Babel's Hive.

[You've Entered The Inner Area Of The Beast Plane]

[Section 1: Babel's Hive]


Oblivious to the thoughts of a crazy little girl, Ethan walked through the eerily quiet jungle. He could have just stayed where he was and waited till the time limit was up. The beasts would come themselves and he would kill them or use them as target practice but he could feel something calling to him, right in his being.

As curious as a cat and as cautious as a mouse, he moved vigilantly through the forest.

After walking for an hour and half, he reached a clearing. There was nothing but white clouds there with no end. There were also huge floating islands scattered around with no particular pattern. Ethan could also feel the presence of creatures around and the strange feeling he was having had also gotten stronger. There was no bridge connecting the edge of the cliff he was standing to the first island which meant the inhabitants were beasts that could fly. Flight was a basic trait for them.

The first island was 20 meters from where he was. Ethan put away his weapon and retreated 3 meters from the edge of the cliff. He then got into a sprinting stance; he was going to jump to the island. A yellow lightning energy formed around his legs but vanished as quickly as it appeared.


[You Are About To Enter Babel's Hive!]

[All Aura Control Skills Are Deactivated. Please Use Your Skills]

[Good Luck]


"Tch! This thing again." Ethan mumbled in annoyance at the system's antics. It had clearly read through his plan and he had to make changes but the fact didn't change that he was going to jump. Besides without his Aura Control skill, he still had his affinity which could help him fly plus his stats which were already high. Jumping 20 meters to a floating island could be achieved if he put in effort and used just his stats. With Telekinesis, he could achieve similar or better results. All he had to do was use his power within and around his body but it was easier said than done when he had just started learning his affinity plus it required immense willpower to fly with Telekinesis.

Ethan stretched his right leg while Angitia tightened her coil on his neck. With a huff, Ethan shot towards the edge of the cliff with speed, causing cracks to form on the ground in his wake as he ran.


Ethan shot of the cliff like a rocket, creating an arc in the air and shockwaves from the speed, his hair fluttering in the air. He was thrilled at his short jump-flight as his spectacles was pushed to stick to his face. Even though it was dangerous considering his surroundings and the peculiarity of the place, he forgot all and took the risk and it was worth it. He somehow knew that he wouldn't actually die in the Beast Plane and he wouldn't try experiencing it unless it was necessary which he doubted. As he drew the fine arc in the air and started descending, he realized he was about to land and considering the force and speed of his descent and how gravity suddenly increased by twice the amount of the outer part, he knew he had fucked up and was going experience a hell of pain.


He crushed forcefully into some trees breaking a few of them in the process. He got up with a groan as he the pain hit him hard. Gravity had also increased making his bones creak, threatening to break as he struggled to get up. The weight on his body was like he was carrying a truck making him wonder how the creatures survived here.

[You Have Successfully Entered Babel's Hive]

[Please Be Careful]



Quest Initiated!

Find the source of the strange feeling you are having.

Time Limit: 3 days.

Reward: Unknown.

Penalty: You Don't Wanna Know.


Ethan's face twitched at the quest. It was literally going to kill him and the next notification made it more certain.

[Babel's Hive]

[As the name suggests, is a hive, a habitat of strong beasts known as Gargoyles. Babel is the name of the first Chief gargoyle who awakened his intelligence to the fullest and achieved his human form and ascended. He created the hive to keep his family of gargoyles safe and protected. 

Babel's Hive has vast resources to help in the growth of these beasts which has made them strong and dangerous over time. Even beasts from the deeper parts of the Beast Plane have to think twice when facing a gargoyle.

A gargoyle is a humanoid beast with scaly silver skin, large wings, a long tail and horns. That is how a normal gargoyle looks like but there are classifications of gargoyles who have different appearances.

1. Yor Gargoyles: normal gargoyles. Their level can be seen with the color of their horns.

2. Xor Gargoyles: gargoyles with crystals on their foreheads. Their levels can be identified with the color of their crystals.

3. Barix Gargoyles: appears once in a millennia. Have gold details around their wings and horns. Possess gold eyes and a grey crystal on their foreheads. Their ranks can't be determined unless you possess an identification skill like Insight, as nothing on them changes color. They just become more defined and refined as they grow. Barbel was a Barix gargoyle.

Gargoyles have high affinities to Earth, Metal, Plant and the rare Alchemy affinity. They also have the ability to turn to stone, motionless and hard to break.

Beware when facing a gargoyle, a humanoid beast that flies and possesses insane defense.]

Ethan cursed the system in his mind. The source of the strange calling was obviously in the hive and he couldn't turn back. Whatever he did, he would be in danger.

Gritting his teeth, Ethan walked with heavy steps forward with no sense of direction but the strange calling he was feeling. The gravity of the place pushed down on him a lot resulting in him falling face down a lot like he was now learning how to walk. It was funny even to him how he got himself into this mess. He could have just turned and chosen another path, as if that was possible when the path was only one. How sarcastic it was.

With gritted teeth, Ethan walked, enduring the weight on him while indirectly building his willpower. In some instances, he used his affinity to create a shield which didn't last more than 30 seconds before it broke apart but it was all good practice as gradually, the weight began to lessen, even though it was minimal.


A pair of golden eyes looked at a red haired creature mischievously as it walked through its hunting grounds. Its eyes glinted with a strange light as it moved in stealth and observed the creatures strange actions.


Oblivious to his stalker, Ethan walked onwards while heightening his senses to catch anything amidst training his Telekinesis and willpower but still his senses failed to capture his mischievous stalker who would a whole lot of mess and misery to him. 

As he walked, he unconsciously shivered while a shadow flashed past him.