Chapter 4: Bonfire Night

A small bonfire crackled to life, its flames casting a comforting, flickering glow across the gathering. Shadows danced mischievously against the walls, while the gentle rustle of leaves mingled with the lively chatter of students.

The darkness of the forest now behind him, he was enveloped by the warmth and light of the academy.

The night at the campus came alive, brimming with youthful energy. The glow of the fire cast a warm, cheerful light on everyone's faces. Surrounded by familiar faces and fellow students, A-Lai felt he was in a safe haven. The scent of roasting marshmallows and the sound of laughter filled the air, making the night feel magical.

"Hey, A-Lai, you came late," a larger framed kid called out, waving sticks with marshmallows speared on the end as he held it over the fire.

A-Lai smiled, recognizing his friend Barny.

"Got caught up on the way here," he replied,totally forgot about his experince in the dark, start joining the circle around the bonfire.

"A-Lai, don't forget your Kung Fu show. It starts at 9 PM," the principal reminded him, his voice carrying a friendly tone.

"Yes, Mr Zhang!"

More of his classmates gathered around the flames, waving and calling out greetings to him. Their laughter blended with the singing chorus, creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.

A-Lai waved back, feeling a sense of belonging wash over him.

The strumming of a guitar added its melody to the flickering flames, creating an enchanting harmony that seemed to wrap around everyone like a comforting blanket. The firelight danced on their faces, highlighting their joy and camaraderie.

"Underneath the moonlight, the stars up in the sky,

We gather in the schoolyard, as the night comes alive.

Laughter in the air, echoing so sweet,

Dancing on the blacktop, tapping our feet.

Oh, summer night, schoolyard delight,

Memories we make, under silver light.

With friends all around, joy and cheers,

We'll cherish these moments for years and years."

Nearby, villagers gathered in comfortable groups, while the principal occasionally added more wood to keep the fire burning bright.

"Headmaster, how's my little one been behaving lately?" inquired one villager.

"Remarkably well!" reassured the principal.

"Headmaster, no need for niceties. If he step out of line, don't hesitate to give him a good talking to! I know you're looking out for the kids. In my household, if I don't discipline them for three days, the roof might just lift off!"

The principal let out a quiet laugh. At the academy, it was a strict rule not to physically punish the kids. Instead, they used timeouts for thinking things over, standing quietly in a corner, or talking things out with teachers when discipline was needed.

During this fun moment, a group of kids playing around accidentally bumped into the principal. He bent over to check if they were okay. The laughter didn't stop, but when the kids saw the principal in front of them, they quickly composed themselves, gave a quick salute, and ran off with big laughs.

"Go have fun, but stay out of trouble," the principal called after them, his voice warm and gentle. Watching them, the principal smiled too, his face illuminated by the soft light of the fire. The scene was one of pure joy and camaraderie, capturing the essence of the night perfectly.

The academy was built by the villagers during their breaks from farming, and it took ten years to finish. It's a big four-story building made of wood, with beautiful curved edges, standing tall as the most impressive building for miles. Every part of it tells a story of hard work, overcoming challenges, and the passing of time.

Ten years back, the principal, came to this small place. He was excited about teaching and took care of the kids, sharing stories and lessons about books and the past. With time, the school got better known and more students and teachers came.

With each season, the school grew under his care. It became a lively place full of learning, like a flower opening up in spring. The halls that used to be quiet were now filled with students discussing and sharing new ideas.

Visiting traders, their eyes widened by the sight of the academy, shared tales of their amazement with the headmaster. They remarked that in nearby big cities, the most imposing structures were reserved exclusively for the offices of government officials.

In reply, the principal simply smiled, conveying his happiness without words. Over the years, traders noticed a clear difference: the village prospered while the neighboring cities struggled with internal strife and political unrest.


A-Lai recalled the winter jasmine flowers he had planted just last week and dashed into the academy's backyard. The moonlight caressed the delicate blooms, casting a soft golden glow upon them.

A-Lai stopped, bent down, greedily inhaling the fragrance, then smiled, ran around the building, and entered the academy's gate.

The academy was pitch-black inside tonight, with no lights in the building. The only illumination came from the bonfire in the front courtyard. The fire's flickering light cast enormous shadows, swaying on the academy's walls.

In the dark corners of the corridor, several young figures played hide-and-seek, running quickly or hiding in the darkness. Tonight, the youngsters unleashed themselves in a game forbidden during regular school hours, reveling in a night without restrictions.

Laughter and hushed whispers intertwined in the darkness. The bonfire's glow spilled through the windows, creating a faint golden pattern on the corridor's floor, adding a touch of enchantment to the scene.

"Hey there, buddy! Want to join us?" A voice echoed from a distance, accompanied by a friendly wave directed at A-Lai.

Feeling a little jealous, A-Lai looked at the older students in the corridor. Since he didn't know them, he decided to find his own classmates and waved at them instead.

From the corner, quiet talking between two shadows.

'He's not coming over?'

'Yeah, he's already in his classroom.'

'So, should I just go in and sort it out with him?'

'Just be careful; let's keep it low-key!'"