Inner Part Of Beast Plane. Chain Of Wills.

"Mmwah! See you later honey boo. Sleep tight."

"Sweet dreams Harley."

'Sigh! Finally...'

'Haha! The man in love. Haha!'

'Just shut up.'

[Beast Plane Countdown]

[3... 2... 1... 0]


Ethan found himself at the edge of a small path heading towards a dark vine forest with little to no light. He was heading towards the inner path of Beast Plane. He took out a black war hammer with red details and a dark blue chain as long as a bracelet from his system storage.

He had started training with the hammer but this was the first time he was taking out this chain. He got it as a reward for completing the mission of fighting a Tyrant.

[System Identification!]

Chain Of Wills:

A great artifact for Psychic and all related Psychic affinity users. Made by ??? for his beloved disciple who was a prodigy in willpower and Psychism.

It has the spirit of wills and can assist the user in anyway possible. It can elongate and shorten itself according to the user's wishes. The only downside is the level of the user and power of the user's will.

Rank: None (grows alongside the user)

Perks: The artifact forms a pact with its user and stays with him till death. It can achieve the form of an accessory to stay with the user all the time. Also, the artifact can protect the user from unaware attacks. There are lot more but the level of the user isn't sufficient enough for more information.


[Would You Like To Form A Pact Of Wills?]

Ethan looked at the message in front of him and thought for a while. The chain was powerful and he could notice the hidden message in its description. It could help him train his willpower.


[Initiating Pact Of Wills. Prepare For A Bit Of Pain.]

Ethan gritted his teeth as he felt a searing pain in his head while the chain glowed in his hand. It gradually changed temperature from cold to warm to searing hot but the pain Ethan was feeling was too much that he couldn't feel the burning pain. After 2 minutes, the pain stopped and the chain stopped glowing. Instead, it transformed into an earring and attached itself to his right ear.

Ethan's mouth twitched at this because that's not what he asked for. It seemed the artifact had a mind of its own. With that, he walked down the path towards the dark forest that lay ahead of him.

[You've Entered The Inner Area Of The Beast Plane]

[Section 1: Babel's Hive]



Ethan hurriedly summoned Angitia who happily coiled around his neck and went into the dark Babel's Hive, whatever that was. He had a feeling that it was related to a pack of sentient beasts, humanoid beasts who also knew the arts of battles and weren't like the ones he fought at the outer settlement of the Beast Plane. He already met one where he got the Hammer Lord's Constitution, the Weapons' Constitution and his new hammer but he could tell that that beast wasn't from this part but from a deeper part of the Beast Plane.

The place was eerily quite except for the occasional roars of beasts who were probably nowhere close to their area. Ethan moved cautiously through the forest trying his possible best to make less noise. He also pushed his senses to the maximum to watch out for any sneak attacks.



"You motherless child of a whore! Do you think anyone would care for you?!" A brawny man roared in anger at the shadows. There was a little girl crouching in fear while sobbing. She had light blue hair, a cute face with cute blue eyes, elf-like ears, icicle shape horns and a peculiar looking pair of scaly white eagle wings with blue icicle like feathers which covered her to protect her from the man who had similar features like the girl. In fact, he had a very close relationship with the girl, considering the fact she had a similar appearance to the man but she was considered cursed and the man severed all ties with the little girl who didn't know what she'd done wrong to deserve all this. She has been put through misery and hell for all her life from those she considered family and her own clansmen. She didn't know what differentiated her from the rest. She had the blue hair, the wings, the crystal on the forehead which identified them as spirits, forgetting that she had horns which no one had. All she knew was her mom died at childbirth and her father cut all ties with her because the Seer said she was cursed and she wouldn't die even if they killed her.

Was it her fault to be cursed? She didn't pray for that but know one ever thought that. All they knew was she killed their Empress and she had to pay till she died. Even the slave traders didn't want her. They ran the moment they saw those peculiar looking horns on the dirty girl who even though was pretty, looked really cursed. 

She was made to do labor work which even a grown up couldn't do continuously much less a 12 year old girl. She lived a life of misery and wished she could just vanish from this world but it seemed that her wish wouldn't be answered anytime soon. The only assurance she had was, she must be patient and grow her powers secretly. Everyone thought she was a weak, dull and stupid girl but she had matured early and grew cold-hearted. She was like a wolf waiting patiently in a flock of sheep to attack them when they least expected it. She had a secret which if was known could turn her situation around completely, even granting her the Empress position like her mother but she had learned the hard way and would never do that.

Through this secret, she gained something called the path which only awakened could have but she had that. Not only that, she'd already awakened and had a Spirit Beast but her secret helped her conceal everything from everyone including the cowardly Seer. Because of this same secret, she had a vision where her prince charming will come to her and fully unlock her powers and he wouldn't judge her at all but accept her as she is.

That was her motivation to live and be patient because the day was near, very near and she had to be prepared for it. If her people knew what was going on in the "Cursed Child's" head, they would've tried their possible best to get rid of her but alas, no one could do that and the only person who had a slight chance couldn't trespass the little girl's defenses. 

As she crouched there, mimicking fear at her bastard father who cut ties with her, she sneered in her mind at how blindly they worked to make her truly a curse for them and they were going to regret it. They will wish they hadn't being blinded by superstition but it will be too late and she was going to savor every moment of misery they experience with her prince charming by her side.

She couldn't wait!