Chapter 11: Who Is The Hero?

The wolf in front of A-Lai launched a second attack. Even for an experienced hunter, this mature and sophisticated technique was rarely countered. Dizzy Dan saw the wolf's trick, but too late to help the boy.

But not today!

With a flick of A-Lai's spear, he plunged it into the wolf's lower jaw. Then, with a swift motion, he swung it in a circle through the air and slammed it forcefully to the ground. The large wolf head, almost as big as his own, struck the other wolf's neck heavily. With a muffled groan, the creature's neck snapped.

Dan watched and couldn't stop yelling,"That was a nice shot! Two birds with one stone! Well done, kid! Now I can focus on my job!"

A-Lai, excited, responded,"I grew up hearing stories about cunning wolves. Their tricks won't work today!"

Witnessing this, the other wolves became even more ferocious in their attacks on A-Lai. However, A-Lai remained undaunted, his eyes sharp and determined. With each movement of his spear, it was as if an invisible force supported him, enabling him to calmly face threats from all directions.

Facing real-life challenges in life are a training ground where warriors grow quickly.

Very soon, within a meter radius around A-Lai, there was suddenly no wolf to be seen, and several wolves were clearly startled, cursing incomprehensible obscenities at A-Lai and running back to Dizzy Dan.

Dizzy Dan quickly realized what had happened and burst into laughter, exclaiming,"20 minutes passed, Well done!"

An experienced hunter from the village saw that the wolves were taking turns, tiring out the warriors. It seemed they were waiting for the perfect moment to strike again.'Hey, kids, come back! There are too many of them, don't try to be heroes now!' he shouted.

But his warning was lost under the roar of cheers coming from the classroom windows. One by one, everyone's excitement grew, their adrenaline surged. Even the principal, who had been so worried, started to feel at ease.

Dizzy Dan's muscles popped as he tapped into his energy. He swung his wooden bar at the monster's head. The bar sliced through the air like lightning.

The wolf monster moved its head, avoiding the hit. But the bar swung again, aiming for its eyes. Lit by the bonfire, the monster howled in pain. It swung its sharp claws in a counterattack.

However, Dizzy Dan's wooden bar relentlessly struck the vital points on the monster's waist and back. In the end, the creature collapsed to the ground, motionless.

Dizzy Dan, like a dam bursting with built-up energy, swung his crude wooden bar and charged at the pack of wolves. Excitement filled his voice as he shouted,"Strike the forehead, pierce the eyes, pluck the melon from behind!"

With his wooden bar, he traced arcs in the air, each swing landing heavily on a wolf's head or ribs. His onslaught sent four or five wild wolves scrambling in disarray, some fleeing while others lay on the ground howling in agony.

Cheers erupted from behind the main door, a gleam of excitement flickering in his eyes. Dizzy Dan relished the adrenaline-pumping sensation.

"This feels good! I've never shown off like this before girls,oh...I mean... before everybody."

He cared not whether someone guarded his back; all he desired was to lead the charge, carving a bloody path ahead. His ferocity caught the attention of the wild wolves.

"Lord, this human is too hard to deal with. He seems indifferent to his own safety as long as he can kill more of us. Should I send all our fellows to ambush him?" the voice behind the wolves whispered to his lord.

"No, that warms me up. Just lure him away and I'll deal with him myself!"

The wild wolves began to retreat consciously, pretending to be scared by him, but they didn't run away completely, but stopped at a certain distance, barking provocatively, enticing him to continue chasing.

"Did you girls see that? They got scared of me! Now you know who the hero of the village is!" Dizzy Dan's mind floated with excitement."I bet Jane will agree to go out with me after today! Where will our wedding be? What will be a good name for my son?"

Dan believed he had already gained an absolute advantage. But he didn't notice that the further he moved away from the bonfire, the deeper he stepped into the darkness.

His body was coated in blood, a mix of his own and that of the wild wolves, yet he felt no pain—only joy. He paid no attention to the flurry of wood chips as his crude wooden bar swung, oblivious to the emerging fissures along its length.

He didn't pay attention to his surroundings or his direction. He only saw the wild wolves in front of him, only heard his own breathing. Dan was completely unaware that as he ventured further and further, A-Lai's back was exposed to the monsters, too.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh—the dart-like copper coins seized the opportunity, intensifying their assault. With a grunt of pain, A-Lai felt a high-speed spinning copper coin monster embed itself into his back. His coarse cloth garments offered no protection as it tore through his muscles.

A-Lai nearly collapsed from the searing pain. Gritting his teeth, he knelt on one leg for support. Struggling to focus, he fought to repel the wolves and fend off the relentless assault of the copper coin monsters.