-----[ATER POV]----

It has been two weeks since I had my kiss, the only changes were that Cosmo increased my training to running around the whole Castle and sparing with the Dark Knights in his Unit and to no suprize I lost all the matches and my states are over 20 which make me a 'F-' hunter.

Those guy were brutal they could leave me on the brink of death, they had no mercy for their Prince, well Cosmo would always have a devil grin when he gave me healing potions.

The are four types of potions, the bronce potion for light external wounds, the silver potion for internal injuries and the gold potion for major injuries both external and internal, it would heal broken bones and stick back body parts dicluding the head.

There is also a Love potion, which is pink, I have brought some to take back home. I am planning on selling them, as it is something you can only find in this places.

Funny fact is that I figured that Elena is Claus Sandolfon's daughter. Claus Sandolfon is the red haired Martial I meet back then. The Martial didn't know that he had a daughter named Elena since he has many wives and children to the point were he can't remember them all.

So the question is why was a Martial's daughter a maid in the Castle, well the answer to that is because it a rule that Nobels and Ministers send one of their children to the castle as servants. It was a law made to keep them in check.

Most of you are wondering aren't I going to break Elena's sweet heart when I return but the answer is no, a few days before my first fight or kill you would say my ability novel gate showed me an intresting part which I didn't see when I first checked it, which went like this.

[Reward for being the first to obtain Aether]

[Checkpoint and Bus function has been added to Novel Gate]

[Checkpoint allows user to go to and from the Novel at any time(1/3)]

[Bus function allows the user to carry beings from the Novel to the real world and carry beings from the real world to any Novel]

[Other rewards will be given wants you are back to the real world.]

Thats the reason why I made a go on her, I am not someone who goes around playing with peoples hearts, I maybe mean and playfull but I got my own set of rules. I even thought of having a date in the real world with modern clothing but for now I will put those thoughts aside as I need to have a better place to stay can't go bringing girls over in a small apartment.

As of now I am the streets of a small village called Metaron and I used disguise magic to change my hair to black and it worked nobody seemed to notice, I am with Elena who is holding my hand.

Elena is talented is Spirit Magic and has already formed contructs with 4 mid-level spirits, which is also shocking since its something 'C+' rank hunters can do, she is actually stronger than me here.

The reason why we are together is because Elena wanted to hung out with me, and I also needed a break from being beat up by Cosmo's underlings. The streets were actually good looking than I thought.

The houses are mostly made of wood and bones which just showed the greatness of a Dark Magic Kingdom, they even had a sewer system, Vendors were selling things on there stores and I could see a group of 4 Dark Knights and two Dark Magicians patrolling around the streats, I couldn't see the magic street lights since it was day time.

We passed around two schools, which were One for Knights and One for Magicians, I couldn't believe that this is the poorest village in the Kingdom, it looked more organized than most cities in the novel, maybe its because the Eastern Kingdom is the richest.

As we moved far East I could see long wide fields of maize and cotton. What shocked me was a field of groundnuts, I didn't think one would actually farm groundnuts in a fantasy world.

As we moved further in we could see farmers, since I was dressed like them, they just thought I was a new guy with his wife looking for a place to stay. I first sported a pub that was made out of wood and as I walked futhur in I could see more wood and thatched roofs which really gave of a Europian medieval setting.

We walked to a giant tree as I needed to rest showing that our journey just got started. Elena took same hand made food from her storage pouch and we ate the food. Elena must think we came here in this place to just hung out.

We stood up as we exchanged looks, Elena still looked cute as hell, even she was wearing a commers clothing with a white t-shirt and a sleeveless dress on top, I did saw some men who gave her weird looks back when we came here.

I don't no if this place is the Village side of Metaron or just the developed part of it, I put my hands around Elena's waist and I pulled her on to me, she just looked sideway as I asked,

"Are you having fun?"

I could few Elena's hands move to my back as she tightened the grip and nodded a little, I smiled as a memory of when I announced Elena as my wife to be flashed through.

Elena couldn't say anything back then as she was tomato red and let me BS my way through the nobels and ministers, what suprized me was that those guys seemed fine with a Prince marrying a maid. They said that its not something uncommon in the castle as my grandmother was also a maid and since Elena was the Martial's daughter it became an added advantage.

Back to current time line, I could few Elena's silk like hair on my chin and her cherry smell was in my nose I moved my hands towards her face, it was soft and cold.

Elena looked at me as her cyan eyes reflected me, I gave her a light kiss and told her the reason I came here,

"Actually I am here to meet a dragon,"

"Huh, What a dragon, but don't dragons live on secluded areas,"

Well she doesn't seem shocked as dragons are everyday creature here, I smiled and answered her,

"But this place is secluded thoug...," I stopped mid way as I saw that Elena was having an angry expression, "What wrong?"

