Chapter 6: Kill him Off

"He needs to realize the truth and know his origin" Tamiel said 

"He needs time" Charles replied 

"Time is what we don't have he is off age the dark aura in him will soon become restless and once that happens the seal will be shattered and then they will all come after him Aurora isn't alive anymore so the Celestials will definitely attack the Demons will also attack i can't protect him from all their forces so he needs to know his origins and accept it on time if not he is dead" Tamiel retorted looking restless the Demon race and the Celestials wanted Lorian dead cause he is a threat to both party and once they knew he was alive they were definitely going to come after him and the only way he could protect himself was to first accept the fact that he was a Demon and to release the dark aura in him and grow stronger if not he was going to be killed by them 

"You can't rush him afterall there is a seal on him forcing his aura out will only make it worse and can even destroy him" Charles replied

"Fine he needs to understand fast" Tamiel said rubbing his forehead

In a deserted environment in the Demon realm known as the seventh underworld only Demons with a high rank could survive in this underworld as it was linked to purgatory home of damned souls and also home to the Demon king a man with a long hair an iron gloves was headed towards a dark castle the man was short with broad shoulders his jet black hair swayed from left to right with every step he took his frown would make anyone flinch away from him and he didn't seem like the type to smile from afar the castle he was headed to looked like a haunted house the place seemed void of no one as the man strode on the black sand the sky was as red as blood with a little orange hue hovering along.

On getting to the door of the castle the man pushed it open with both hands and most of his strength as a loud creak echoed throughout the entire castle stepping into the castle the man walked up to the throne that was placed in the middle of the room and sat down majestically looking like a fierce beast above the throne there was a circular mirror hanging above staring directly into the mirror the man finally spoke

"My king it worked the boy is alive the dark energy in him has become restless and is already manifesting but there is a seal preventing the dark aura from sprouting as we speak he is but a new demon void of full darkness and he doesn't have control over it yet" the man spoke in a deafening voice.

"Hhaaa" a voice resounded throughout the castle as the mirror was changed and a darkness like no other engulfed it from inside out the darkness seeped out of the mirror and darkened the already dark castle as nothing could be seen again suddenly a red eyes stared back at the man causing him to immediately fall from the throne to his knees 

and bow before the Demon king 

"Demon king please give me your orders!!!!" the man said in the most respectful voice

"Zarien kill the boy before the seal is broken completely " the Demon king said in a thunderous voice that resounded though the castle and out of the castle 

"Yes my king " Zarien replied with his head still bowed he didn't dare to act recklessly in the presence of the Demon king it wasn't until the Demon king retracted his aura and left that Zarien got off hus knees and left going to prepare to carry out the Demon king's order and kill the forbidden child 

Back at the mansion Lorian was so pissed that he decided to take a walk outside so he walked out of the house and headed towards the lake besides the house but he had to pass through the forest to get there, the piece of land surrounding the mansion all belomged to Tamiel and the house itself was hidden in the woods it was surrounded by trees and towards the end of the forest there was a beautiful lake there and that was his destination, it was a short distance to the water but when he finally got there it was around dusk as the sun had started to set the view was beautiful and the silence brought peace as he remembered his mom her beautiful silver hair her always peaceful expression her beautiful smile he remembered every detail of his mom it was peaceful but his peace was soon disturbed as a wood snapped bringing him back to reality

Following the sound Lorian saw a maid coming out of the bushes holding a basket of flowers as her gaze was met with his she was about five years old Lorian wondered how the girl ended up being a servant in Tamiel's house

"Young master i didn't see you there i am sorry if i disturbed your peace" the girl said bowing and lowering her gaze 

"You don't have to apologize and i am no ones master" Lorian replied

"I will get going now" she replied as she turned to leave 

"What are the flowers for " Lorian asked stopping her with his question 

"I use them to make paints and decorate the house my lord" she replied lowering her gaze 

"You know i have a name right" he said feeling weird about been called master by a young girl

"Yes i know" she said in a low voice 

"Well it is getting dark so i would follow you back so i don't get lost" Lorian said as he walked towards her "lets go" he said as he picked a flower from her basket and sniffed it inhaling its fragrance before tucking it behind her ears her beautiful green eyes shone bright

as her blonde hair flew with the wind holding onto her hands Lorian walked with her as they made their way towards the house