Chapter 3: Shortcut to Where?

Around the academy, a web of paths wound through the forest, marked by the tread of villagers.

"Dad, I'm scared to take the shortcut at night. Can we take the main road?" a young voice asked, trembling slightly.

"What's there to be scared of? Look, many of our neighbors are on the road ahead. Wild animals would be too scared to come near with so many people around. We'll just walk a bit faster to catch up with them!"

"But Dad, I'm still scared."

"Really, son? Alright, alright, we'll take the main road, but we might miss out on the good food and snacks."

"Hmm? Dad, I've changed my mind. I'm a big boy now and I should face the challenge, just like you always tell me!"

As they walked the dark paths, the boy saw the shadows of the villagers blend into the forest and vanish. It was as if they were being swallowed by the silent, gaping mouth of a huge beast lying in wait.

He quickly stopped peeking and focused on the road in front of his feet, clutching his dad's hand and straightening the corner of his clothes.

However, this night is far from calm. The paths between the pine trees resemble spider webs in the darkness, quietly awaiting potential prey that might become trapped.

In the heart of the forest, creatures with eyes like burning embers hid in the shadows. They looked like wolves but were more mysterious. Their piercing eyes seemed to know all the forest's secrets, a testament to the wild, uncharted land they called home. Their shaggy fur was tangled, entwined with eerie flowers that released toxic spores into the air.

Quietly, they moved through the trees, almost invisible. These large beings lurked, ready to leap at anyone who walked the forest's secret trails.

A single villager, walking quickly with his head down, glances suspiciously behind him. He hears the rustle of leaves in the darkness, whispering tales of suspense.

By the end of his vision, the campfire's flickering light dances among the trees, casting a spooky glow that brings the branches to life. They appear like wandering spirits, their ghostly fingers reaching out, almost touching but just out of reach for those who pass by.

He picks up his pace, shaking off his wild imagination. His heart pounds with excitement at the thought of meeting the young girl again tonight. Her smile, her laughter—they filled his mind, driving him forward with eager anticipation.

Suddenly, he feels a pair of hands gently land on his shoulders.

"Girl, no time for games! I spotted your husband just up ahead!"

The villager whirled, eyes wide, as glowing red orbs cut through the inky blackness, seizing terror.


Before his scream could escape, razor-sharp fangs sank into his throat, silencing his breath, extinguishing life in a terrifying heartbeat.

In his final moments, he wondered,"What creature is this? A dark wolf? I've never seen its like!"

The ground turned red, and as he lost consciousness, he watched parts of himself disappear into darkness.

As the darkness swallows him whole, A-Lai can't shake the feeling that he is being hunted. Something ancient and evil seems to be stalking him through the night. The sense of dread intensifies with every step, the air heavy with nightmarish fear.

He turns his head back suddenly, expecting to identify the source of his terror, but only the wavering branches respond. He looks forward, hoping to see a familiar villager ahead, but the path is empty and foreboding.

For a moment, A-Lai regrets not taking the main road, even though it would have cost him an hour longer. He shakes his head, trying to drive the regret away, and starts to run, his footsteps echoing eerily in the silence.

Definitely, he can hear footsteps growing faster, as if something is chasing him. His heart races faster, his skin prickling with the sensation of being watched. There is something evil hiding in the bushes, stalking him relentlessly.

A-Lai turns around and yells out,

"Who's there?"

His voice echoes through the trees, but only silence answers him. His eyes dart around, searching the shadows for any sign of movement. The silence is deafening, broken only by the pounding of his own heart.

He regrets leaving his spear in the classroom this morning. He had been eager to show it off and couldn't wait to bring it in. Now, he desperately wishes he had it for protection.

A-Lai considers trespassing through the forest to reach the main road, but quickly dismisses the idea as too dangerous. Instead, he turns back and heads for the light of the bonfire, his only beacon of hope.

Just as he convinces himself it was all his imagination, a dark figure emerges from the trees, its eyes glowing with an unnatural light. The sudden rustle in the underbrush makes him pause in defense, every muscle tensed and ready.

"Ah! I fear nothing!"

He yells as loudly as he can, trying to summon courage.

The shadow, however, seems to grow wings, flying above his head and landing on a high tree branch.

"Hoo-hoo," the sound of hoots loomed, imminent.

"Oh," he muttered in relief, wiping the chilling sweat from his forehead.

"It's just a night-hunting owl," he whispered, but the sense of dread does not completely fade, and he knows he must keep moving.

With renewed determination, A-Lai quickens his pace towards the bonfire, its flickering light his only guide in the oppressive darkness. The thought of meeting the young girl again spurs him on, and he forces himself to focus on that glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching fear.

Finally, A-Lai drew near the bonfire, a mere hundred meters left, and felt a wave of relief cascade over him.