Piece of Paper that Changes our Life(first remake)

Stepping on the gas, she speeding throught the busy road listening to the news.

Her nail is biting deep on the starring wheel as she hearing the unexpected.

A worried, yet calm expression.

The more she heard the more that expression come to break apart.

Her purple eyes shocked uncontrollably while her head shaken left and right unwanting to believe the news that being shown.


sound were made as she close the broadcast with frustation.

Focusing on the road question linger on her mind.

What happend to you Vict?

But it was unaswer.

Rolling down the window her lightblond hair blown back by the air, she want to cool down her mind and thought.

Infront of a small yet tall building she park outside.

Reaching to her beg, she get out from the vehicle, when something caught her eyes attention.

Looking around she make sure nobody were there.

Hurriedly she walk to it with worried look.

"My childrens what happend to you two??"

She kneel down hugging both of them.

Their robotic body broken, their cloth torn and there is a clear sign of crying on their faces.

They hug their mother warm embrace with tears running down their cheecks.

Comforting them, she took them inside the building, where her office were.

Today is a holiday so nobody except them were inside.

She goes here today because she left something important earlier that day, it was a new born, sibling of the twin.

Getting her fixing tools she told the twin to look after their new sibling for a moment.

The new born is warp around a white cloth and moving it small hand.

The twin look at the baby face. It face reminded them of themself.

Brown hair, with a pair of blue eyes.

Nyuro about to touch it but got slap away by Auro.

She wisper to her ear "Wait until we got fix first"

This went their mother arrive with the fixing tools and a pair of new clothes.

After a while, she wipe her sweat on the forehead, finish fixing them both.

They look as brand new.

Placing her tablet and tools aside. She look at them straight to the eye.

"Now, tell me what happend yesterday"

The twin look at each other with sad faces before telling her everything.

Leaning her back agains the chair the news that she doesn't want to believe has become reality.

Her arm on her forehead, she still trying to process the information.

She sigh "Let's get out from here before that people arriv-"

Her word are cut short when she see the view outside her window, multiple vehicle are park infornt of her vehicle.

"We need to get out now!!"

Pick up the baby while the twin follow hers close, she goes to the painting on the wall.

Putting her finger under the painting, the painting suddenly open a hidden door.

Meanwhile the men in suit open the door of the building and notice it wasn't lock.

"There are inside hurried!!"

They rush in as the family escape via the hidden room inside the wall.

The room is small but has a lot of techology.

Putting her hand on the table green light scan her hand. Then, it open a hole on the floor.

A ladder leading down to the underground.

She telling the twin to go down first.

As they climing down the men in suit enter her office.

"The chair is still warm. Look around they must be in this floor somewhere."

She could heard the commotion outside before going down the ladder.

As she climbing down the sound of commotion suddenly stop, instead it sound like they rushing out of the building.


But she choose to ignore it and focus on what she was doing.

All the men in suit had goes outside and distand themself again the building.

"How long before the nuke arrive?"

"2 minutes sir"

Without them knowing what is happening they reach to the underground.

Dark tunnel that lead to somewhere

"Mom I can't see a thing"

"Just wait a second" She open the light on her watch.

"Where is this leading to?"

"Outside, away enough so that we can escape. Come on it won't take long before they know about this tunnel"

She said as she push the red button opening the exit at the end of the tunnel.

Before they start walking she put a piece of paper to Auro hand.

"I will tell you later what the paper for, don't lose it"

Nodded they start walking in rush.

On the outside the men in suit watching the count down of the nuke.

Five, four, three, two, one.

A nuke come flying down from the sky before decimated the tall building and around it.

The tunnel were shaking and collapsing down

They sprinted to the exit as fast as possible.

They reach the corner of the tunnel and infont of them is the light from the exit just about a few meters away.

Running as fast as they can the tunnel collapsing getting closer.

Seeing the collapsing tunnel getting nearer to them, she know they wouldn't make it in time.

As they about to be hit by the collapse she jump on top of her child.

They were buried in the debris.

Building gone to rubble they declare that the twin and the mother had die before heading out.

