Chapter 7: Screecher

"Where is Lorian?" Tamiel asked as he descended the stairs he had just gone to Lorian's room to speak to him but Lorian wasn't there 

"I believe the Young master must have gone to the lake" Charles replied pushing his frame onto his nose bridge 

"Alone" Tamiel asked becoming anxious

"I will go escort the Young master back" Charles said noticing the anxiety on Tamiel's face as his figure flickered immediately disappearing into thin air 

"Alright i will be at the dining table" Tamiel said before walking away and heading to the dining

"So why are you are servant at the mansion" Lorian asked holding onto her hands as she lead the way 

"My mum works here and lord Tamiel pays her and he also cares for me so i help out in decorating of the castle with flowers"the girl said smiling from ear to ear 

"Don't you go to school?" Lorian asked staring at the happy smile on her face 

"I am home schooled my mum home schools me in her free time" she replied

"Ahh, well what's your name" Lorian asked as he stumbled and fell as he tried to get up

"Wow look it's an eagle" the girl exclaimed pointing towards the sky with an amazed expression

"Hmm that is to big to be an eagle way to big" Lorian exclaimed looking stunned as he noticed that the bird was flying straight at them without signs of stopping as it opened it's mouth releasing an ear piercing screech echoing throughput the forest 

"It's a dragon run Young master" the girl yelled as she held onto Lorian's hands and dashing forward in the direction of the mansion but before the mansion could come into view the bird had already gotten to them stretching it's claws it pierced the little girl in the back and lifted her foot of the ground before throwing her body onto the ground and taking flight putting distance between itself and the ground 

Seeing the girl's body laying on the ground motionless Lorian ran up to her picked her light body in his arms as he felt her chest move up and down indicating her still been alive at this time the bird suddenly turned around and shot out towards Lorian and the girl noticing that the bird was still attacking and not wanting to be attacked Lorian immediately backed her and got up and started running towards the mansion and at the same time towards the bird and as if something had awoken inside him his speed increased as he shot out towards the bird and once he was close he went down on his knees and slid under the birds wngs before getting up and running. Seeing as it wasn't able to attack its prey the bird turned and kept pursuit of Lorian letting out an ear piercing screech again as it's speed increased shooting out towards Lorian. At this time Charles appeared

 ahead of Lorian staring intently as the boy ran towards him at full speed 

'it seems like the seal has shattered his dark energy is sipping out faster once the seal is completely shattered his dark energy would increase drastically hmm his speed is terrifying for someone who has little energy' Charles thought his eyes glued to Lorian

"Charles run this bird is dangerous" Lorian warned Charles as he appoached, shifting his gaze to the creature pursuing them Charles gaze darkened as he reached out and grabbed Lorian's shoulder as his hand turned round releasing an orange dust as a sword appeared in his hands and with one swing the bird was sliced in half as it's corpse fell to the ground sliding to Charles feet 

Seeing how easily Charles killed this beast Lorian was shocked as he stared at the gentle face of the man beside him never in his life would he have thought that Charles would easily kill the beast without even batting an eye 

"We need to head back to the mansion Young master" Charles said with a straight face like he hadn't done anything

"H- how were you able to do that" Lorian asked looking strangely at Charles

"Like Master Tamiel said before 'Demons' let's go i will lead you back to the mansion" Charles replied as he turned around and walked back calmly unfazed by what just happened

'are these people serious they keep calling themselves Demons like it's nothing much ' Lorian mind wondered off forgetting a detail

 "remember you are carrying an injured girl she needs to be treated soon if you do not hurry she might not survive" Charles said noticing Lorian been hesitant to follow him. 

"Mmph" coming back from his stream of thoughts Lorian shrieked as he stood up and ran after Charles following him back to the mansion.

Getting back to the mansion they met Tamiel standing at the front of the mansion along with some servants staring at them as his gaze moved from Charles to Lorian and then the girl he was carrying as his gaze became strong anger evident in his eyes. Lorian had not seen Tamiel angry before and his gaze frightened him.

"What happened?" Tamiel asked in a stern voice staring deep into Lorian eyes, Lorian felt uncomfortable as Tamiel stared at him he was scared to death by the look and he felt like running but for some reason his legs wasn't obeying him 

"Uhh umm some kind of bird attacked us and nearly killed us"Lorian answered

"A bird?" Tamiel asked taking a step towards Lorian intimidating him more 

"Hmm what the Young master meant was that a Screecher attacked them "Charles said as he pushed his glasses frame up his nose 

"Screecher" Tamiel asked looking at Charles with a confused expression 

"Yes a Screecher" Charles said walking closer to Lorian as he streched his hands towards the girl laying on his back

"I would take her to the house doctor for treatment" Charles said as he lifted her off Lorian's back and walked towards to the house stopping besides Tamiel and whispering something into his ears as Tamiel's expression changed from anger to surprise.

"Hmm come with me" Tamiel said leading Lorian into the house.