Chapter 44: Gamble with the Snake General

In front of this giant creature, everyone turned into dwarfs. Even its thick tail seemed capable of crushing people into powder at any moment. Under such extreme pressure, the surrounding spectators, and even the living dead who were supposed to be oblivious, were gripped by fear and panic, scattering and fleeing far away.

Mowen's mind was racing. This snake demon was definitely more difficult to deal with than the fat zombie, and relying on Red Raven alone was absolutely not enough. This was a busy market area, and with things getting so chaotic, a large police force would soon arrive to handle the situation. There was no need to risk their lives in such a dangerous battle.

He urgently said, "Master, we should retreat. This battle is beyond our capabilities."

Red Raven, however, was undeterred and excitedly shouted, "Brother, you go first. You don't understand, it's my lifelong dream to fight a demon general!" He was eager, clearly not ready to give up.

What Red Raven didn't tell Mowen was that his master in the temple had said that whoever could defeat a demon general would be eligible to become an elder or abbot of the temple. The organization also had a rule that only those who defeated a demon general could take on missions above C-level. Thinking of those arrogant people in the organization filled him with determination.

The male demon opposite laughed mockingly, "Foolish human, let's see how strong you really are!" His voice was sharp, carrying a sound wave that pierced the eardrums.

Mowen felt uneasy. He didn't want to express his worries directly. He keenly noticed the demon looking at him with amusement, as if he were a piece of meat in a bowl, already considering him its prey.

Red Raven casually rolled up his sleeves and quietly stepped in front of Mowen, whispering, "Brother, this guy is stronger than me. When the fight starts, find a chance to escape. I'll come find you once I shake him off."

Mowen understood the gravity of the situation and said to Red Raven, "Master, take care." He sighed, realizing the scene before him was beyond his comprehension. Staying here would only hold others back.

Red Raven and the snake demon faced each other, the atmosphere tense. Red Raven took a deep breath and loudly proposed, "Big guy, with our skills, we could fight for days without a clear winner. How about this: we compete in a literary contest to quickly determine the winner?"

A trace of surprise flashed in the snake demon's eyes. "How?"

Red Raven continued, "We each take a turn attacking, and the other cannot dodge, must take the hit directly. Whoever falls first loses and follows the other, regardless of life or death. What do you think?"

The snake demon laughed mockingly, "With your strength? Fine, I agree!" His arrogance was unmistakable.

Red Raven immediately responded, "Then let's limit it to a hundred moves."

"No, a hundred is too many. Ten moves," the snake demon wanted to keep it short.

"Alright, ten moves. But let me strike first!" Red Raven firmly stated.

The snake demon nonchalantly nodded in agreement, "Fine."

In the invisible aircraft in the sky, a shadow was excitedly rubbing his hands. The recent bet had earned him a lot, but he regretted not betting more. However, the second round of betting had already begun, and the numbers on the screen showed a flood of bets.

"Are you still betting on the human? The odds are 10:1 in favor of the demon!"

"Yes, betting on the human again. If it hits, I can retire ten years early!"

"Foolish! No human can defeat a demon!" another voice retorted bluntly.

The shadow dared not argue but secretly hoped for another miracle.

Red Raven assumed a dragon claw stance, inner energy swirling around him, forming three small tornadoes. As his power increased, the wind speed picked up, instantly clearing away nearby vendor stands.

Red Raven, fully charged, suddenly lunged at the snake demon, using the strongest move in the Dragon Claw technique, "Flying Dragon in the Sky."

The three tornadoes connected in sequence, resembling a celestial dragon baring its fangs and brandishing its claws. The force blew the snake demon off balance, making it stumble and hastily crouch down to steady itself.

The snake demon, rarely cautious, took a deep breath, his body swelling, muscles doubling in size. He protected his abdomen with his palms, ready to withstand Red Raven's powerful storm.

With a resounding crash, Red Raven's heavy palm strike hit the snake demon's nose, a vulnerable spot. The impact caused the snake demon's head to snap back 270 degrees, distorting and almost disfiguring his face.

The young commentator excitedly exclaimed, "Wow, this kung fu is incredible! The Shaolin monk's strike nearly shattered the snake demon's head. It's severely injured. If it were human, it wouldn't survive!"

Shockingly,the snake demon's head slowly returned to position, unaffected. The shattered head rapidly healed before their eyes. The snake demon lightly massaged his head and shook it, showing Red Raven's attack wasn't completely ineffective.

The snake demon's eyes flashed with ferocity. He sneered, "Not bad. But now it's my turn!"

"Alright, the snake god is about to counterattack! Let's see what happens!" the young live streamer nervously narrated, "The snake god's arms are as thick as my waist. Can the Shaolin monk withstand this? Or will he be crushed? We'll find out soon. But personally, I think the monk's situation is really worrying!"

As the snake demon's massive muscles bulged like a drawn bow, Red Raven suddenly laughed, "Big fool, I'm not playing with you anymore!"

He kicked several folding tables and chairs towards the demon, followed by a trash can filled with bamboo skewers. These objects didn't harm the snake demon but momentarily distracted him.

Seizing the opportunity, Red Raven removed a string of prayer beads from his arm and silently recited Buddhist mantras. The beads formed a line, spinning and entangling the snake demon's thick body. They emitted a brilliant golden light, like a mystical chain binding the demon.

These were genuine prayer beads, blessed by a high monk with the power to subdue demons. But the demon was unfazed, sneering, "A tiny bead dares to shine!" His body expanded several times, shattering the beads in the air.

In an instant, the snake demon was free again. As the golden smoke dispersed, the burly man who had been standing before the demon had vanished without a trace.

"Despicable human!" the snake demon roared in fury, slamming his massive arms into the ground, creating deep pits and raising clouds of dust. People a hundred meters away panicked and fled, avoiding the demon's wrath.

The female demon's voice echoed from afar, cold and slightly smug, "Brother, don't be so hasty. That human is poisoned by my snake venom. Even if he purges it, Lord Gong can use the venom's traces to drag him into an illusion and torture him to death within ten days!"

"You're right, sister. But capturing him is still our credit, so let's not let him go!" the snake demon's deep voice resonated in the night.


Mowen ran quickly, aiming for an ancient temple beside the snack street. He hoped to find monks for help, or at least a safe place to hide from the demons. When he arrived at the temple gate, he found it tightly closed. Disappointed, he heard the sound of chanting from inside the temple, which lifted his spirits.

He knocked and called out, but the temple courtyard was too large for his voice to reach inside. Noticing a side door that wasn't locked, he pushed it open and entered. The temple was tranquil, and he quickened his pace towards the chanting, hoping to find monks or a safe haven.

The temple seemed deserted, with only the echo of chanting filling the space. Mowen began to doubt the true nature of this temple.