Laying on the tunnel floor the unconscious twin slowly waking up.

Sound of baby crying and rubble moving is in their ears.

With the source of light from mom crack watch shining from the side.

A liquid can be feel on the twin face as they slowly opening their eyes.

Looking what infront, only put them in horror.

The dark liquid turn out to be blood dribbing down their mother faces.

Horror and shock, looking at their mother condition they unable to utter a single words.

Grasping for air, she is holding back the rubble from collapsing on them all.

"Y-You two has awake? great. Now you see that source of light on top of you? I want you to bring your little sister and crawl your way out!"

The tunnel shaking around them, only making the blood dripping faster.

"D-Don't worry about me honey. I'm fine..... Remember the piece of paper I give, it was an address. Go find a men name Elton, he will take care of you three."


Groaning from the pain some how she still be able to crack a soft smile. Spoken softly.

"Don't cry now. I will always be there for you, always no matter the danger..... You will always be in my heart no matter what happend.... Now please... go"

Balling their eyes they don't want to go. They don't want to lose another important person to them.

Seround them shaking once more but still somehow the women manage to hold it.

"I-I can't hold much longer my children.. Please... Please get out from here while you still can"

Her final words push them to move forward.

They start crawling out from the small opening bringing their little sister with them.

"Yeah just like that... Slowly now.. Don't let your head got hit with the rubble".

Crawling out from the small hole they escape the tunnel.

Holding to the baby thigly the twin look at their trap mother still holding out the rubbles.

The women let out a gentle smile follow by tears.

" I'm sorry my childs... I couldn't play nor spend much time together.... but always remember... I will always love you"

The rubble collapsing down apon her, sealing the cave entrance.

The wind of debris let out as the tunnel close.

Nyuro kneel to the ground shaking and crying still unwilling to believe that their parents has die.

Auro punch the ground cursing at what happend.

"Shit,shit, shit" words full of resentment she feel so powerless.

Cursing and slamming the ground were the only ways for her to let out the anger that had been building up.

Punch, punch, punch, even after her finger were broken she keep on slamming the ground.

Nyuro only sobbing quietly, while holding to her sister on her arm who also crying.

Auro cry turn to anger and that anger turn into ditermenation.

How come thing took turn for the worse? What have we done to be in such a despair?

I want them dead! All of them dead! I want them to pay for what they had done!!

Hand on the air, face full of anger she about to slam her broken hand to the ground below.

Mid swinging, memories come flying to her mind stopping her from smashing the ground.

That anger look turn emotionless.

Looking at her broken fist she had to manually open the fist with her other hand to release the grip of her finger.

One by one she move her finger and within her palm is a piece of paper.

The paper has shread a bit but still readable.

Adress inside the paper bring the light back to her darken red eyes.

Turning around she confront her twin who face burried deep inside her arm that holding the baby.


Her words make Nyuro get out from the hole.

Looking up to her twin, the piece of paper right infront of her.

"We got to move"

Once more she look at her twin, face full of diterment bring the power for her to move her legs.

Helping each others they stand tall to get to the adress.

Located at the very edge of the country in mountain terrain, they had to passes strong current freezing river, escaping wolf attack and fought off agains bear.

After going through such a journey that couldn't be made possible, somehow they did it.

Body full of scratch, scar and broken part they arrive at the small town where the adress suppose to be.

The baby didn't surtain any injuries throught out the hold journey. A miracle one might said.

A men spotted them before telling the other.

Instead of helping the sibling they recognise their face for being wanted.

Looking at the easier way to make money a gang of ten men approach the sibling that couldn't even defense themself properly.

Nyuro holding to her little sister thighly and for Auro she stand ahead of the two, ready to defense the last important person in her life.

As they about to be attack the sound of footstep stop the gang from advancing.

Turning around to the sound of the footstep the face that they show, looks like they had just seen a ghost.

The twin also look at the direction.

A men wearing an old rope wearing dark reflective mask heading their direction.

Just the sound of footstep give the gang spine chill.

He approaching closer and the gang make way for him as he pass by them staright to the siblings.

