Chapter 15: Luring the Tiger Away

He took A-Lai's iron spear, gave it a gentle twist, and restored the deformed section to its original state. The villagers inhaled the cold air in disbelief as they watched the strongest man struggle to accomplish the task.

The werewolf, momentarily stunned, was angered by Master Gongsun's dismissive attitude. It howled at the sky, fists clenched, revealing its inner fury.

Master Gongsun turned back,"You're like a puppet being controlled by someone. Let me help you!"

The werewolf extended her strong arms with fingernails glinting like daggers, attempting to grab Master Gongsun. However, the elder leaped above the werewolf's head, rolled through the air, and landed behind the beast with the agility of a fox.

He flicked his pipe, sending ashes and sparks flying. Hundreds of thin black lines connected the Werewolf to the depths of the forest.

Master Gongsun made a sharp cut with a birch stick, like the world's sharpest sword, slicing through the black lines. A muffled groan echoed from the distance. Master Gongsun immediately identified his target and swiftly moved away, leaving the werewolf behind.

"No need to panic about the werewolf, he is noble. Get inside and wait until morning!" His voice trailed off as he quickly moved away.

The werewolf seemed to snap out of a dream, shaking its head in confusion, before surveying the scene. Its fierce gaze gradually cleared, and its ferocity gave way to haughty pride.

He cast a glance around and let out a piercing howl, expecting a response. To his astonishment, the eyes of the surrounding wolves still blazed with a fiery anger. It appeared they had lost control for some inexplicable reason. Without a moment's hesitation, the werewolf made a swift turn and abruptly vacated the area.

The principal and the villagers exhaled in relief, pulling Dan and A-Lai inside the building and sealing the door shut.

All the surviving villagers were excited, though still sweating and breathing heavily.

"Is that the legendary returning spear? Master said if A-Lai is getting older, no one can avoid it!" one villager exclaimed, wiping sweat from his brow.

"That's nothing—A-Lai's Poseidon's trident technique is even more powerful!" another villager, still shaken, peeked outside but spoke with forced nonchalance.

"The werewolf is gone, and the master is here. We should be safe now, right?"

"That old man is often drunk—who knows how reliable he is this time," someone muttered skeptically.

"It seems that there's an even more evil monster hiding in the forest!" another villager whispered, casting a nervous glance toward the dark trees.

Everyone fell silent, the weight of the new threat pressing heavily on their minds.

Dan was laid down on the floor, and the crowd began to tend to his injuries. Dan's foot, chest, and arm were bleeding profusely, as though raked by iron thorns. Dan seemed to have suffered a severe shock and had fallen into a deep sleep.

A-Lai's condition was better, and Little Fly's grandfather had somehow fetched herbal medicine from the academy's infirmary to treat A-Lai's wounds and bandage them up.

He whispered to A-Lai,"Don't take risks. Follow me back to the classroom, seal the windows and doors, and endure the night. Tomorrow, help will arrive!"

The massive wolf king exceeded their understanding, a creature from comics or legends brought to life. But the wild wolves outside gave the villagers no time to catch their breath. Heavy blows on the school doors yanked them back to harsh reality.

"Secure the door! They're starting to attack again!" the principal shouted, alerting everyone.

The door trembled under the onslaught, while the villagers struggled to hold it with their bodies.

A thunderous crash echoed through the building as a classroom door behind them shattered from a monstrous attack. Swarms of frog-like creatures burst through, their mouths gaping wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth that snapped at people's necks and arms.

The survivors screamed and fled to the higher floors. But their speed couldn't match the creatures' agility, and some were quickly caught. In the darkness, the sounds of screams and eerie laughter blended into a nightmarish symphony.

The academy was breached from within, leaving those at the entrance surrounded by enemies. The villagers' hope dwindled as they realized the true extent of the terror closing in on them.

Master Gongsun had just entered the depths of the forest when he encountered an enchanting woman. She wore revealing clothes, her pale skin glowing under the moonlight, exuding an otherworldly, eerie beauty. Blood stains lingered at the corner of her mouth, her scarlet tongue flicking out as if savoring a sweet treat.

"To think the Red Skirt Demon, Miss Gong, would personally intervene—this is unexpected!"

Master Gongsun felt a hint of concern. He had thought the village was quiet and isolated, but it seemed to have drawn the attention of one of the top ten demon generals. The Red Skirt Demon was a confidante of the demon lord, her power exceeding that of typical demon generals, placing her among the lord's most trusted allies.

Master Gongsun understood the appearance of such a high-ranking figure signified the demon lord's intense interest in this place. This realization made him aware that his identity, hidden within the village, might have been exposed. A plan formed in his mind: capturing the Red Skirt Demon could delay the demon lord's plans to reclaim the mortal world, buying humanity more time.

"Old man, if you dare meddle in this matter, I'll summon all my brothers and sisters to see who's truly in control!" Her voice was icy and sinister.

"Nonsense! I can summon my own allies!" Master Gongsun responded fearlessly.

It was like watching two children arguing, threatening to call for reinforcements.

"Who are your so-called allies? You're just a lonely old man." The woman laughed mockingly, her eyes gleaming with cunning."How about a suggestion? Let's let the younger ones handle this while we step aside, shall we?"

Master Gongsun considered the situation. He knew reinforcements wouldn't arrive until dawn, so he had to compromise for now. He nodded slightly,"Fine, you don't call for reinforcements, and I won't either. But since we're here, let's have a little duel."

The woman cast a wistful glance at him,"You old codger, I'm not interested in dueling you!" She chuckled and turned away, her red skirt blazing like fire in the night, as brilliant as a peony in bloom. The next moment, she was ten steps away.

Master Gongsun seized the opportunity, attempting to capture Miss Gong. Even if outnumbered, he could use her as leverage. He moved quickly, pointing his pipe toward Miss Gong's back.

Miss Gong transformed into a wisp of smoke, then reformed in another direction. One chased, the other fled, their movements soon leading them deep into the forest.

Miss Gong led the way, her smile growing sly as she glanced back at Master Gongsun."Foolish old man, you've fallen for my diversion!"

Master Gongsun realized he might have walked into a trap. Just as he was about to change course, Miss Gong's laughter echoed around him, like a ghost haunting his ears. Then, a wildflower stem nearby suddenly turned into a sharp spike, silently aiming for his back.

Master Gongsun seemed to have a sixth sense, turning quickly and catching the spike in his hand, crushing it to powder.

"Child's play!" he scoffed.

Master Gongsun darted in a new direction, grabbing at a dark tree trunk. His fingers, like eagle claws, tore away a large piece of bark, which transformed into a red cloth.

Miss Gong let out a shriek,"Old man, if you wanted my stockings, just ask!" She then threw down a cloud of pink smoke and disappeared again, leaving only the sight of her pale legs behind.

Her distant voice echoed,"You think you can catch me? I'm the queen of this forest!"

Master Gongsun felt a surge of tension, keeping his gaze fixed on Miss Gong's rapidly shifting form, like a whirlwind of red. Her speed made it difficult for him to track her, but he remained poised to strike again.

"You're old—you should be resting in the village, not running around!" The woman's voice grew more enchanting, as though mocking Master Gongsun's naiveté.

Master Gongsun seemed to fall into deep thought, his movements becoming stiff and slow.