"Honey don't tell me you are planning to do something dangerous, a few days ago you came injured when you fought black fured goblin"

So you know black fur Goblins are the weakest type of goblins and have black fur instead of green skin and are shorter, they are mostly thieves. After Elena said that she reached for my left ear and pitched it hard, it felt like it was gonna fall off, as I cruched to the ground,

"Ouch ouch come on darling you know there is no way I would do anything dang...."


I couldn't finish that sentance as Elena slapped me real hard, and just like any other man I took it on, which took me flying into the sky.

----[POV NAR]----

A young couple was walking around the path which was between the fields, and passed through various woodern houses, they were heading toward a single roomed house which is in the middle of the villiage.

"pfft, hahaha"

A short girl with long legs, a perfectly modelled body, straight medium sized shiney brown hair and cyan eyes, couldn't hold back her laughter as she would took a glances at a dark blue eyed boy next to her who had a slap mark on his left cheek.

"Elena you could just laugh it off, its not like its the first time,"

The blue eyed boy under disguise magic which turned his hair black said as he hold his cheek which was sore from pain.

Elena laughed heartly and the villagers just looked at how the weird couple was acting,

"Young people this days always get into arguments,"

"The poor guy is lucky if it was my wife he would be left near deaths door, she is a monster,"

"Honey who are you calling are monster, don't you like your life,"

The woman started beating the hell out of the big mouthed husband. The other men next to the husband just turned sideways as they didn't want to be included, while this was happening Ater could only stare at his girl who was laughing at him while covering her mouth with her right hand.

"I am sorry, pftt hahaha bring your cheek closer to me Ater,"

Ater just did as asked as he learned his head closer to Elena. Elena kissed the sore cheek, and smiled before saying,

"It will be all better now, next time just do go off doing something dangerous without telling me, now lead the way to the dragon."

Ater could only nod as he didn't have anything to say to her, as Ater and Elena were closer to the single roomed house they could see that no people were around the place, as there were 200metre from the house Elena suddenly fainted as she leaned on Ater.

Ater just smiled and princess carry her, ohh she was a princess now. Ater removed his magic and his returned to dark blue and thought as he moved towards the front door

'It seems like she couldn't stand the Dragon fear, I am only standing because of my Wall skill'

Ater reached the door and knocked on the door, for a few times, A middle aged man wearing a white robe openned the door with a frown on his face.

The man had long curly silver hair that reached his knees, an average body shape, a handsome triangular shaped face, and crystal silver eyes.

"Can't you see that I am busy I got no time to talk with strangers,"

The man said in a high tone as he had a death glare on Ater. Ater just put on a worried look and replied,

"Please help, my wife just collapsed I don't know what happened please help kind sir,"

The man just shock his head as he thought, 'This brat is weaker than his wife and he has no presence at all.'

The man just shock his head, and a vein popped out of his head, "Tsk you win brat, come in, make your story short and fast. I will kill you even if you are the Prince."

The man walked inside his house and Ater had a sly smile as he entered the room. The room was similiar to Atar's apartment, nicely organised and had a single bed on the corner, a single desk and arm chair.

Ater laid Elena on the bed, and he sat sat next to her and looked at the man sitting on the arm chair and looking at him, Ater could only think,

'Even though this guy looks like a normal person, he is the strongest being in the world the silver dragon, which means I shouldn't try to waste to much time on him.'

"My name is Ater Heart I am here to propose to you a deal about changing worlds," Ater went straight to his objective as he tried to recall the dragon's name but he had forgot about it.

"Are you crazy what the hail are...."

"If this world is a Novel then the world I am talking about is were the readers and the Author leave "

Ater paused while taking a deep breath and he stroked Elena's hair and countinued,

"Haven't you been trying to go to another world for a long time, I will take you to a place were you would fill the joy of fighting once again."

The dragon gaized on Ater as it weighed down his words and thought,

'The brat is not telling a lie which means his words a creditable,'

'Though he tried to hide it he did say this world is a novel, but how did he get here'

'I have nothing to lose maybe I can fight someone powerful enough, in his world,'

'It answers one of my questions I had as a child of how I could became strong without doing much'

The Dragon gazed at Ater and said, "Whats in it for you, nothing comes for free in this small world,"

Ater smiled when he heard that and thought, 

'Looks like he has already approvied that he is character in a novel. Other than his Time and Space magic his quick understanding is one of the reasons I approached him,'

"I will need you to sign a mana contruct with me, that lets you be my familiar summon for a 100 years. Its a small time for someone as old as you who is above a Million years old"

Ater just took his The mana contruct from the inventory and handed it to the dragon, The dragon just smiled and signed the contruct and gave it back the contruct to Ater.

"I Javier Dralgado shall,be your familiar Summon for the next 100 years."

After Javier said that he could fell a connection to Ater and Ater was no diffirent.