Chapter 12: The Werewolf

In the third-floor classroom, Little Fly's gaze was drawn to the shadows flitting past the window. He stared out nervously:"Grandpa, let's escape from here! The rooftop must be safe!"

"Grandson, stay calm," said his grandfather, a man in his seventies who was unusually composed."As long as we guard the windows and doors, preventing the monsters from entering, we can hold out until the headmaster comes to save us!"

"Who knows if the headmaster can come?" Little Fly muttered under his breath. Although more and more gaps appeared in the windows, and copper coin demons kept pouring in, about four to five villagers, Little Fly, and another three to four students continuously piled tables and chairs against the windows, significantly slowing their entry.

A look of confusion crossed Little Fly's Grandpa's face as he rubbed his nose, which had turned a deeper shade of red.'These creatures, they're like demons. This isn't their usual sneak attack; it's something bigger!'

His eyes, however, were quickly drawn to the glint of golden coins. With a big sack in hand, he began to gather the copper coins. The sound of coins clinking together brought a flush of excitement to his face.

'We're going to be rich, just you wait and see,' he couldn't help but chatter.

Ever since Little Fly could remember, he recalled his grandfather always carrying a large sack, wandering around the village and fields, considering it a loss if he didn't pick up something by the end of the day.

Another student nudged Little Fly while he was daydreaming."Grandpa gave us the job to secure the door!"

"What's the point? Why don't we join a bigger group?" Little Fly grumbled, reluctantly shutting the door and pressing his ear against it.

There are still noisy shouts in the corridor,but no more knocking sounds or villagers passing by, and the door has not been blocked. Little Fly's eyes were still fixed on the flickering shadow outside the window, and every time he heard the piercing scream, his heartbeat accelerated to an uncontrollable extent, and his body trembled incessantly.

Little Fly muttered to himself, his voice shaking with fear."Are we gonna make it through the night, or will those frog monsters get us? Is anyone coming to save us, or has the world forgotten about us? Do we have any hope left, or are we just doomed?"

A-Lai's vigilance prompted an immediate response, as he became acutely aware that the situation before him was anything but straightforward.

These creatures were both ordinary and extraordinary. They resembled wild wolves from the mountains, yet the faint black aura enveloping their bodies, coupled with the subtle but unmistakable scent of decay and death, along with their abnormal size, all imparted an eerie sensation.

Especially notable was the creatures' apparent high level of intelligence.

Where on earth did these things come from?

Seeing Uncle Dan's contemptuous attitude towards the creature only heightened his anxiety. A wave of powerlessness washed over him as he realized the terrifying extent of the creature's capabilities far exceeded his imagination.

Despite the spear spinning rapidly in his hand, emitting a clinking sound, the creature seemed utterly indifferent, still posing a threat to their safety.

"Hey Uncle, don't get too comfy!" A-Lai urged anxiously, attempting to awaken his awareness of the danger. His voice was filled with concern and urgency, hoping to make Dan understand.

However, Dizzy Dan remained dismissive."A-Lai, you just hold there, let me finish them first!" he said confidently.

A loud scream stopped Dan's words. He tumbled many times and ended up near the fire.


Dan felt like he was hit by a train out of nowhere. As consciousness slipped away, the final image etched into his mind was the creature's hungry, maddened gaze, its yellow, gleaming eyes locking onto him with ominous intensity.

"Did you see that? Where did that big wolf come from?" the villagers whispered.

"No idea. It was like it appeared out of nowhere!"

"Did you see what it did to Dan? He's usually strong as a hill, but it tossed him like a toy!"

"I felt it too. It was like a storm hit us—so fast and powerful!"

"What are we going to do? We're all dead today!"

The giant wolf's claws ruthlessly tore through his flesh, rendering any attempt at a scream futile as only blood spilled from his mouth.

Instead of ripping out his jugular, the giant wolf disappeared in the dark immediately after the attack. He left Dizzy Dan bleeding and gasping for air, but still alive. He had a reason for sparing him, a reason that Dizzy Dan would soon regret.

The moonlight cast a bright glow, but amidst the flickering flames of the bonfire, the surrounding area seemed even darker. The contrast between light and shadow created a perfect hunting ground for the werewolf. He could easily sneak up on his prey, and strike it with deadly force.

A-Lai's blood ran cold at the sound of Dan's agonized scream. The looming shadow of the wolf cast a dark pall over the schoolyard.

In that moment, A-Lai was faced with a heart-wrenching decision: should he risk his own safety to help the injured Dan, or should he stay put, safe but helpless? Doubts gnawed at him. Was the wolf baiting him, hoping to turn him into its next meal?

He wondered if the wolf was luring him into a trap, hoping to feast on both of them.

In an unexpected turn of events, a feral wolf homed in on Dizzy Dan's ankle, its knife edge teeth sinking into his flesh with lightning speed. The searing pain jolted him awake in an instant.

Dizzy Dan struggled to free himself from the wild canine's grip as its teeth tore into his flesh.

Struggling, Dizzy Dan sat up, about to search for firewood to fend off the wild animal.

However, the wooden stick had already snapped into two sections under the tremendous impact, flying off somewhere unknown.

Meanwhile, his hopes were dashed as other wild wolfs seized the opportunity, sinking their teeth into his left wrist.

The torch slipped from his grasp, its fiery glow extinguished.

He attempted to shield himself with his arms from their gaping jaws, but the sharp teeth only left more wounds on his arms.

More wild wolfs intensified their assault, seemingly aware that now was the opportune moment to breach the defenses.

They jumped and moved quickly, taking advantage of Dizzy Dan's momentary distraction. From behind and the sides, they launched sudden attacks, sinking their teeth into his arms and legs, tearing at his clothes and flesh. They circled around him like hungry wolves, ready to attack.

Dizzy Dan's confidence vanished, and he felt scared and lost.

It was like many people in real life, who can win many times when everything is going well, but one loss can wipe out everything.

Just then, a long spear swung in, driving back the wild dogs' attack.

The villager hiding behind the door exclaimed excitedly,"Hey, it is A-Lai! Dan is saved!"

"What's the point? Dan is so skilled but still couldn't handle it. What use is a kid going to be?"

The principal pushed through the crowd."Let's go save him!"

A-lai grabbed hold of Dan's collar and continued to brandish his spear, dragging him towards the gate. Despite the gate being just a few steps away, Dan's weight made A-lai's efforts exceedingly strenuous.

Abruptly, the bonfire seemed to shatter like an exploding shell. Burning wood fragments scattered in all directions, illuminating the front yard.

A huge black wolf came out of the fire. Its fur fierce and thick, and its yellow eyes like burning amber balls. As if a creature from ancient wolf mythology, it surged out from the fire, forcefully colliding with both A-Lai and Dizzy Dan.