Auro:Unfamiliarity Within the Prison

Walking through the dark forest. The chilling of morning cold would make a normal person tigthen their scuff or putting their hand deeper into their pocket but the two give an opposite reaction.

In the dark where sun hasn't rise yet they walk fast as if they had the entire forest map out at the back of their head.

Following the men close she glance at him.

Even in the darkness his face is clear to her as in the daylight.

Isn't the first time I seen his face, but he better looking than what I had initially interprete. With that deep voice of his you will be expecting some sort of hideous or mad scary look.

Rarely he ever took off that mask on his own ecour . The only time I know he willingly took of when he take shower or going to bed.

It kind of feel weird walking beside uncle with his bare face fully expose.

"Are you nervous?"

A question come flying at her as she still glacing at him make her turn her face away.

Her eyes is all over the place as her lips shaking slightly to mutter up something to answer his question.

"No. Not really I'm just thinking about something else"

"Is it about Nyuro?"

Her eyes that in uncordinate and lips that shaking stop as if someone had

"Nope. I'm confident in her ability. After all she my twin"

"And? How about you?"

"Me?... Tough, that's the truth but regardless, I still had to face it."

Her respon crack a small smile on that men.

She has grown, not the same old child but someone who can look at the positive side and move forward.

That smile of his, only make Auro uneasy.

Did I said something wrong.

Continue on, they stop after spotting some guards patrolling around the ominous iron wall stretches across the plain.

Turning around he face her who still glancing the wall behind.

"This as far as we can go before passing the border"

Without needing to told her, she already take an action.

Grabing the clothes she wear. She torn the edge of it, follow by smothering dirt all over her body.

Changing the posture of how she wall and also goes as far to enjuried herself to make it more believable.

With messy hair covering her face, looking completely different from a seconds ago she said "Yup. I'm ready"

"Good luck Auro. May your parent guide you through out your entire journey"

Restrain her hand with handcuff they wait for the border patrol guard to pass.

After the guard is out of sight, uncle stand infront of the wall kneeling on leg down with his hand on top of his knee.

Nooded at Auro she run toward him, stepping on his hand before being push upward and landing safely to the other side.

It his turn.

Running up agains the near by tree he jump across the wall like an acrobat and land beside her.

Didn't take long for them to encounter the patrol guards of the other side.

With well equip weapon in hand they are notice and question the men who wearing the same uniform as them.

"What's your badge number soldier"


While the other comfirming his badge the other one continue investigate.

"Who is this women you restain? An outsider?"

She looks down with hand being restrain by the man.

"Yes, I was patrolling on the border when I caught this women sneaking in from the enemy country"

"Where your weapon soldier?"

" It's on my back,sir. This women prove to be more feisty than other that I need to use both hand to keep her from running away."

Kicking her down before leaning his back slightly allowing the soldier to see his weapon.

"Badge confirm, private Sam. Good job patrolling the border. Leave the outsider to us and don't let you guard down incase there's more to come."

Salute to the two soldier, he turn around.

A finale glance at Auro he wisper something before walking the opposite ways.

Only she can heard what the men wisper.

She respon with closing her eyes lids before opening it back.

Force to stand up, she is push forward with weapon point to her head.

Hand still restain she follow the soldier order.

In her though she wonder if she could kill this two with restainer but stop at the though.

Continue on she follow the two order, walking for almost an hour now.

She begin to wonder where are they bringing her tp.

Heading to the east none stop her eyes gaze on the two soldier, the two doesn't seems to paying much attention to her.

Seeing the good opportunity, with half of her face cover she scan the serounding. Getting a better look at where she is taken.

Ahh, that where I was taken too. A few vehicle, many guards. That to be no suprise.

About 5 minutes later they arrive at this small army camp.

An arm of mutliple vehicle passes beside her, splashing mud to her feets.

Quickly glance at the vehicle, she can deduce where the vehicle going to.

Is that prisoner? If so they must be taken to that place uncle told me about.

This place is swarm with soldier everwhere. Watch tower on the corner of the camp keep an eyes for intruder. The entire place is also seround with electric fance.

Kind of impossible to escape after getting in.The place also quite muddy probably because of the recent rain.

Escort deeper, she was given to another soldier.

The soldier take her inside a small building before throwing her inside the jail.

The jail is dark with only a single light source from the entrance lighting the way.