Even thought they are not human, they could tell that this men is dangerest.

He stop infront of the Auro before kneeling down to her face level looking at them.

His voice is deep yet calm at the same time, doesn't admitting any treath but asking a genuine question.

"Are you two Nyuro and Auro?"

Looking suprise, how does this person know about our name. The wanted poster only has had picture not name.

They both slowly nooded didn't want to make the wrong move infront of such men.

"I guest that baby you are holding must be your little sister, correct?"

Nyuro nod.

His eyes focus back to Auro looking at the condition of her body.

He reach out toward her hand but she was startle back.

Over the course of few seconds she finally let the men grab her hand.

The size of that men hand is more than twice of her.

Auro look on that men hand. Compare to her beat up hand that men hand is in much worse state.

Not only it has a lot of scrach scar, but also burn mark, shot mark even two finger nails is missing from his fingers.

Staying silence on the spot she let the men look at her hand.

His eyes grew narrow before standing up again.

"This childs are under my protection anyone try to take them will die!"

Such a treathing voice fill with bloodlust.

Some, even the twin wonder, how can someone give such an intense killing aura just by using words.

The twin is in a state of confusion. Why this unknown men suddenly said such a thing.

Is this man that person that mom said?

Auro gather her courage to ask him

"M-may I know you name sir?"

The men look down apon them

"You can call me Uncle... Uncle Elton"

Elton? The person mom told us about. This is the person?

Both of he twin stare on him.

While at it, the gang manage to gather their courage to attack because they out number him.

He wisper on the twin ear "Stay close to me okay".

For whatever reason his voice of insuring give both of them comfort that they haven't felt since their parent die.

They nodded simultaneously.

Turning around he look at all the person that about to attack him.

Like hawk looking at his prey he scan each and every one of them.

Tilting their head a bit to the right the enemy is giving a signal to each other.

The person take out his weapon but when he about to aim the man already gone from the spot.

From below he got hit with uppercut that literally send him flying but the men caught his leg before he does so.

Taking his weapon before he swing that person to the tree nearby.

Breaking his back the moment he hit the tree that person die on the spot.

Other reach out to their weapon but insteadly got shot in the head one by one.

One even try to escape as the men run out of bullet.

He instead rush forward and landing infront of him.

Shock is on his face as the men grab him by the neck and lifted him up in the air.

That person try to get out from his grib but got his neck snap.

His lifeless body is throw to the side.

Within the spend of 17 seconds he kill all of the gang.

The twin is shock and horrified at what just happend.

Taking a step back as the men approching them.

His step become louder and louder.

They close their eyes and cover their faces embracing what about to be done to them.

But instead otherwise happend. He lift both of them and carry them in his arm, walking inside the small town.

Nyuro and Auro still loading the action of the men.

Entering the town they look around.

The resident is staring at them giving off unwanted looks making the twin feel uncomfortable.

The men stop walking infront of the fountain.

standing in the middle of the town he didn't said a words.

Suddenly the many eyes that staring at them all disappear.

He continue walking.

Is this men a really not going to kill us?

Such a question keep on repeating in their mind.

Crossing a small bridge pass a small creak they arrive at a single house made out from woods.

The twin is in awe how beautiful and big it was.

In this day and age seeing a house made out from woods has become so rare. Not because the declining of trees but because people choose the modern architecture more than such an old school house.

"This is my house"

He open the door and the warm of the house could immediately be feel on their cold skin.

The nice smell of bread that just come out from oven also present.

He bring them to the couch before putting them down slowly.

The stone chimney, the carpet made out from bear skin and the owl clock on the wall.

This is the first time they seeing it.

The men take off the old rob and put it on the hanger.

"Wait here, I will bring you something"

The twin nodded before the men leave to the kitchen.

They continue viewing the interior design of the living room.

The chess board that carved out from woods and the deck of card in the table at the corner of the living room, the bursh painting of the sunset on top of them and the sound of crackling fire.

This all like a completely different world from the one that the twin know as far as they had live.

