Let the Treacherous Journey Begin [First concept]

11 years and 2 months has passes since that day.

They finally know who the culprit behind the dead of their parents. It none other than the two country who posses 'Atlas' who they stole from their dad.

After all this time the twin are not the same prankster, crybaby, easily enrage and powerless no more.

When they first starting training it only motivated by the dead of their parents but the pass eleventh years has taken that small thing into completely different level.

Their eyes had widen to see the truth image of the country's they wanted to take revenge on.

Now, they feel disgusted and enrage just by thinking about both of the country.

The interpretation to destroy the two country at it highes peak but following the teaching of Uncle Elton, they keep that feeling stay on themself.

Behind the house the twin is facing off again each other.

Crimson red eyes of Auro and sky blue eyes of Nyuro is reflecting each other.

Both wasn't a small child but a grown up at the age of 19 years old.

Watching from the hill is Uncle Elton and with little child clinging to his leg.

Wind rustling the grass and bushes on that clear grass field.

Taking on their stand prepared to take their first move.

"No system combat training start now!"

Rush fort no fear or hesitation they throw punches and kicks.

Follow by set of blocking and dodging the fight look more to be well prepared dance then a fight.

Catching Nyuro punch, she flip her side ways before attacking with elbow and palm strike while she on mid air.

Push backward Nyuro block and land safely.

Taking a breath in she rush forward throwing a kick to the side but at the last minutes she change the direction of the kick from side to top aiming at her collar bone.

Caught in suprise Auro barely manage to block it and the fight continue on.

Looking at the grown and mature twin he couldn't help but remember when they still a young and naive child.

He stop the fight as both about to land a blow on one another.

The fearless face turn to soft smile as both compliment each other attack.

Something never change huh?

The child clinging to the men leg goes to hugs her sisters.

Coldly looking at the three sibling something is made in his mind.

They are ready.

Walking away from the hill the twin look at him.

Even to this day they never seems to understand what in his mind. One thing they notice thought, compared to the first time they meet him, his normal attitude has change a bit.

It could be the factor of age since he is a human but the real reason still an iceberg.

Walking together, Nyuro out of the blue stop making the other two turn around with wondering face.

"Sis.... I think we forgot something" she said nervousely.

"Forgot something?" Auro repeat her words clueless.

As she remember her face turn pale.

"Rain, you go in first okay, we got something important need to be done."

The little one still didn't know why but agree to her sister words.

The twin run toward the woods in hurried.

A couple of hour later the come back bringing a tone of logs putting it beside the house.

Few, the sigh of relieve let out.

"That a close one"

"Yeah it is but we still need cut it to small piec-"

A cold yet deep voice stop her words.

"I'll do that. Go inside and have a fun time with your little sibling"

That is extraordinary. Uncle never help us when doing our chores. Maybe he had a change of heart.

The twin thanks him as they walk inside the house.

He begin taking the axe and chop the logs.

While the sound of chopping rang from the side of the house, Rain jump on her siblings who back.

She use to be so little back than, now look at him, she all grown up.

Jumping with big smile "Sis, let play hide and seek!!"

Both can't answer her request with their jaw right open.

Auro turn around trying to avoid answering her

Meanwhile ,Nyuro had to face her by herself.

Face glimmering staring her , she can't answer no, that sure going to upset her.

But answer yes might be the biggest mistake they will ever done.

You see, Uncle Elton doesn't like to play around. He is a straight to the point type of guy. Even the first lesson he give toward the twin is no playing around, if they did he said with treating voice he will break every single join in their body and put them under the freezing river for a whole week.

It been a long times since then, maybe he will lower the punishment if we ask nicely... I hope.

That thought going through her head as Rain keep calling her name.

She finally answer her nervously.

"If uncle allow it... sure"

Hearing that answer make little Rain run with joys.

On the other hand Auro turn around with horrified look.

Worried smile is form on Nyuro face as Rain run toward the door.

Grabbing her by the neck, Auro shake her twin around.

She wisper in anger "Are you crazy!! You want us to be put under the freezing river or something!!"

Wispering back while sweating "I can't said no to her.. and you know maybe at the very least uncle will low down the punishment day if we ask nicely"

Releasing her grib, she hold her face while walking toward the doorway.

"We're doom"

Follow by Nyuro who also had the same feeling.

But when they arrive unexpected answer come out.

"Go on" he said before countinue chopping the rest of the wood.

Rain jumping in joys before dragging the hand of both her sister who still stunlock on the spot.

"I think something is wrong with uncle head today" Auro wisper to Nyuro.

She didn't aswer but give a blank smile.

From that afternoon until moon come out they play hide and seek.

"I think that shall be enough for the day"

"You scared you lose again."

