave up and collapsed.

Leon eyes were hollow and he was shivering causing confusion.


Leon found himself in a boundless world of red. Everything was scaly red in color and he couldn't see the end of it.

Something urged him to raise his head to the sky and there he was met with a pair of glinting black eyes and blue third eye. He felt like sand in front the eyes and that's when he realized that everything he was seeing was one being, a serpent, Ethan's serpent.

The fear he was feeling from just looking at the beast was breaking him but it didn't last for long as he found himself back in the arena. He looked around and saw Ethan unconscious, announcing the end of the duel. He should have felt smug or happy but he was not. He was afraid, frightened, scared. He looked at Ethan with mixed feelings. 'What if he was the same rank me? Would I have even won?' Leon asked himself.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner, the Tyrant of Ice, Leon Richards!"

Algrid announced but he was having the same thoughts as Leon. In fact everyone watching the duel was having the same thought, what if Ethan was as strong as Leon? The guy was clearly talented and powerful.

The invisible barrier covering the stage was deactivated as the academy's med team came to pick up Ethan's unconscious body and Leon. They've both given them a good show, showcasing their strength.

As Ethan was moved to the infirmary, a couple of notifications rang out bit he couldn't see or hear it as he was unconscious but those notifications will be the clue and guidelines to the start of his legacy, the start of his power and the start of his legend.


In Helhiem...

"Aah! Honey is strong but still weak at this stage so I will have to wait some more. I don't know if I can but I will have to try for honey. Mmm!"

"But your highness?"


"You haven't even seen him, her or it before. You don't even know that being's gender or race..."

"Oh Laudi, you don't understand somethings. You are still inexperienced. Darling, my honey is clearly a male. I can feel it. Second, I don't care about his race. Besides, he's very special. I can feel it. No! I know it! And I will be by his side but not now. We have to prepare for him.

Haah! I can't wait for the day where I will lay in his arms and snuggle him and do this and that and... and... ahh!"