There is four jail and it smell reeks with blood but no one inside.

Locking her inside, the soldier went out closing the door with it the lights close.

Light wasn't a problem to her.

Sitting down in the middle of the jail looking at her serounding.

Puddle of red liquid on the floor and wall, the smell of rotten flesh she is unhinge.

For her this place is better compare to where she has been.

Sitting there in silence she think about her next move.

The arm vehicle just left mean it will took a few days before it comeback. By that time more people will be put inside here. Not that I'm worried of them it just that I'm insure if I'll be put at THAT place.

There is multiple place I could be taken too but if I want my plan to work I must be taken there.

It the only part on the plan I can't control. Apart from that the plan itself pretty straight forward.

Sigh she did at this uncontrollable situation that rely on luck.

3 days passes.

No vehicle yet, meanwhile the jails getting busier.

Looking at their condition they probably did the same thing she does a few days ago.

Shortly after, the entrance open and what she hoping for is here.

Being the first out, she see the daylight for the first time in couple of days.

Breath in fresh morning air she being escorts to the vehicle.

Sitting inside she scan the vehicle to see where it heading.

What's follow are a sour look to her face.

Shit, it heading to different place. I know I shouldn't had rely on luck. Oh well, I just got to face it at this point.

Wobbling left right the behicle did as more people enter it. The door close and the vehicle start to move.

In the original plan, I need to be transported to the north prison but I'm being taken to the south prison.

A problem that need a change of plan.

Rethinking about the plan again her sour face gradually turn calm.

If my knowledge serve me right the plan still could workout..... Definitely more hasle but better than changing completely.

Uncle give me a lot of intel when I first when about planning.

Now, I just need to play my hand correctly so it doesn't go to waste.

Looking throught the window at the moving vehicle not a single building, trees nor animal's in sight.

It is just a flat land fill with black sand and death grass.

The vehicle keep on going deeper and deeper into the barren wastelands until from the far horizon a single mountain at sight.

The closer they got to the mountain the more unsteady the terrain become.

Better look also reveal that it not just a normal mountain, where a single giant prison is standing beside it.

The vehicle she was currently on, park quite far from the prison itself.

Being the last prisoner to get off she able to view the serounding a bit more.

Getting off the vehicle the sun ray blind her veiw for a moment, and the smell of ash make her sneez.

This uneven ground of small and hot pebble make it hard to walk.

Around her about 30 soldiers fully equip with weapon ready to escorts them inside.

Yeah there is no escape now.

The though on her head before they start walking to the prison.

Prison? Look more like a hunted castle.

Gettting up close she notice two new things.

There is protective barrier serouding the prison and the what is this? She wonder.

Looking down the empty void, there is a huge crack that splitting the prison from where they standing.

That is pitch black down there and it doesn't seems to end?

The soldier pull her back from the edge with the rest of the prisoner.

The invisible protective layer were deactivate.

What soon to follow is the sound of piston being push.

Standing there beside others prisoner, a single bridge we extend connecting the path that seperate.

She was push forward with the rest of the prisoners to cross the bridge.

Walking down the bridge she start scanning the prison but before she can finish, the gate of the prison opening resulting her to stop.

Follow by many sound, she could guest that it the sound of trap being turn off.

At the end of the tunnel are guards. With one being stand out compare to the rest.

She took a quick glance behind, seeing the soldier that escort them retreating.

Now standing infront of her like a tall tree he look down apon all the prisoner.

Hand on his back, wearing a white coat, blue uniform, and the clear scar on his forhead.

His eyes were cold and with his emotionless face he speak "Follow me and don't try any funny busniess if you value your life"

The rest of the guards seround them and so they walk in.

As the door close behind, for what ever reason one of the prisoner beside Auro start to rush to attack the warden as he is unarmed.

But that is a mistake to think he wasn't on his guard.

"What did I just said?"

The warden stop the rushing prisoner with his hand grabbing the prisoner face.

The guards serounding them drag the rest of the prisoner to the side like making a way for something.

With unbelievable strength he throw the person behind and he immediately got cut to small pieces. No scream, no blood, only pieces of meat everywhere.

The scene freak out the rest of prisoner except Auro.

"Please restrain yourself from attacking if you doesn't want to end up like him"

Continue they are bring to the changing room, to wear the classic black and white prisoner outfit.

Only after that they are escort to the actual prison.

