Ater arrived back at the Castle just before sunset as he carried Elena like a Princess while using his black robe to cover her from direct sunlight. He had used a taleportion rune paper to move from Metaron to the Castle.

As he moved to his sleeping chambers the maids would great him with smiles as they blashed a little. Ater meet Cosmo on the way who just gave thumbs up.

Cosmo just thought of the first day he started teaching Ater who had a skinny body, who would run around the gym and would fall on the ground and would get up and start running like some crazy kid.Now Ater had an average physic with 10% protein, and would hunt low level monstors by himself. He could only smile at him.

Ater went inside his sleeping chamber and laid Elena on the bed as he thought of ways to tell her that he would be leaving soon.


Elena had a strange dream were she and Ater were in the modern world while walking around the streets, since she had no idea that she was in the park it felt like a romantic and weird place to her.

Elena woke up she found herself in Ater's bedroom, she remember that she had fainted when they were going toward a strange house. She had many questions for Ater and she needed some answers,

'I hope he didn't do something crazy, If he did he would need to answer to my slaps a little'

Elena clenched her little fist, as she would found a little joy in slapping Ater and she thought of the fist time she slapped him, It was before their first kiss and she was still just a maid, Ater had teased her and she just slapped him unconsciously, which she thought she could be killed for but the Prince just laughed it off.

"You are alwake, you sure do sleep like a beauty you are, "

Ater's cheeky voice brought her out of her thought, as she sat up straight on the bed as Ater who was wearing a long red tunic advanced toward her. She wasn't in the mood for his jokes she needed answers and she had an angry face as she asked,


She couldn't finish her sentance as Ater sat next to her and started kissing her as he hold her back, she wanted to reject but Ater keep on insisting until she finally gave up, She could few Ater's cold breath and his small hands moving on her.

After about 15 minutes of Kissing and touching, Ater stopped and hugged her and a few tears come out from him,

"I will be living for a few days I want you to look after the Kingdom,"

Elena was shocked to hear this, as she didn't expect him to try and pull of the same trick as her mother. Elena's mother had left her when she was a little girl and never come back. Elena was left with her step mothers who didn't like her and mistreated her. Her step mothers had selected her as the one to be a maid in the castle.

The castle was better than her house, but it had a lot of pressure on her, during her first month in the castle she had broken a cup in fit of rage as one of the maids had insulted her, but then the young Prince walked near the kitchen she was shocked and thought she was going to die, but to her suprise Prince Ater hugged her, it was the first time someone had hugged her and she seemed to like it and cried her heart out.

Ever since that day she started being respected by the other maid and even the Martial her father who she only knew in name visited her and only said that she looked like her mother and left. She could run into Ater in the castle and Ater would tell her to hung around with him saying he needed a stress relief.

And now that Ater was talking about leaving for a few days, she wanted to go with him but she knew Ater could have just left like her like how her mother did if he didn't consider her special, which made her smile,

"Will you come back, Ater "

"Yes I will how would I leave without my heart,"

Elena smiled and moved her hands to Ater's face and wiped his tears with her thumbs and brought him closer to her face and she kissed him until she went back to sleep.

----[Ater POV]----

After Elena fell asleep I put her back in the blanket and I kissed her forehead and went to wash my face. I checked my inventory which was now 3 cubic metres now as it grew as I ranked up, it was filled with storage pouches which had items I collected here.

As I was about to leave I looked at Elena and said, "I will miss you honey."

I openned the door and saw Javier the Silver Dragon in his human form holding and staring at my phone, waiting a few metres away from my sleeping chamber, I walked to him as he had a large smile on his face and thought,

'He really needed a change of pace, he is even happy about reading the things of the real world from my cellphone'

I reached towards him and asked, "Did you bring all your treasure"

"You don't need ask something so obvious," Javier said as kept staring at my cellphone.

Ater took a glance at his cellphone with showed Kali Language which was used in his previous life, in the real world and the novel he is in, he just hold the Silver dragon's shoulder as he looked around with a sigh. 

"Bus, Log out"

As soon as Ater said that and blinding light covered them and in a blink of an eye there were in Ater's small apartment, but before Ater could do anything he saw system messages on his face,

[Rewards for being the First Aether user 

1000 coins have been added]

[Rewards for being the First to have the Dark Magic skill

250 coins have been added]

[Showing Status Window]




 AGE : 17 years and 11 months


 COINS : 1362

INVENTORY: (3 metre square)



Health - 24

strength - 21

Defence - 20

Dexterity - 25

Accuracy - 20

Perception - 24

Intelligance - 103

Aether - 23

charm - 20

Affinity - Fire/ Ice/ Darkness


Novel Gate

Can go inside novels

The character possessed will be changed to fit you

Skills and Items got from the novel can be bought back to the real world.

Checkpoint allows user to go to and from the Novel at any time(1/3)

Bus function allows the user to carry beings from the Novel to the real world and carry beings from the real world to any Novel


Protects against all mental and spiritual attacks.

Can be seen but can't be felt


King of acting - increases the chance of not getting cought while pretending.

Outsider - increases of success and expirence when doing things alone.