The men come back with a plate of newly made bread, two cup of hot coco and a baby bottle fill with warm milk.

He put the plate infront of the table before sitting in the couch infornt of them.

The twin is hungry or another word out of energy.

They look at each other unsure if they should trust the men or not.

He notice that they still hasn't trust him, so to earn their trust he speaks.

"Go on take a bite. You don't have to worried, from this day onward I will be taking care of you three... You probably still not sure right? I am a friend of your parent. Both Vict and Annie must hasn't told you two about me correct? They only did that because they want to ensure your safety. We use to be close but I had distance myself again them. From time to time we still contexting each other."

His words has finally gain the twin trust as they pick up the freshly made bread from the table and took a bite in.

The taste is heavenly. Soft in the inside and crusty on the outside, follow by the sweet taste of butter inside the bread.

They muching faster.

While they eating he notice the baby is crying beside them.

He stand up and without even them realising it the baby is in his arm with the milk.

He sit back on the couch and feed the baby with milk.

After finishing the bread then realise their little sister were gone.

They took a look around and notice the baby on the men arm as he feeding her.

The little baby finish the milk and the men give the baby back to the hand of Nyuro.

The baby is smiling while waving it small hand on the air.

The men continue observing the twin as they take a sip of the hot coco.

Interesting. They can process food and turn it to energy and use the water to keep their tempreture normal.

What a great device you build to create them Vict.

As the twin finish the drinks he pick them up and bring them to the basement.

The basement itself look more normal to them compare to the house.

Techonlogy and device is everywhere.

He put both of them on the chair.

""I will be fixing your broken body part"

While doing so, he speaks to the twin

"Is there a question you want to ask?"


"How about your future dream? What you want to be when you grown up?"

Future dream? Such a question never cross their mind.

Looking unsertain they didn't answer him as he carefully take off their broken body part.

"I will not stop you for what you want to become in the future but from the thing that you had experience you two must be in despair"

Their eyes looking away from him, as their hand grip tighten.

The men walk to the oposite side of the room.

Pulling a drawer before taking a pictures out from inside.

He carry it to the twin showing it to them.

Their eyes look at the picture and widen.

Auro took the picture from his hand as he turn around to create a new body part for the twin.

Starring into the picture, memories come flooding in.

It was the picture of their parent and another person during their childhood cosplaying.

Suddenly he took away the picture from Auro hand.

"I didn't want you two starring at the picture for too long because it might cause unpleasant memories to reappear"

"How about now, is there a dream you wanted to achieve?"

Auro the first to speak looking toward her broken hand that been remove.

"I-Is there a way I can make them pay?"

Nyuro look at her twin with worried.

He doesn't know the story behind what happend to them but he can make a guest.

"It isn't easy to take down the person who behind the dead of your pare-"

"I don't care!!"

She slam her other hand to the table.

Grinning her teeth, tears is building up on her eyes. The anger and frustation clearly on her face.

Nyuro could only stay shut on her sister action because she also feel the same.

He approaches the little girl taking away her hand from the table and kneel down infront of her.

Looking at her face directly the reflection on his mask showing Auro her own faces.

"Inorder to achive that you can't let your emotion getting the better of you" he spoken softly.

Instead of the men she is looking on her own reflection. The face that she is showing even startle herself. Shaking hand,trembling eyes her emotion is all over the place but the man hand give her comfort.

"Anger, sadness, joy, fear. Such emotion isn't easily can be surpass. But I promise you, if this is the path that you had chosen I will give a hand so that it could become reality"

His words calm her down.

Sitting beside her Nyuro finally utter a words. Hesitation on her voice, she spoke

"Then.... would you help us.. Uncle?"

He stand back up looking at the monitor.

The twin is waiting for his answer.

"Is that the dream that had you chosen?"

Look apon one another they nodded.

"All I could do is train and prepare you. The plan and how you want to go about it's up for you to decide. Are you ready?"

Worried, unsertain, anxiety and all othe type of emotion being on their face, but remembering what had happend to them fill those emotion with determination and strength.

"We are!"

And so their journey to get their revenge begin.