Crossing The Gargoyle Settlement.

Ethan was hit hard by this. He couldn't find anyway out of this no matter where he looked. As he pondered, he instantly thought of something but the system and Zark extinguished that thought immediately.

[It's Not Possible]

"Don't even think of it." Ethan could only sigh in dejection. He thought the energy suit could have a way to create a gargoyle like costume without loopholes for him mix with gargoyle crowd but it turned out it was not possible. He also couldn't fly over it as that was a specialty of the gargoyles plus he couldn't even fly.

All of a sudden, his aura skills were unlocked. He clicked his tongue in annoyance when he thought of something. He had Aura Control but he had only been thinking about it vaguely. He could literally control aura, most likely his aura. 

"What if made my aura resemble that of a gargoyle? They are intelligent but not that intelligent to notice anything wrong. An aura was all he probably needed to fool them right?" Even he was not sure but there was no harm in trying. At most, he would get stomped on and die. He shook his head at this thought. Getting stomped on and dying didn't sound very appealing at all. He hadn't died before and dying that way would be insanely painful not to mention he still wasn't sure if he would even come back to life as he thought. That is unless he tried dying, and he wasn't counting on it.

He turned back and descended the hill. He had to plan everything and find a way for his aura to resemble a gargoyle's. He entered the cave again and sat down to ponder everything while munching on some meat. He looked for ways but he always reached the same end. Without a gargoyle nearby, he would not be able to replicate its aura. Zark also didn't help much. All he did was start chanting "Think! Think! Think!" like a sutra. Ethan pondered everything about aura as he learned more from the system.

[An aura means a feeling or character that a person or place seems to have. Some people believe that an aura is a type of light that surrounds people and animals. It differentiates them from others. A group of people can have similar auras based on how long they've been together but there will always be some differences which are very easy to overlook if you are not a master in auras.]

Ethan contemplated this for a 3 hours straight. He was so focused that he didn't notice the change in his surroundings or rather, what he was doing to his surroundings. A greyish white light slowly engulfed him making him mix with his surroundings almost perfectly. In a few minutes, he was nowhere to be seen and that's when he woke up from his enlightenment. Ethan's face expressed shock while his two backers congratulated him in their own way.

[Congratulations! You Gained The Ability: Master Of Auras]

Master Of Auras(Low): You are able to control aura any way you like it. It's not only limited to your aura but to others. The only limit is your level of mastery.

"Congrats kid! I underestimated you on this one. Haha!" 

"Thanks I guess." Ethan scratched his chin in elation. He was more than happy to achieve something like this. It was really unheard of but he actually did it. Not only that, he also achieved a full enlightenment for his Telekinesis affinity pushing him to level two of the book. His willpower had also obtained a massive change. He couldn't explain it but he felt a lot lighter.

The most important part, he had figured out the solution to his dilemma. Anti-aura, that's what he decided to call it. All he had to do was erase his aura while at the same, copy an aura. With his new ability, he could do that much and tweak the copied aura to fit him at the same time have a gargoyles aura. As for appearance, he didn't need to do anything. His aura would automatically portray him as a gargoyle. This was more or less, advanced camouflage but with aura.

With a confident smile, Ethan left the cage and quickly climbed the hill to analyze the situation in the settlement before commencing with his plan. He was close to levelling up to level 15 and he was certain he would achieve it by completing his mission. He had a day and some hours to go plus he had rested enough so he was full of energy to do some crazy stuff.

Ethan crossed over to the other side of the hill. He activated his aura while erasing every trace of it and copying the aura of his surroundings, at least a bit and it worked just fine. He then started jogging slowly, gradually moving to run and then started sprinting. Yellow lightning like aura instantly engulfed his legs and joints as his initial speed which was 30m/s rose to 50m/s. Cracks formed on the ground as Ethan streaked towards the edge of the island gradually building speed. When he got close to the edge he bent his body a bit and jumped.


He shot at an insane speed towards the settlement which was 30 meters from where he shot from. The yellow aura acted as thrusters and pushed him towards the settlement. He controlled his direction and landed on a huge rocky hut. He reduced the noise as much as possible but he still attracted attention. Before the situation could get bad, he manipulated his aura to start copying the aura of his surroundings, thereby gaining the aura of a gargoyle that flew close to him. He then changed it slightly while standing up. The system had done him a huge favor by teleporting close to the tower. All he needed was to cross three more settlements and he would reach the settlement. He crouched and jumped, crossing about 5 meters towards the next hut. Afterwards he run and jumped from building to building in a straight line with only a few turns and twists in between. The settlement was fairly simple as it was arranged in a straight line. After 3 hours, with a few water breaks, he reached the exit. 

Using his transport method, he sprinted towards the edge and jumped. Because of the quest, he wasn't able to abuse his abilities and explore the settlements but he would sure come back.