Chapter 5: The half blood Demon

"Hahahaha, is that meant to be a wicked joke or a funny one you couldn't help because i am the child of a Demon king or prince whatever you just said was that supposed to be funny huh" Lorian yelled losing control of his emotions

"Lorian you need to listen to me " 

"No you listen to me" Lorian said cutting Tamiel off "I hate lies yes you are wealthy and yes you didn't help cause you where too selfish so there isn't any need to lie about it and you couldn't even find a more suitable lie instead you tell a story that is only seen in movies and you even go ahead to call me a demon " Lorian stared at Tamiel with an annoyed expression 

"This isn't about me been selfish or my wealth it is about your origin my origin your father's origin" Tamiel said calmly he knew the boy wouldn't react well to the truth but he has no choice than to listen and understand the situation

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense demon talk" Lorian sneered as he turned around and headed for the door but as his hands where reaching for it he saw a dark presense in front of him the man's face was covered with black patterns as his eyes where like a black bottomless pit staring into them would send fear creeping into one's body his hands where like claws that would rip a person apart with one swing the once peaceful room became an oven for darkness as a dark mist sipped out of the man's body his presence made Lorian frightened as his entire body began to figet 

Lorian tried speaking but nothing came out not even the slightest sound was heard he wanted to scream he wanted to yell he was screaming loudly in his head but no sound was made he tried to warn Tamiel about this demon that suddenly appeared 

'Demon' he thought 'the irony in this, i just fought with him because of this word and now there is one in front of me'. Still in a daze Lorian noticed the markings on the man's face had started to disappear and his face was looking more human also the dark presense and the fear where all retracting after a while the markings where all gone and the darkness had retracted and in the middle a handsome face stared at Lorian. Regaining his voice Lorian could only say one word


"W-wh what are y-you" Lorian said as he tried to get over the shock of what he had just seen

"Like i said before a Demon" Tamiel whispered into his ears sending chills down his spine

"None of this is meant to be real Demons can't exist they are just fantasies or nightmares to scare people "Lorian argued unable to agree to the fact 

"Ouch" Tamiel said clutching his chest

"Then how do you explain what you just saw afterall you can't say you didn't witness it" Tamiel replied walking back to his seat as he sat down and crossed his legs looking calm and composed like nothing serious had happened which in turn made Lorian to suspect that he had just tried to scare him to prove his point making him more furious

"You asshole you must have done something to your face to make me believe your stupid lies about demons gosh you are utterly despicable" Lorian yelled the more he thought of this the more he believed his theory and the more furious he got at Tamiel 

"Oh really so you are suggesting that i wore a scary mask and tried to scare you into believing that Demons are real right" Tamiel said with a wicked grin 

"Yes why else would your face look so scary"

Lorian asked pointing a finger at Tamiel obviously not buying his story

"Okay you don't still believe right, well it's okay just take everything i said as a lie you can go to your room" Tamiel said burying his head back into his books not been bothered about Lorian anymore. With disbelief plastered to his face Lorian turned and walked out but this time he carefully and gently reached out to the door knob before turning it and opening the door out of fear that Tamiel might scare him again walking out of the study he passed Charles on the way as his gaze was lowered he couldn't help but recall what his mother said before she died and what he had just heard now they both had some similarities and besides Tamiel wasn't there when his mother said those things so how could he possibly just blurt out something similar he tried to rule it out as a coincidence but something in him told him that what they had said was the truth but he still disagreed with his beliefs he couldn't bring himself to think like that after all those things aren't real they only exist in movies and books they aren't real

Inside the study Charles had just passed Lorian on his way back he had heard their discussion and knew that it didn't go as planned the void look in Lorians eyes gave him the information he needed to know that Tamiel wasn't kind with his approach he had entered the study and found Tamiel staring out of the window with a distant gaze lost in his stream of thoughts hearing the approaching footsteps Tamiel immediately withdrew his gaze turning it to Charles who at this point was standing in front of his desk with his hands behind his back 

"I see that your revelation didn't go so well" Charles said still maintaining his posture 

"Do you need me to give it a try" Charles asked pushing his glas frame up his nose bridge. "Ahh, no i will take care of it" Tamiel said with a sigh he had expected this outcome an was preparing a new way to break the news to Lorian afterall no one will willingly accept that they are of a Demon race after living all their lives as humans