"Aww but I want to play some more"

"It already night time, and we haven't prepared dinner"

"Why should we care about dinner, it not like food is the main form of energy we got"

"Yeah but still uncle will be-"

Her words stop, when a very nice smell come out from nowhere.

The smell of sweet butter, the spiciness of black paper and that very nice smell of herb leaf.

This type of smell sure will make somebody drool.

Comeout from the kitchen the men is taking off the cooking clove.

"You three, let's eat dinner" he promly said before going back to the kitchen.

Rain first to go follow by the twin.

When they arrive at the kitchen table they were meet with huge some of food.

At awe and amazement, it took them a second before sitting with the men.

Auro who looking at the food with drooling mouth ask the men "Why with all this food?"

The men seems quite suprise that they didn't know the answer.

Instead of answering he goes under the table for a moment before popping out with the infamous con hat and wissle on his mouth.

He blow the wishle looking at the twin

"Happy birthday to you Nyuro,Auro"

Even with that deep and cold voice somehow that statement he just said sound so genuine making the twin speechless.

When was the last time our birthday were celebrated?

Oh, yeah it was back then.

A mix feeling is in their facial expression.

Sad, yet they are grateful.

Keeping the feeling in heart the twin express their thanks.

"Come on dig in. The food will turn cold if you let it stay like that"

A shed of tears of joys let out from the twin eyes unbeknown to them as they nodded at his words.

While diging in the delicous food Auro sprak to that men "Uncle, since when did you enter the house"

"!?.. I enter after I finish choping the logs."

"By the way, uncle is this the reason you helping us aswell"

"I did?"

He ask with suprise making the sibling's laughs.

The atmosphere today is quite different than usual for this abnormal household.

Night sky is fill with stars and the bright shinning moon on full display at this eventful day for the siblings.

After the dinner the twin is call apon to the basement by the men.

Rain already sleeping as the two in the basement with uncle.

The twin is looking at the men who sitting on the chair facing the monitor.

"I probably doesn't need to tell you two the reason I call you tonight"

The twin eyes grew narrow as they had already expected this day will arrive sooner or later.

"I had teach,show and share what I know to the two of you. My knowledge, my experinces, my experty. Everything... For this day and onward. Are you prepared?"

Looking at each other, confident and ready they answer that man.

"We are!"

His cold voice had never fail to make them nervous.

"So be it!.... Tomorrow early in the morning we be leaving. If nothing else you can leave"

Nodded the twin did.

As they about to go the men stop them remembering about something.

He open the drawer on his left, taking out a picture.

It a gift, even when there is a little bit burn on the picture it still intact.

Handing the gift to them.

"Happy birthday you two"

The twin eyes widen. Their blues and red eyes is balling with water.

There is to much emotion going on that they can't surpass it.

Sooking with tears they left the room thanking the men.

Vict, Annie and the twin is inside the picture. It the family picture inside their dad office. Some how it manage to survive the explosion and uncle Elton manage to recover it.

"Get a good night sleep. You two will need it because from now on it will be no longer the same old world from what you use to know"

Morning arrive the twin is preparing to leave. Rain suprising has awake because she hears her sister crying all night.

Uncle already waiting outside.

The sibling look at each other for last time.

Hugging each other, this could be the very last time they be together.

"Sister..... Come back alive okay" Rain who deep in their hug speak.

Gentle smile on their face they promise to comeback alive.

Waving their hand before exiting the house.

The morning is cold and the sun hasn't come out yet.

The men didn't wear his usual mask this time around, instead he wear some kind of guard uniform.

Walking toward the men his face that rarely can be seen is looking at them.

"Are you ready?"

The cold deep voice that always nagging them but also bring comfort.

They look at his eyes nodded slightly.

"You already know what the plan from here. If you wanted to say goodbye this is the time to do so."

Auro stand beside the men , while Nyuro standing the opposite of the two.

Looking at each other, they took each other hand. Alot had they been throught, difficult training, unexpected challenges, break down, evn thought it hard in the end they always together but this time they will be separed. Had to relied on themself while facing the road.

Hugging each so thighly a smile in their beautiful faces that will melt any men who see it.

"Good luck on your road sis."

"You too sis"

"The next time we meet each other you know what that mean"


Releasing the hug they take one last look at each other before facing the oposite ways.

Nyuro carrying a beg walk the opposite way from them toward the centre of the country.

Auro and uncle is walking toward the border.

Memories of the pass 19 years of their life flash like a flowing river.

Each step remind them of the good and bad.

But determination is clear on their faces.

I will make them pay for what they had done.

The words is loud and clear in their head as they walking further away from each other.

Let the treacherous journey of revenge and payback begin.

(From here the story will be separates into two. The story of Nyuro who be infiltrating the country they live on and the story of Auro who wil infiltrate the other country. Read more to find out what journey lie ahead for the twin)