12 Dark Swords Art (★★★★★)

- A complete sword art with both a breathing method and footwork . It had been passed through since the world began and modified around the years. Once understanding increases the user may add his own skills to the art and the art can grow.


Dark Magic(F)

-Can freely use Dark magic spells without the help from the system. More spells will be used as the Rank increases.

Magic (F)

- Can freely use magic spells without the help of the system. More spells will be used as the realm increases.

Rune Magic (F)

- You have a high understanding of rune magic, can use low level runes. 

Bonded Items

Dove Wings(Rare)

Gives the user the avility to have long White Dove Wings, the ability to manupulate dove feathers, can summon Dove familiars who can share sences with the user. The Wind Element can be used will the item is being used. (Dexterity +50) ]

I looked at the clock which was at my desk and couldn't help but smile as it showed the date of 20 October 2025 and showed the time 2001hrs.

"I went up two realms in a minute,"

Before I could celebrate the joy another system messages apeared,

[Reward For having a Dragon as a familiar summon

250 coins have been added]

[Introducing System to Dragon Javier DraIgado 

Time and Space affinity has been set.

Abilities and skills will be kept.

Reducing rank from 3rd grade consellation to A- rank

All states have been set at 400 each except for intelligance at ???]

I looked at Javier who was at my side as shrink to the size of a ten year old, he still had a handsome look but now it was on the cute side. I could see the the grin on his face as he shouted,


I just at looked at cute dragon next to me before I broke his silence and said, "Lets change clothes first and go on tour,"

The dragon just smiled and said, "Yes thats what we must do, hahaha"


It was now 9pm and I was walking down the streats of Area 2 in Zone 1, how did I get here you ask, After buying clothes for Javier I asked him to use his Magic to teleport us here, all I did was show him videos of the place and wala we are here.

Javier seemed to like video games a lot and I just left him go a play them at an internent Cafe, I cannot baby sit him after all his stronger than me, and this place is strikingly new to me.

There are highly decorated buildings, a spotless environment, Cars moving 20 cm above ground and an air railway line. The place had a futurist vibe compared to Zone 3 which looked more modern this place is lit, but one thing caught my eye nobody seems to be walking, there are just using lifts to move around.

Zone 1 is the only zone with 10 Areas, the other Zones are limited to have five Areas from 1 to 5. The smaller the number of the Area the richer the people. 

Evern though I am in this futuristic place I am blending in just fine, although I am looking at things that interest me like the robots in the area which look almost the same as the other races around, with the only difference being the red sclera in there eyes, funny fact is they can reprodece and have off springs but only with other races.

I was wearing a fitted Dark Blue Double Breasted Suit, it was one of the clothes I had in my previous and it got into this world with me, I walked into a high quality shop named 'Lemon Items'

It had a strange name but it was the best one in terms of buying magic items at a higher price. When I entered the shop I was shocked seeing robots who looked normal, I mean as they had metal skin and red eyes which showed the robots everyone thoughts of. It was something said in the novel that the owner of this shop kept old model robots to do his job and he never come out of his office.

"Follow me great sir"

A robotic voice said to me as a one metre tin can robot lead the way toward a giant robot about 3 metres tall, and it said in its robotic voice as its stomach openned and huge black dish came out of it,

"Put the item you want to sell in the box"

I could hear the big robot commanding tone, and just clicked my tongue as I thought, 'This place is under the protection of a myth grade consellation and no one would like to mess with this cheeky toys made by the owner of the shop'

I took out a pouch which had the magic items which were under one gold coin I bought and openned it and let everything fall into the black dish which seemed like an endless pit, After three minutes the items were finished and I put back the pouch and the dish went back inside the stomach.

I could few the demons with there black sclera and red iris eyes looking at me with gread, the pointy eared elves looked at me with a curious gaze and the humans seemed more gready than the demons. The red haired Vampires didn't look much at me as they kept on selling their own staff.

"200 Billion Yos"

Yos is the currency used in this world and don't worry its not like it has a low exchange value, Its just that the items I sold were worth that much, With 200 Billions yos a family can live for four generations without poverty. 

I was shocked really to see that all the under 1 gold items amounted to that but I kept my poker face to not look like same country bumpkin.

"Give me the finist storage bracelet you have and put 100 Million Cash in it and the rest put it in my bank account,"

The robot took a black coloured wrist bracelet from shelves behind it, which looked more stylish than the ones in the castle libray. It handed to me the bracelet and a black card written 'VVVIP'.

I just took the blacelet and card and put them in my inventory I was shocked at this, getting a VIP card is tough enough and here I got a VVVIP card which SSS rank hunters and guilds don't usually have. I took short strides as the one I used as a Prince which gave a cold and arrogant vibe. I rushed to where Javiel was, well I was carried there I didn't walk, but the truth is I wanted to get out of here those looks are horror, money is dangerous.

-------[POV NAR]------

While Ater was walking out of the shop a short old woman, who wore lab glasses and lab coat, who had white short hair and wringles on her face. She was on the top floor of the shop, which was near cloud level. The old woman had no changes on her face as she stared at the holographic message infront of her.

[Constellation 'The Handcapped with an ugly face' says that he wants the items that the dark blue haired boy has left.] 
