Chapter 10 : Training

That evening Lorian walked towards the lake to meet up with Tamiel who was going to train him to fight so he would be able to defend himself. Getting to lake Lorian saw Tamiel standing at the river bed watching the water he had a peaceful look on his face

and he looked more enchanting and beautiful was this how charming a Demon can be ?

"Haha charming is a strong word" Tamiel suddenly spoke as he turned to look in the direction where Lorian was

"What did you know what i was thinking" Lorian asked staring at Tamiel with a stunned expression

"A special ability of ours " Tamiel replied as he turned back and continued to watch the waters

"Can every Demon do it ?" Lorian asked

"Come on we are Demons we are all the same in ability all that differentiates us is our species,bloodline,age because these three things determines the amount of dark aura we would be able to use and disperse the stronger you have this three the stronger you will be" Tamiel said with a smile as he watched the waters

"So what specie of demon am i "Lorian asked

"We are among the highest species and bloodline in the demon race the immortal species and with age we become more stronger " Tamiel replied staring at Lorian

"Now back to our purpose for been here"

"Right training" Lorian replied as his focus was shifted back to training if he wanted to survive he needed to be strong and he could only become strong by training and fighting hard to survive at this point Lorian made a goal in his heart

[Goal 1 : i would make sure to train hard and survive my predicament no matter what i will gain strength]

"Here hold this" Lorian was pulled back from his thoughts as he saw a flat crystal in front of him ,Tamiel was handing him the crystal

"What is this "Lorian asked as he collected the crystal from him inspecting the weird looking stone

"It is a treasure it can provide the details of ones strength just your palm on it "Tamiel replied as he stood behind Lorian, Placing his palm on the flat surface of the crystal as Tamiel said Lorian waited for any changes but nothing happened

"What is suppo~"


Lorian hadn't finished speaking when a soft sound echoed around them and a transparent screen beamed out of the crystal Lorian was shocked as he stared at the screen there where words on it and his name was the first thing that was indicated there, staring at the screen Tamiel couldn't help but sigh

"Humph, just as i thought you have nothing "

Name : Lorian Starbreaker

Age : 17years

Bloodline : half Immortal Demon

Specie. : Pure demon

Strength - 4

Speed - 7

Stamina - 5

Dark aura - 0

"Your strength is pathetic your speed is the only thing that is good your stamina is also rubbish now i know why you didn't know you where a demon with this weak body of yours pff" Tamiel said as he stared at the screen his expression unreadable

"I can still improve that's why am training" Lorian said his face contouring in displeasure as he stared at Tamiel

"You have no dark aura "

'even with the crack on the seal he still can't release his aura this is very troublesome' Tamiel thought as he stared at his nephew who seemed to have a sad expression realizing what he had just said Tamiel quickly changed it

"We can work on it later what we need to focus on now is your strength you need to learn to hit hard" Tamiel said with a smile

"And i am going to teach you how you will need something to hit but this time not punching bags something harder and stronger trees" Tamiel said

"Won't that cause me pain" Lorian asked punching a tree was no easy task at all it needed pure strength and Lorian lacked it

"There is no easy way in life one will always feel pain you need to learn to use that pain to make profit "Tamiel said as he walked towards a tree and punched it directly breaking the tree from the point of impact sending the broken part of the tree flying as it crashed to the ground suprising Lorian the strength needed to pull that off was massive punching a tree and causing it damage alone was a task that needed a formidable amount of strength but now the strength displayed by Tamiel was not just formidable it was shocking

"Hope you paid close attention to what i did cause thhat is what i want you to achieve when you punch now go give it a try " Tamiel said as he walked back to Lorian's side

"I-i can't achieve that feet " Lorian replied as he stared at the tree trunk

"Then you keep hitting it until you can achieve it" Tamiel said as he stared at Lorian who gathered himself and walked towards the tree.

Calming himself down Lorian decided to do it afterall if Tamiel could do it then so could he afterall they were both demons but then he thought of his strength which was just at four according to the crystal that Tamiel gave him he then wondered what Tamiel's strength was to be able to achieve that feet at least his strength should be at a hundred right or maybe more thinking of this Lorian felt disheartened but then decided to first give it a try afterall je wasn't going to achieve anything by gauging other people's strength with his he needed to be his own person.

Steadying himself Lorian straighten himself as he hit the tree with all his might


A cracking sound echoed throughout the place suprising Tamiel as he wondered

'was he able to create a crack in the tree with his punch' Tamiel thought as he stared at Lorian who seemed to stand in place without moving nor making a sound