The Day of the Incident [First concept]

"Is it better?" He ask to the small child with tablet on his hand connected to the child neck.

She try her voice sounding a bit fuzzy at first as it getting clearer each time.

"Thanks Dad" she recrite her thank while the men unplug the wiyer from her neck.

"Go to your twin okay.. Don't forget to not leave the building while the two of you playing"

She nodded with a smile as she hurriedly scaddel from the room.

A breath of relieve let out from the men, holding his head with many thought running in his mind.

When the noise from the outside protesters caught his attention, holding sign and shouting in union "Stop Project Atlas!!" at the company gates.

The worried look only grow larger as winkle form in his face.

Is there a way to stop this? I had lost the trust of both country. If nothing were done war soon will broke out and everything I work for will be gone.

Leaning his back again the chair he spin it around trying to squeeze out an asnwer to his problem.

Mind full of thought make him unaware of just how fast he is spinning. Until at one point his glasses fly off follow by grasp.

Only then he stop.

Luckily the glasses has land safely on the table without any damages.

Reaching out to his glasses, his attention diverted when he saw the family photo not to far from where his glasses landed.

His eyes grew narrow to the family photo.

Quietly he whisper "Maybe.... at the very least I could save them"


"Where is she?"

Laughter can be heard not to far away from where she standing.

"There she is" She approach the kid who is playing with the vacuum cleaner.

The child laugh and giggles as the vacuum cleaner try to suck her feet.

"You can't do that my feet is too big"

When, the sound of footstep make the child turn around and the two look at each other.

They both looking identical, with only the hair and eyes colour being the main different.

"Yo, how is your voice?"

"Better after dad fix it a moment ago"

The child try to hold her laugh at the thought of how her twin voice use to be.

She pointed at the child annoyingly "I know what you thingking, stop it"

"Alright, alright let's get back to playing. It's your turn to seek"

The child give a confuse look "I was the seeker last times, it should be your turn"

"No it's your turn!!"

Stare down each other, both doesn't want to give up until at some point one of them sigh.

"Are were really going to argue about this?"

The other child also drop her act "... No.. Fine! I'll be the seeker. Go hide somewhere I only will count to ten"

Turning around and closing her eyes she begin counting while the other hurriedly run looking for a place to hide.

"This should be fine place to hide"

She settle on hiding behind the trash bin.

"Nine. Ten. Come out, come out where ever you are"

No one is around as she observing the serounding.

"Where could she possibly be hiding?"

Walking around, looking left to right searching for her twin.

Suddenly, the sound of metal scrash caught her ear. Turning around she looks for the source of the sound.

Hiding behind the thrash bin she is holding her mouth.

Watching the serounding closely something finally caught her attention. A yellowish hair on the floor behind the trash bin.

A devious smile quick to form on her face.

On the other side, holding to her mouth, she wonder why her twin taking so long to find her.

Her eyes move to the left when a scary face appear, making the child jump and fall to the floor.

Follow by laughing a drop of tear coming from her eyes.

"I found you sis!!... Oh, oh you should has seen what your face look like"

The child face turn sour still on the floor "Hey... That not funny!!.. What if I did that to you?"

"It plenty funny"

The child start to cry.

"Why are you crying? I was just making a joke!"

That didn't stop the cause. Letting out a sigh the child apologise and suggest they goes to the flower garden at the heart of the company building.

Her mood change fast hearing her twin suggestion.

"You are such a cry baby"

Holding hand together they makes their way to the flower garden but for some reason the robot working there start passing them in hurried.

"I wonder where they going?"

As they arrive the door automatically open for them.

Their eyes were widen as they enter the flower garden looking so majestic and spectacular.

The vibrant colour of all the blooming flower, a hint of smell from various flowers that remind them of fine made perfume fill them with joys and exctiment.

Pulling her twin hand she take a closer look at the many flowers.

"Look how many flower there are " her eyes is glitering with exctiment.

"Yeah right".

Suddenly she face her twin, yanking both of her hand.

"Sis, let's make flower crown!!"

She didn't answer her twin request for a moment because things like this isn't to her liking but since her twin already jumping with so much joy she doesn't want to ruin the moment.

At the end she agree to it.

"Lets make one for mom and dad too!!"

She nodded and they both split up to collect the flowers for the crown.

The flower garden is full to the brick with all kind of flowers to the point it start growing on the wall.

The one who taking care of this garden must have put much love to it.

