Level Up! Bloodlines And Races.

"Argh!" Ethan finally woke up drowsy and with a severe headache. He had really pushed himself and was now experiencing a mental fatigue but it was endurable as compared to previous ones.

"Oh, you are finally awake. I thought you would sleep forever." A sweet voice said.

"Huh? Where am I?" Ethan asked confused as he looked around. His sight was a bit blurry so he couldn't make out his surroundings well.

"You are in the school infirmary. You were brought here after your duel." A green haired elf in white robe with cross designs on it answered.

"For how long?"

"Just a day. Your mom and sister came here to check up on you. You will have to go through some check ups, then I will call your mom to pick you up."

"Mm. Thank you, Miss Windellock."

"You are welcome. Let me get the tools, rest a little."

Miss Windellock left the room leaving Ethan in contemplation. She was an elf and she wasn't the only one. There were different races in the world of Debranlith, the high races and the low races. The high races were the humans, elves, fairies, vampires, werewolves, dwarves, felines and demons. The low races were obviously the beasts.

There were also the mixed ones, the human and other race mix who were in abundance in the world, the mixed-humans. In fact they made up almost 70% of the population. They gain or awaken their true races after reaching a certain level without a specific routine. It was different for every mixed-himan. There were those with two races, human and another race and those with three, human and two other races. These people awaken their true races after some point of time in their lives and they might not know until they are really close to awakening it. People with human and another race bloodline will obviously awaken that other race but those with three find it a bit difficult. Why? The human race bloodline is just the core but the other two races will have to fight for dominance and a position in the person's body. There were instances where both racial bloodlines reach an agreement and the person becomes a hybrid of both races but that was extremely rare.

Ethan being a mixed-human, would surely awaken his actual race sooner or later and everything would probably be determined by his strength and power calculator, the system.

"Let's get you checked up and go home. Your family awaits Tyrant Ethan." Miss Windellock said in a mocking tone.

"Okay... huh? Tyrant? Who? When?" Ethan sat up abruptly.

"Oh, you don't know? You will find out soon. I'm not in the position to give you details. Now let's check you up."


Ethan left the infirmary in the company of his mom, Harley and Trevor. He felt refreshed after drinking a bottle of Pyltr orange juice. He saw a blinking red light at the corner of his eye, indicating the system notifications he had. He wanted to check it out but he was in the company of his family and friend and couldn't explain if he suddenly spaced out while checking his notifications. They would have to wait.

Walking outside, he saw a lot of gazes on him. He knew he lost the duel but no one looked at him with disdain or mock but with envy, shock, jealousy and even fear. He couldn't understand it and wanted to ask but the people with him dodged his questions. Very soon, they reached the principal's office where Miss Carmen personally came to meet them.

"Welcome Miss Madeleine, Ethan, Harley and Trevor." Miss Carmen said after they'd settled down and served cups of hot chocolate tea.

"I'm sorry for not informing you of this duel as it was just a scuffle between kids which excalated than I imagined. Even though Ethan didn't win, he managed to secure a Tyrant position and also his position as the strongest first year student. In a weeks time, he along with all first years will be officially joining the real academy.

I called you here to get him after his stay in the infirmary and also to personally give him the accessories he will need for second year; his uniforms, badge and other stuff. His reward for the duel and everything else is included in this storage box." Miss Carmen passed Ethan a small black box, the size of a Rubik's cube. Ethan took it and examined it with interest.

"Thanks, Miss Carmen. That is very generous but you shouldn't have done that. I'm sure you are too busy for that." Madeleine, Ethan's mother said with a breathtaking smile.

"No worries ma'am, I owe Ethan that much. He's my best student and I'm also responsible in a way for his pain and problems. This is the little I can do."

"You are such a good woman. I wish my son finds a woman like you." Madeleine said with a mischievous smile which caused both Miss Carmen and Harley to blush and Ethan to nearly drop his storage box out of shock.

"I'm sure he will get one like me. Hehe"


Ethan lay on his bed with Harley sleeping on his chest with a silly expression on her face. He stroked her hair which was obviously the reason for her silly expression; she really loved it.

Ethan though, was busy checking his system. He was so shocked by the rewards but managed to control his exterior so as not to startle Harley.


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Peak)

Strength: 40.0

Speed: 43.0

Stamina: 39.0

Perception: 35.0

Willpower: 100

Affinity Energy: 110

Level: 12 [20/120]

Stat Points: 25

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


*Rewards Allocation:

1. Fight A Tyrant(Mission): Chain Of Wills.

2. Earn A Tyrant Title(Hidden): Instant Level Up.


Level Up!


'Congratulations kid! You did well.' Zark said to him.

'Thanks. You said there will be some things unlocked after level 10. What are they?'

'Be patient kid.'



Host Surpassed System's Requirements Even After Power Nerf.

Secret Mission Unlocked!

*Learn About Races And Racial Bloodlines.

*Understand Paths.


1. Unknown.

2. Partial Unsealing Of Path.

