Chapter 11: Pain


A loud scream echoed in the woods disturbing the once silent environment


Tamiel sighed as ge walked up to Lorian who kept quivering with his hands held up, his fingers were injured and his pinky finger was broken bent and twisted as it pointed towards the left his hands ached badly

"Let me help you" Tamiel said as he held Lorian's broken finger and twisted it back in place rejoining the bones

"Ouch!! Why did you do that" Lorian yelled feeling the pang of pain from the finger as it ached him badly making him squeeze his face in pain from it trying to control his raging nerves

"It's fixed now keep punching "Tamiel replied with a mocking smile angering Lorian even more as he sneered and turned back facing the tree as he continued to hit the tree with all his might but his might wasn't really full as this time he wasn't hitting it really hard out of fear for his hands because he didn't want to break his hand


After what seemed like a thousand punches

Lorian still hadn't been able to cause even a crack on the tree, watching him try to break the tree Tamiel felt annoyed by it

"Seriously you can't even deliver a good hit you have been at it for a long time" he said as he walked up to Lorian who was already panting from fatigue

"Alright, let's say the demon king is right in front of you and you are to hit him once how would you hit him like that woth these weak hands of yours you can't even land a critical hit on a tree how would you land one on the king of demons "Tamiel said as he stared at Lorian his face squeezing into a disappointed frown as he eyed Lorian, feeling the pressure if Tamiel's stare Lorian became nervous what if Tamiel decided to not care about him again because he couldn't even build his strength feeling the impact of his imagination Lorian became more nervous at the thought

"You can't even use your aura you are basically useless without it and yet you don't even have the physical attributes to match for the demon king you are basically a piece of meat on a chopping board extremely weak" Tamiel stated vexing Lorian

"Your father died for your sake!! your mother dued for your sake so you could live!! and yet you are too weak to even throw a punch you are too weak to keep on living your father sacrificed himself for nothing cause you are too weak to even touch a hair of the demon king " Tamiel yelled causing Lorian face to contour in anger as his eyes beamed

with deadly intent

"Y-you d don't ...."Lorian said as his voice craked

"I don't what, are you angry are you vexed, sad, disappointed about all this , about being weak do you feel pain does it hurt badly cause the demon king is still in front of you so use your anger the pain you feel your hatred for him and hit him wih everything you've got hit him hard" Tamiel said as Lorian faced the tree and threw a terrifying punch releasing all his anger, hatred and deadly intent and all the pain he was feeling into the punch as he hit the tree with everything he had



There was a loud bang as Lorian's fist hit the tree unlike Tamiel's punch that broke the tree in half Lorian's punch instantly shattered the tree from its trunk as pieces of wood flew everywhere

"Argh" Lorian winced as he felt his hands twist shocked at what just happened Tamiel stared blankly at the scene with his mouth agaped

"Now that is the strength that i want you to display you will become strong" Tamiel said as he approached Lorian who's jands where already shaking as blood dripped from his hands

"Move to the next tree this time hit harder with both hands and with anger to match "Tamiel said as he looked at Lorian who didn't refute and just moved on to the next tree and continued to hit it but this time he only needed three punches to completely destroy the tree


Lorian destroyed a total of ten trees that night before passing out as his flesh had become mangled and torn his hands a grotesque sight of flesh an blood his bones completely pressed and twisted as blood kept seeping out of his wounds


Waking up the next morning Lorian found himself in his room as he stared directly at the ceiling feeling weak everywhere. Raising his head of the pillow Lorian was in a daze as he stared directly at his hands which was wrapped in bandages he hadn't expected that a simple training section would turn out to cause his hands to be in an awful and painful state he remembered hitting the trees with so much strength .

Raising his hands off the bed Lorian kept staring at them confused at the unexplainable feeling in his wrist as he folded them into fist he felt a sharp pain come from them making him wince as he kept enduring it

"You shouldn't put much strain in your hands for at least two days " Charles said as he walked towards the bed with a gentle smile

"Oh yeah I won't" Lorian replied as he looked at Charles who for a butler seemed more magnificent and charming than anyone he had seen

"I would need to change your bandages so have your bath and come downstairs for breakfast" Charles said as he rolled off the bandages on Lorian's wrist before leaving the room allowing him to prepare