Entering the prison everyone is starring on the new comer.

Lock in behind the bar, almost every single one of them have tattoos, missing body part or scar.

Screaming and shouting as they make it deeper.

Such thing does't seems to faze the warden or the guards but the new prisoner is very much intimidate.

While the prisoner around her is closing their eyes and ears, Auro is eyeing every prisoner she could see.

It is eight floor prison with build in stair on each corner and lif in the middle connected to all floor.

Auro and the three were put on an empty prison at the very conner of third floor.

Before locking the door the warden look at every single one of them.

Terrifies, depresses all is wroten on their face expect for one.

Sitting at the opposite side of the gate, her face is barerly visible.

Not terrifies or scares she sit there silencely.

The warden narrow his eyes on her before moving on.

The warden had left and Auro let out sigh of relieve.

Looking at the space around her.

Two males and one female. Five bed pave to the wall, a single toilet, a sink, broken mirror and a window as big as my hand.

How long in estimate I'll be stuck here? 2 weeks? A hold month maybe?

Well, there is no need for rush. I got all the time needed to get out from here and continue on.

Burried her face in her thigh, she ignore the people around her that is freaking out.

A couple of hour pass and a rang of bell fill the prison.

All the cell door open up at the same time.

Just a few seconds after the pirson cell door open four males prisoner rush in.

Grabbing the women who sitting on the bed before pinning her again the floor.

Ripping her clothes as she scream.

One decide to help her but got insteadly knockout.

The other decide to run from there and for Auro she does nothing to help her.

Her appearance now doesn't appeal the four prisoner compare to the women.

She stand up before walking right passes them and outside.

Walking on the third floor two more males prisoner passes her before entering her cell.

The sound of punches and kick can she heard but she ignore it.

She view the prison.

Gray, dark and gloomy, this is what I imagine a true prison look like.

Walking down the rusty stair she see other prison walking to somewhere and she follow them.

Reaching the first floor there is two ways.

On the right is the ways most of the prisoner goes while on the left a few prisoner go.

She deicide to go to the right.

After a while she discover it was a cafeteria.

Taking her plate she follow the line of people waiting for their food until it was her turn.

She was given a hard bread, a bowl of beans and a cup of water.

Looking for a place to sit, she choose where no one was sitting.

In this country prisoner of different gender is mix. So, things like sexual insult and crime were pretty often and the guard doesn't do anthing about it.

Not to mention most of the people who usually a normal civilian caught trying to enter this country were put here with the truth criminal.

Resulting pick off and bullied.

Taking the spoon and dip it inside the bold, taste the bean soup.

She let out agroan of discuss.

This taste like shit.

As she enjoying her meal unwanted company approach her.

Sitting infront and beside her.

One of them start talking to her before touching her hair.

"You new aren't you? Looks guy were have a new toys to play with"

He said follow by laughter.

"Why are you hiding your face so much? Don't worried we won't do anything bad to you, we just only going to play with your for a couple of hour each day."

As he goes to push her hair that blocking her face she finally speak.

"Fuck off"

"Can you said that again? I can't heard y-"

The men view suddenly turn upside down before he crash landing to the table.

The rest of them is shock on what just took place.

"I can't even enjoy this discusting meal properly"

Still looking shock thry attack her.

About 20 second later they all end up on the floor knock out with Auro sitting on the cahir continue eating her meals.

The rest of the prisoner who see what jsut happend distance themself from hers and for the durarion of time she enjoy he food in peace.

Finish the meal she decide to take a look around to seach what she looking for.

Walking on the opposite side of the cafeteria, it was reveal to her.

It was a big space of football field, track and basketball court.

The view astonish her.

Not bad, not bad.

Walking around the space, it look like the prisoner here is having a good time.

She also stumble on a workshop.

Here the prisoner can work earn money to buy cigars or use that money they earn after they get out.

Quite handy, even thought trap inside this tall wall, atleast they don't just rotten here doing nothing.

She also finish scanning the prison after talking a walk.

Now, my goal is to find this person but this prison is way to big, I need a way to find this petson quick.

As she thinking a group of people approch her and as easily she dispatch them.

Sigh again her bad luck she look at one of the person she knock out.

Maybe I could use them.

Waking up the person with punches she demand to know where she can find the person she looking for.

After a bit of persuasive with beating his friends and breaking two of his fingger she was finally told where to find him.