Chapter 128

"Now, imagine that rage flowing out through your fingertips, shaping the water according to your emotions," Azrael encouraged.

Aurora exhaled softly. She pictured the river responding to her will and felt a strange sensation around her wrist. The water from the river swirled around her arm, as if beckoned by an invisible force. It formed a soft tendril around her wrist, and as she focused on her thoughts, it began to shimmer, becoming green light.

"That's it," Azrael whispered in her ear. "Now open your eyes." He took a step back and looked at her as her eyes flicked open.

A soft gasp escaped Aurora's lips, mixed with wonder and terror. She was holding a ball of energy in her hand. It was the size of an apple and continued to glow an iridescent green.

"Can you feel it?" Azrael whispered. "Can you feel the flow of the magic through you?"