A Tyrant.

A silvery black machete flashed with speed and almost perfect precision as a 4 meter tall pangolin with silver scales got split into two.


Level Up!


It had been a few days since the duel of Ethan and Leon took place. Ethan had gotten stronger thanks to the quests and his expeditions in the Beast Plane. ______________________________________________

Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Rank: Novice (Peak)

Strength: 43.0

Speed: 43.2

Stamina: 41.3

Perception: 38.0

Willpower: 100

Affinity Energy: 120

Level: 13[01/130]

Stat Points: 27

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


Even though stat increment had gotten a bit slow and difficult, he was still strong plus it wouldn't be long for him to breakthrough to Advanced Rank.


Ethan got up and showered. Today was a big day for him and all 1st year graduates. Today was the day they would officially join the academy and also officially graduate from 1st year. Plus, it was the day of Ethan's initiation into a Tyrant.

After his bath, he started dressing up. The graduation and initiation ceremony was scheduled to be held at 10am in the auditorium of the academy, where students from year 1 to year 4 will have to attend.

Ethan took out a black box, the size of a Rubik's cube. It was the storage box which contained his uniforms. It had five uniforms, three of the same style and two different ones, with one being a customized tracksuit.

Ethan took out a black military coat with a white lining on the right and gold line yard, a pair of black trousers with gold linings on the sides, a pair of white gloves, a pair of shiny black Derby shoes, and a black cape with gold and blue designs and a light blue inner. It was one of the different style of uniforms in the box. The uniforms were grouped into normal school uniforms, house uniforms (tracksuit) and the ceremonial uniform, which Ethan was currently preparing to wear. 

As a Tyrant, his uniforms were different from that of normal students, from normal wear to ceremonial wear. 

After a few minutes of dressing, Ethan stood in front of his dressing mirror and looked in surprise at his image in the mirror. He knew he was handsome due to the compliments he got around but he exceptionally dashing and handsome that he was even doubting if this was really him. He had an hour till the start of the graduation ceremony so he went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Woah!" Harley exclaimed in surprise when she saw Ethan coming down the stairs. He looked like a prince charming coming down a long flight stairs to see his beloved and nothing in the world could dim his shine. In fact, she fell in love with him all over.

"Wow! My baby looks dashing." Madeleine also praised as she came out of the kitchen holding a bowl of porridge. Harley's mum followed after her with visible shock all over her face. Ethan was a very handsome boy, which was an undisputed fact but today was an exception.

They sat down to eat while chatting about little things. After that, Amor, Harley's father drove them to the academy. They were all going to experience Ethan's graduation and initiation into a Tyrant.


Amor parked his Tundra in the parking space and led the way towards the auditorium of the academy. Along the way, people looked at the red haired guy in the dashing ceremonial clothes for Tyrants in awe. Those who knew his identity were surprised at how he looked perfect in his uniform while those who had no idea who he was, mostly senior students and visiting parties just wondered what his background was for him to wear such extravagant clothes which highlighted his handsomeness. Those around him didn't lose to him that much. Amor was tall and slightly muscular with his hair tied into a ponytail and walked with confident steps while holding the hands of his wife Petra, who looked cutely mature. They both wore simple clothes but it just highlighted their charm the more, which earned them some sneaky glances from passersby. Madeleine wore a long black dress which accentuated her curves and added a bit of shine to her red hair. Her green eyes looked like they were glowing as she walked side by side with Ethan and Harley. Harley wore a white shirt with gold buttons, a tight black skirt and simple sandals which brought out a kind of devilish but comforting charm from her. All in all, they were all dressed in simple clothes with the exception of Ethan the Tyrant. 

The academy was crowded and it was a bit hard to move around but Ethan's uniform served as a VIP ticket to move around freely and they eventually reached the auditorium with ease. The ceremony would be starting in 5 minutes and all to-be graduates were to sit at the front rows, directly facing the stage. Ethan escorted his family to find seats and then walked calmly to the front to sit. Trevor had saved a seat for him right beside Clara. In fact, Trevor ended up sitting beside Emily and Ethan with Clara. Ethan was occupied with some thoughts as he walked towards his seat and didn't notice the gazes on him. To them, Ethan was confident and calm, coupled with his uniform and how he was walking, he appeared to be the perfect gentleman. Others also saw him as arrogant. Obviously, it was out of jealousy but not that their thoughts mattered. Besides, Ethan couldn't read minds and he was busy thinking about unnecessary things to even notice them. 

Ethan sat on his seat and greeted his friends. They all wore ceremonial clothes but theirs were different. The males wore a black military coat with white buttons and silver line yard, black trousers and shoes while the females wore the same but with a black skirt and stockings. They all looked beautiful and handsome in the clothes and Ethan was especially enthralled by Clara as she was by him. She was just perfect in the uniform that it looked like it was especially made for her, which was true. Her face had a slight makeup which gave her an aura of innocence and grace and when she smile at Ethan, she looked like an angel, pure and spotless. Like she didn't belong to this world.

Soon enough, the host for the ceremony came on stage to do his job, eventually calling the principal for her speech.

Miss Carmen wore a uniform similar to Ethan's but with a plaited skirt, and more extravagant details and medals. Her face was covered with a veil as usual which gave a sense of mystery to her charm. Even without facial exposure, her sculpture-like figure was enough to stir the hearts of many men and some women. She was the perfect definition of mysterious beauty.

She got up the stage and gave a long but brief speech.

"Now we move on to the initiation ceremony of our new Tyrant before we continue with the graduation ceremony. I therefore call upon Ethan Smith Junior of Year 1 with the title of the strongest 1st Year, to come up on stage."