Fighting The Golem And The Gargoyle.

Ethan felt like he had been cheated. Even though the quest was fairly easy, he couldn't help but think that the system was correct. If he didn't kill the golem and the gargoyle, he wouldn't find a way out. Heck he would be killed before even finding a way out! The system's reward for the quest was a bit reassuring that he could escape but how was he supposed to fight the golem amidst the bombardment from the gargoyle? Atlas, he was answered with silence. Neither the system nor Zark gave a crap. At most, he would die and resurrect in front of the island and start all over from scratch.

"Rather fight than die like trash!" Ethan roared as he dodged an attack to his head while smashing the hammer the abdomen the golem causing sparks and a few rock debris to explode. He clicked his tongue in irritation as the attack held his full strength but his main opponent, wasn't a noble fighter at all. It had quickly changed the surface of the golem's skin to metal, blocking his attack successfully. Instead, the attack rebounded causing him to almost drop his weapon. Ethan gritted his teeth as he ignored the ringing and painful vibration his hands and attacked again. This time, he covered his weapon in a layer of telekinetic energy and his the abdomen of the beast while dodging a punch. It worked as the golem was pushed back by two meters while its metallic body caved in a bit. Seeing this, Ethan pushed himself to the limit as he continued to attack the beast. Obviously, the gargoyle didn't leave him to be as it showered him with rocks and earth spikes of various sizes. Ethan's energy was draining rapidly but instead of feeling tired, he was feeling elated and free. He could notice his hammer arts and martial arts getting better and more refined! How couldn't it be when he was fighting a giant and a mage with AOE attacks at the same. He mostly clashing with the golem while evading the blessings of the gargoyle although some managed to fall on him riddling him a few injuries here an there but the golem wasn't fairing any better. In fact, it looked was. It now looked like disfigured bread with all the cracked and caved in body. It was probably on its last legs and it looked like the gargoyle wasn't planning on rejuvenating it. That would have been bad for Ethan. He was halfway to leveling up to level 14 plus he was close to a breakthrough in his Telekinesis. He would be reaching level 2 in no time and his ticket was the giant in front of him. Ethan's eyes were now shining like he gotten the best toy ever sending a chill down the spine of the gargoyle who was watching from above a tall tree. It suddenly felt that the red haired creature it had been playing with was extremely dangerous which was far from the truth. 

Ethan eyed the golem with interest and anticipation as he crouched down, causing cracks to form on the ground and jumped 11 feet into the air. He then raised the hammer above him and twisted his body to descend. He coated himself in telekinetic energy while forcefully rolling downward building momentum. The golem and gargoyle stared eyes wide at the descending rolling blue energy with streaks of red in surprise and shock. That was a skill of the hammer arts, Rolling Smash. And as it name suggested, smash it did, into the big head of the golem. Not all, Ethan had also cast Eye Of Terror, petrifying the golem and the gargoyle at the same time. The golem's head exploded into pieces of rock while the gargoyle seemed to be shivering while stuck in place. Why? It was the one controlling the golem so naturally, it saw everything the golem saw. The effects of the skill were gone along its caster but the gargoyle could still be seen shivering in place. It was scared to the core at what it had seen which was even more frightening that Leon's.

The responsible for this too could be seen appearing above an island which was covered in rocks and sand with a few trees here and there. He was teleported the moment the golem got a headcut and appeared on this island where he felt the strange calling closer.

He quickly hid inside an empty cave which was near him, quite lucky for him. He had leveled up and also gained a partial enlightenment on his affinity. That was the breakthrough he had been waiting and he felt that he would get a full enlightenment within the rest of his stay in the Beast Plane.

He then took out some meat he had stored earlier from his expeditions and gobbled them down. He was attending the Beast Plane three days, thus, three days in the week and they were also random days. He didn't always get daily quests related to the Beast Plane and that gave him a bit of time to rest but that was minimal as he still needed to train his specialties not to mention his girlfriend who would do anything to spend time with him.

Ethan meditated a bit to calm himself and got out of the cave. He wanted to rest more but the calling was getting stronger plus he had less than 3 days to finish up. His injuries had been healed with the meat he took although his pajamas were riddled with holes and tears.

"Are you still going to wear those?" Zark asked in vexation.

"Not like I have new... oh crap! I forgot the energy suit!"

"Stupid! Tch!"

"Hey! You could've told me you know."

"Piss of fool!"


Ethan instantly draped his energy suit but something else happened. 

[Custom Energy Suit Accessed]

[You Can Manipulate The Design And Form To Your Satisfaction]

[Do You Accept Full Access?]


"Hell yeah!" He had completely forgotten that his energy suit was custom made unlike the rest. He could change its form to suit his taste plus its color and design wasn't limited to only the original color but could be changed. Of course, its stats still remained the same but for his current level and where he was, it was more than enough to protect. The original reddish black body suit with gold and silver designs started transforming into a grey baggy hoodie with a kibi snake design on the front, a pair of black casual trousers and white running shoes. He also got a pair of dark glasses as he had forgotten to bring his. Besides, he wouldn't be needing it again as he had already noticed that his eyesight was improving drastically. Unlike before, he was able to walk around just fine without them. The dark glasses were actually to give him eye protection in case he met another sand controller and also to make him look cool, something Zark couldn't help but mock him for it but Ethan ignored. Who was there to see whether he was handsome or ugly in darks? No fucking one! With a confident smirk, Ethan strolled forward. He climbed a small rocky cliff and his confident smirk instantly disappeared like passing wind. Right in front of him or rather it was too huge that he felt that he was close to it. A tall white tower with gargoyle statues at vantage points was in front of him. It pierced the clouds and he couldn't see the end of it. Not only that, he appeared close to a gargoyle settlement. In fact, all he had to do was jump-fly again from the exit of the island he was standing on and he will be in the settlement. He wanted to turn around after seeing gargoyles strolling around. Some were flying while some walking with their wings folded. That was how far Ethan could see now. It was better than most people out there. Why the hell would he need spectacles?! From what he could see, he was at most as tall as a toddler gargoyle. The gargoyles ranged from 5 feet to probably 10 feet tall, that was a guess he made when he saw one gargoyle as tall as the 8 feet golem he fought earlier. Jumping in there was just asking for death as he would be stomped to death without even knowing how he died. 

Looking around, he could see crude stone and rock huts of different sizes stretching to where his eyes could see to. The only perfectly built building was the tower and the fucking strange feeling was coming from there. Although he was probably miles away from it, he could now feel it somewhat stronger. But how the fuck was he supposed to reach there when there was a huge settlement in front of him filled with gargoyles who wouldn't hesitate to kill him. He had really reached a dead end.