Too bad were are here to destroy it.

After picking the flowers they both sit in the middle of the garden and start make the flower crown.

Time passes by fast, when they finish the sun is already setting.

Infront of them is four flowers crown with much leftover. It look like they had pickup way to much but they choose to set that aside and focuses on the crown.

One pick up the crown and put it on her twin.

Crown made from Rose match the colour of her eyes and personality.

"This suit you really well sister"

As she was being appraise she took one of the flower crown and put it on her twin head.

"I think this one fit you perfectly"

Crown made of blue periwinkle. The flower match her light blue colour.

Praising each other on their looks make them blush with smile.

When, a distance shout can be heard by the two.

"Nyuro!!..... Auro!! Where are you two my kids!?!"

Dad is calling out to them but they had other plan.

Staying silence in the garden, Auro wispear to the ear of her twin.

"Hey, lets do a prank on dad"

"What?! I don't think that is a good idea" she wisper back.

"Oh, come on.... I did the thing you like to do. So for once let do the thing I like to do"

Nyuro is unsure but after a bit more persuasive she agree.

"Only this once okay"


"Wait, how about the crowns?"

"We will get it later. Let's go, before dad found us"

They both sneak out from the garden without being notice by their dad.

Entering their dad office. Auro climb the back of Nyuro with a bucket of water in her hand.

"How much longer?" ask Nyuro who struggling to hold the weight of her twin and the water bucket.

"Just a moment... and.. Done"

She get off her back.

"Hide quickly, I could heard the sound of footstep coming closer"

Hiding behind their father desk they wait patiently.

Auro is shaking with joy while Nyuro think of a way to apologise for theur action.


The sound of water bucket fell down as the door to the room being open.

She jump out with smile on her face but went she speak her tone suddenly changes.

"Hah!! I got you daddd?"

Looking at her twin weird expression, Nyuro also stand up to see what she was looking at.

"Who are you?"

It is not their dad, an unknown person wearing black suit and face cover with mask.

"I found the childs"

Another two men enter the room.

The twin look at each other in worried.

A minute later they were being carry out from the room.

Auro cursing at the persons, telling them to let her go while Nyuro try to get out from the men grib.

Where is them being taken too?

Not to far from there, dad is hiding behind the pillar.

Seeing the two being taken away he took a breath in before confronting the enemy.

Sneaking slowly not to make them alert.

Each step make him closer. Until he reaches close enough he struck the head of one of the men with the trash bin, knocking him cold.

Suprising both the twin and alerting the other two who carrying them.

Picking up the knock men weapon, he shot them on the head before they can reach out to their weapon.

The two men fall to ground creating a puddle of blood.

With the two men dead the twin are free and run toward their dad.

Crying and sobbing on their father arms.

He comfort them before picking both of them up, carryung the two on his arm

"Let's get out from here shall we"

Meanwhile, outside the company building.

Multiple car show up bringing 40 to 50 people.

One start hacking into the company security system and lock the escape ways.

"Dad watch out!!" shout Auro.

He look up before taking a step backward from the closing barricate. The way infront of them is close.

Shit they had hack into the security system.

He turn around but that way also being close.

The only ways is to go through the flower garden.

Running on the field, both of the crown the twin wear fall to the grass floor.

From a distance the crown they left has been step on and destroy.

Out from the garden he look around while gasping for air.

This way also being block.

A moment later the way to the flower garden also got close. Locking them three with no escape way.

We stuck!! The men panic.

In the midst of panic the twin on his arm look at his face.

His vision is quite distorted because of the sudden run.

This when he look at his children faces, scared and worried is all wroten on their faces clearly.

"Don't worry okay, I will get us out from here"

He look around the place while simultaneously thinking of a plan.

His eyes narrow down to the air vent.

"Yeah that it!!"

Running toward the air vent he open the vent door.

The air vent is small, adult definitely won't fit but kid will.

"Wait dad what are you doing!?!"

He push the two child inside before closing the vent door.

"This is the only ways for you two to escape"

The two hand is on the vent door as they look at their father on the other side.

"But dad you!"

"I'm sorry!...I'm sorry that I unable to be a better dad.... I'm sorry I couldn't spend much time with you and your mom... I'm sorry"

The scene of their father break down only make them wanting to cry as their small hand on the vent door.

The men wipes his tears.

"Run away, don't let them catch you no matter what!! Go to your mother she will surely know what to do. Now go! Go!!"

