Chapter 14: No Chance to Beat a Werewolf

A-Lai did not hesitate and advanced again. His eyes narrowed with intense concentration, his elbow snapping forward like a piston.

Recalling his master's teachings on joint vulnerabilities, A-Lai aimed for the werewolf's left knee, knowing that even a slight dislocation could cripple the beast's mobility. His elbow struck like a hammer, channeling all his force into a precise point to maximize damage.

The werewolf let out a pained yelp, the force of the blow causing it to stagger on its wounded leg. Anticipating the werewolf's instinctive shift of weight to its uninjured leg, A-Lai swiftly pivoted, targeting the right knee with surgical precision. He knew that impairing both legs would severely limit its ability to counterattack or flee.

The werewolf's legs buckled under the assault, its once powerful stance crumbling. It struggled to remain upright, its knees wobbling as it fell to one knee with a pained snarl. A-Lai's strikes had been precise, targeting the werewolf's critical points. The damage was evident, and for a moment, the werewolf's eyes, once filled with predatory glee, now reflected a serious intensity.

It limped backward, retreating from A-Lai's relentless onslaught. A deep, primal growl rumbled from its throat, a sound filled with both anger and vulnerability.

The werewolf, recognizing A-Lai's skill, recalibrated its approach. No longer underestimating its opponent, it began to feint and probe, testing A-Lai's responses, each movement a calculated measure to identify any openings in A-Lai's defense.

A-Lai paused, his chest heaving with exertion. His elbow throbbed with pain, his fist swollen from the impact. Despite the werewolf's imposing size and strength, A-Lai had managed to exploit its weaknesses. He had wounded it, but he knew the fight was far from over.

For the first time, A-Lai observed a chink in the werewolf's formidable armor. Its left leg, now compromised, forced it into a more defensive stance. He recognized an opportunity to disrupt its balance further, knowing that his precision strikes had started to wear down the beast's strength.

However, the werewolf's recovery was faster than A-Lai had anticipated. Its immense form straightened, muscles rippling beneath its fur as it regained its balance. A-Lai forced himself to stay ready, his eyes locked on the beast. He had briefly turned the tide of battle, and he couldn't afford to let that advantage slip away.

A-Lai began to circle the werewolf, his movements cautious yet deliberate. The beast followed him, its yellow eyes gleaming with a dangerous mix of overconfidence and predatory anticipation. Each step was like a deadly dance, the werewolf's sharp claws scraping against the ground, its body coiled like a spring ready to strike.

Just as the werewolf lunged, A-Lai saw an opening. He sprang forward, using the momentum to thrust his fist upward with all his strength, aiming for the werewolf's chin—a known weak point. A surge of hope filled him as his fist drove toward its target.

But in the critical moment, as his eyes met the werewolf's, he realized his mistake. The beast's eyes sparkled with amusement, not pain."Not good, he tricked me this time," A-Lai thought, panic rising within him.

The werewolf, displaying a predator's reflexes, twisted its body just as A-Lai aimed for its chin, demonstrating a keen awareness of its weak spots. It had anticipated such a move from a seasoned fighter, revealing its own combat experience.

Before A-Lai could react, the werewolf's massive claw seized his clothing, lifting him off the ground in a terrifying display of strength. The world became a blur as A-Lai's body was whipped around in a whirlwind, his limbs flailing helplessly.

Disorientation overwhelmed him. He couldn't think or breathe, the air rushing past him in a deafening roar. His vision spun wildly, nausea clawing at his stomach. The werewolf had turned him into a helpless ragdoll, its grip unyielding as it spun him faster and faster.

With a ferocious snarl, the werewolf's eyes glowed molten red, rage manifesting in every muscle and sinew. It lashed out, swinging A-Lai's body with such force that he felt his bones strain under the pressure. The beast's roar filled his ears, a primal sound of fury and dominance, as it prepared to hurl him like a projectile.

Desperation clawed at A-Lai. He twisted his body, trying to find leverage. His hands clawed at the air, seeking anything to grasp onto. The wind howled around him, the ground and sky blending into a chaotic swirl.

With a final, savage motion, the werewolf flung him away. A-Lai hurtled through the air, his body spinning uncontrollably. The world blurred into a streak of colors and sounds, and he braced himself for the impact.

He crashed into the ground, the force of the throw driving the breath from his lungs. Pain exploded through his body, but he forced himself to move, rolling onto his side to avoid becoming an easy target. Gasping for breath, he looked up to see the werewolf advancing, its eyes fixed on him with a predatory gleam.

Every muscle in A-Lai's body screamed in protest, but he pushed himself to his feet, determination burning in his eyes. The werewolf was powerful and fast, but A-Lai wasn't beaten yet. He had to dig deep, find a way to overcome the beast's strength and speed. His mind raced, searching for a strategy, anything that could give him an edge in the fight.

The werewolf, sensing A-Lai's fatigue, closed the distance with a sudden burst of speed, its claws angled to exploit any gaps in A-Lai's stance. It aimed to overwhelm him with a flurry of strikes, a tactic designed to bypass his defenses through sheer aggression.

A-Lai braced himself, ready to face the oncoming assault. He might be battered and bruised, but he was far from defeated. With a fierce cry, A-Lai launched himself at the werewolf, his fists raised and his eyes scanning for the slightest hint of a weakness. He anticipated the werewolf's counterattacks, ready to adapt his strikes and maintain the upper hand by staying unpredictable.

Just as the werewolf's claws were about to strike, an old man suddenly appeared before it. Bald, white-bearded, and hunchbacked, he wore a floral cotton jacket and held a long pipe. He stood with his back to the werewolf but turned to smile at A-Lai.

"Master!" A-Lai exclaimed, struggling to sit up despite his injuries. The newcomer was none other than A-Lai's master, Old GongSun.

"Good disciple, your lance work is taking shape, but your burst strength is lacking," the old man said confidently, a calm contrast to the chaotic scene."You need to release three times your current power to defeat this beast."

The werewolf, sensing something amiss, growled deeply, its eyes narrowing at the old man.