Chapter 4: The Truth

After driving for over an hour they had finally left the city and eventually ended up in the estate out side the city entering the estate the car kept going before finally stopping in front of an exquisite mansion getting out of the car Lorian was shocked

"Is this your house?" Lorian asked without taking his eyes of it 

"Yes it is " Tamiel replied as he got out if the car and walked towards the mansion followed by Lorian when the doors of the house suddenly opened and a man in his early forties and a golden glasses walked out the man was none other than Charles only this time he was wearing a black suit and he had a different approach and gaze in his eyes

"Welcome sir Tamiel, sir Lorian" Charles greeted in a respectful manner like a servant greeting his master 

"You have met Charles his my butler" Tamiel said introducing them 

"You have a butler" Lorian said staring at Tamiel 

'how much money do you have ' Lorian thought

"Nice to meet you Charles" Lorian greeted 

"He will help you get accustomed here if you need any thing just ask him " Tamiel said as he turned around to leave 

"Well i will need to move out of my mum's apartment and i need to get my stuffs" Lorian said

"I will arrange for your things to be brought here in a minute so you don't have to bother come with me i will show you your room" Charles said gesturing to the door as they both entered, as they entered lorian couldn't help but open his mouth in shock wnd awe the hiuse was massive on the outside and exquisitely grand on the inside it felt like he had entered a castle as he was led to the stairs and headed to the second floor there were maids and staffs busying around in the house as they all went ahead with their chores

Charles led him to a room on the second floor of the house entering the room Lorian was surprised as it was very spacious and it was more like a prince slept here it had a king size bed at the far end of the room a large cabinet was next to it a wardrobe made of fine wood and a mirror a couch was placed in the room facing the bed and a tea table was right in front the was a television hanging on the wall a door led to a cozy bathroom that had a steamer . Viewing the room Lorian was speechless and was in a daze.

"Sir Lorian you should freshen up i will have the kitchen staff cook you a meal would there be any preference" Charles asked snapping Lorian from his daze 

"No not really"Lorian replied 

"Alright i will have a made bring you some clothes and soap" Charles said as he turned around and left, not long after he left a young maid came in with the clothes and soap which were both very expensive. After he finished bathing and dressing he went downstairs and was meet with a large amount of food all of which smelled delicious sitting at the table he immediately dug in as he ate hungrily and quickly like it was all going to disappear in the next second if he didn't eat on time Lorian had been brought up in a poor environment where they had to manage their food and he had never eaten to his full before after he finished he bulped to prove he was satisfied turning to leave he found Charles looking at him with a smile on his face 

"Sorry" Lorian said

"You don't need to apologize sir Lorian.... anyway master Tamiel has asked to meet you in his study follow me" Charles said as he led Lorian through the corridors and corners and into a large study filled with books in every area 

"How are you coping hope you are satisfied" Tamiel asked as he raised his head from the book he was with 

"I am thank you and i also have a lot of questions" Lorian replied sharply 

"I know that's why i called you here you can ask away "Tamiel replied with a serious face as he signaled for Charles to leave them 

"If you are very wealthy why didn't you come to me and my mother's aid all these years and with the kind of money you have we would have been able to send her to better hospital for better treatment and my mum wouldn't have died you could have saved her "Lorian said as his eyes became teary 

"Hmm i didn't expect that question. Lorian even if i had helped your mum would have still died because what happened to her wasn't a human disease but a spiritual curse no one could save her not in the human world" Tamiel said 

"What do you mean by not in the human world" Lorian asked looking at the strange expression on Tamiel's face.

"Your mum could not have been cured by humans and if she had really seeked help from the other races then her secret would have been revealed and that was also the reason i didn't interfare for your safety and for the safety of the secret" Tamiel replied his serious expression becoming more stern 

"What do you mean i dont understand what you are saying what secret " Lorian asked with a confused expression

"You Lorian are the forbidden child of the Demon prince "Tamiel replied in a straight voice