He pick up the weapon turning his back again them.

"Dad if you don't get out you will be kill!!" shout Auro as she shaking the vent door violently trying to get it to open.

A smile is on his face as he look at his children, the water building up on their eyes can exploded any given moments.

"It's a job of a father to protect its family. Even if we are not born the same, the bond that we had is always connected. I love you my childs... Always"

He turn forward looking as determine as ever, as the barried infront of him getting lifted.

"I'll slow them down. Take that time to escape. If you two got capture I fail my duty as a father to protect my family."

Tears running wild on Nyuro face also the same for Auro but she wipe it off.

It a hard decision but it a decision that need to be make.

Pulling her sister arm, they know what they must do.

As fast as they can, they crawl thought the small maze of air vent.

In that mean time he is hiding behind the pillar.

Crouching silencely as the enemy appoching his position.

On his pocket he pull out a device.

"I been saving this for this exact moments" He wisper quietly before pushing the button.

Red warning sign and a 5 minutes timer appear all over the building.

The white light turn red, gliming as a sign of warning.

While the men in suit getting distracted he make his first move.

Pew, pew.

He shoot two men dead, alerting the others making them firing back.

He crouch down embracing of what about to happend.

The first minute passes the timer and small explosion took place, destroying the glass and shaking the building.

The air vent shakes but the twin didn't stop.

At the midst of chaos he start firing back at them.

Just a little longer.

The explosion of debris and glass shard make the men in suit uncoordinated, they start taking cover.

He shoot at the people who still try to catch up on what happening.

Another minutes passes, an explosion destroy the ceiling of the roof on the floor that they currently in. Falling on the enemy and crushing them.

He almost run out bullet at this point.

Just a little bit longer. He look at the timer, running down.

Letting his guard down for a moment. He got his hand shoot.

He return fire and kill him.

The time is running down quick. He pick up the stone to throw at them.

One of the men is suit manage to reach him and tackle him down to the ground.

Then start to choke him.

Unable to get out he reach his hand for the glass shard and stab it to the person neck.

Blood spray to his faces as he push the men aside taking his weapon.

The child manage to reach outside but got stuck on the vent door.

"step a side Nyuro"

She start kicking the vent door multiple time before it open.

They look down and see the trash bin, holding onto each other hand they jump down.

On the other side another explosion took place destroying the pillar he using to take cover.

He jump to the side dodging the crumbling pillar. He fired and fired until the weapon also run out of ammo.

Pick up stone he throw at the enemy with his full might.

As the twin helping each other out from the trash bin explosion exploded near the back of the man.

Launching him and a few others forward.

Stone hit his head causing blood to run down his faces.

Vision is blurried, ear is ringing. wiping the blood from his eyes he continue struggling.

Just a little bit more.

The twin run toward the windy grass field behind the company building as fast as they could.

The night cloud hidden them in the darkness from the moon light.

Only half a minute left before the count down reach zero.

He sit behind the broken pillar, remembering his passes life. His regrets, his frustration but among those were memories of love, fun and joys.

Tilting his head toward the left, he look apon the sky through the broken glasses of the flower garden.

"Thanks for giving me a wonderful memories I don't deserve. My life had been full of regrets and hatred but you had make it a place I hold dear too. Thanks you my childs"

Closing his eyes, huge explosion destroy the building sky high.

Shockwave makes the twin fall to the ground.

Looking back at the place they use to call home. Only left with fire, smoke and debris everywhere.

"Dadd!!" Shout Nyuro who try to go back.

"No... No!!" Auro hold her down but she keep on fighting making her sit on top of her pinning her to the ground.

"Sister get off me dad is in-!"

Her words were cut short.

"I know!!"

Her emotion can be felt from the words follow by silence.

They didn't want to acknowledge what had happend with both looking at each other.

"I know"

Fire on the background and moon lit from the clear sky because of the explosion make their faces visible from the dark.

Cold wind blowing on Auro brown hair to the side.

Her red eyes is bubbling with water as it dripping down to Nyuro faces.

"I know"

Her tone is low ans the expression she made is the one rarely can be seen on her face.

The grass is making noise at the windy night.

Nyuro couldn't contain her feeling.

Even then, they don't forget what their father last words.

Helping each other back up, the twin start walking while silencely crying.

The cold wind blowing at the escaping twin.

Moon reveal itself at the fullest. The night sky fill with stars on this unwanted event.