Chapter 9: Dark aura

After finishing dinner Lorian was escorted back to his room by Charles and on the way he asked about the wounded girl and Charles told him that the girl was recovering and would get better after three days of rest

After returning to his room Lorian had a bath and slept on the comfortable king sized bed 

Lorian slept like a baby all through the night he had never been more comfortable in his life as he was woken up by a knock on the door with Charles voice echoed in the room

"Young master you need to wake up and get ready breakfast would be served shortly "Charles stated before leaving, Lorian who was feeling reluctant to get out off bed immediately jolted awake when he heard breakfast was going to be served soon getting out of bed he had his bath and went down for breakfast, Tamiel was already seated while Charles stood beside him when Lorian walked up to the table and took his seat as a maid served tthem their breakfast 

Lorian had some questions to ask Tamiel but he couldn't ask them in front of the maids, sensing Lorian's intension Tamiel smile as he picked up his fork and made a gesture towards Lorian

"You can say what you want to they won't be bothered by it" Tamiel said noticing that Lorian was hesitating to ask his questions because of the maids.


Looking around the room Lorian found out that the maids weren't paying attention to them as they carried on with their duties unknowing to him that Tamiel was able to control their minds and cause them not to hear what was been said

"Last night you said there is a seal preventing me from using my dark aura and i only have little dark aura seeping out and that i shouldn't try to destroy the seal so the races wouldn't attack me but if i don't have enough dark aura how would i become stronger and besides it not like the rest races wouldn't even attack me with or without the seal broken so why don't i just destroy it" Lorian asked 

"You can't destroy the seal yet because you aren't strong enough to handle the brunt of the forces yet but you will become stronger i and Charles will train you to be able to use and manage your dark aura so you wouldn't exhaust yourself in a dire situation you will need it cause niw they know you are alive" Tamiel said with a serious expression the Demons had already sent a Screecher after him meaning they already knew he was alive so they weren't going to stop coming after him and now he was just a new demon who hadn't even come into his abilities he would need time to hourne his abilities and be able to use it well and time is what they didn't have

"You should take the day to get ready we would begin training this evening Charles would bring you what you will need "Tamiel said watching Lorian's happy expression

"Wait if you are my uncle then you are also a demon prince right and is there are Demon queen also" Lorian asked with a thoughtful expression as he wondered about it 

"Yes i am also a Demon prince but i wasn't like your father your father was the main Demon prince i was just the Demon king's son" Tamiel said with with a sullen expression

"And there is no Demon queen there never was a colossal being like the Demon king doesn't need to mate to bear children" 

"He would simply make one" Tamiel said 

"So my father was made together with you" Lorian asked suprised by the shocking news 

"Yes we both where " Tamiel replied

"Where do Demons stay I know that you are here but do all Demons live amongst humans" Lorian asked as he became alarmed

"Some Demons do live amongst humans and hold reputable position in government and business but just a few most Demons prefer to stay in the Demon realm where they could be free" Tamiel replied "listen if you have any question you could ask some other time i have a busy schedule and there are things i need to take care of so get on with your day training by six o clock this evening" Tamiel said as he got up and left the dining room leaving Lorian to finish his meal again

At the eerie Castle in the seventh underworld Zarien sat on the throne as he thought of what had happened recently, he had sent a Screecher to kill the forbidden child but the Screecher died without completing the mission he wondered if it was Lorian who killed it if that was the case then he had underestimated the other party strength. Or maybe they was someone aiding him but who would help the forbidden child afterall every race hates him except for the less intelligent races (humans) and even if the humans got involved there is no way they could easily kill a Screecher so someone must be helping him and the person was either a Demon or a Celestial either way he would make sure the boy dies 

"Seems like i would have to deploy a stronger force and use a better one " Zarien said as he stood up and walked out of the castle leaving the darkness 

' this time i won't fail i will make use of every means to get rid of the threat for the Demon king maybe then he would reward me with the powers of wrath killing the Prince child would be a way for me to get revenge on his father for what he did to me i couldn't be more glad maybe this time i would make use of Count Vale and his house of vampires' Zarien thought as he left the castle planning his next move