Prologue -

"In this solemn moment, as the heavy shroud of destiny descends upon us, my father's words cut through the air with a force belied by the years that have aged him. 'Now, this is your legacy, our legacy, My king!' he proclaims, his voice infused with pride born of hard-won victories, a testament to the battles he's waged and conquered.

I stand there, side by side with my brother, my head bowed beneath the weight of gleaming armor. He possesses a stature of elegance, his frame tall and lithe, his skin an unblemished canvas of perfection. A flawless representation of royalty. In contrast, my existence is etched with the scars of a turbulent past, a muscled form adorned with the marks of my battles, both seen and unseen.

From the earliest days of our shared existence, we have been subjected to relentless comparisons, some extolling his virtues while others decried my very essence. They anticipated our inevitable division, but they knew nothing of our unspoken bond. He was the beloved, and I, the scorned. The sole distinction between us lies in his capacity to care, a trait I've long forsaken. They deem me a monster, and now, in this dark hour, it is time to validate their fears.

Yet, an unsettling truth lingers an elusive presence that stirs unease in the depths of my soul. I sense it in the marrow of my bones and taste it upon the evening breeze, just as I did in those days of yore.