1: FRITZ SIEGFRIED - 100 240 points (A)

2: Gi Ho-Sook - 60 800 points(A)

3: Leo Becker - 40 100 points(A)

4: Yong Sun Hee - 30 970 points(A)

5: Lars Cumin - 10 210 points(A)

6: Emily Slava - 10 150 points(A)

7: Adrian Slava - 9 850 points(D)

8: Caliel Melahel - 9 660 points (A)


9 861: Ater Heart - 950 points (A)]

"Wow when did Adrian die?"

"He died from stapping at one of your traps my dear Ater,"

The sweet voice which said that was a woman in purple party dress, had long royal blue hair, matching eyes, a pleasant smile on her oval face and had royal blue lipstick. One could say she looks like Ater's mother but it was the Constellation [One who forgot their sex] Loki the trickster from Norse Mythology.

"Ater you lazy idiot there are plenty of [C] Rank Monsters out there which will get you points.

You have only five E rank monster all for which you wanted to eat how can one be so low. You even tried to run away from Magic Deer."

The horse voice who said that was a muscular man with olive skin tone, a captivating round face, long curly hair and he only had a pair of colourful baggy paints he was Constellation [The Who Forgot Their Form] Maui the Demi-God from the Polynesian Mythology.

[External forces can interfere in the tower on the third day of the exam. Constellations will pay a large amount of Divinity and coins in order to fully descend into the tower.]

"Are you crazy do you think I will go hunting on the third day. With you guys around I will rather just watch the fun."

Ater said that as he was sitting on a boulder with Loki on his side putting her left hand on Ater's shoulder acting like a mother and Maui standing on the ground with a huge grin on his face.

"Huhuhu, I can't wait to see the look on that one eyed old man after this."

After Loki said that, they started laughing like a bunch of crazy people.


While Ater and the two Constellations from [The Band of Lunatics] were laughing outside the tower, inside a room filled with monitoring screens and plenty of staff, a demon with a pot belly in a bussiness suit and was the Dean of the Academy. His eyes were glowing from joy of messing with his students.

"Harumi how many students are still in the exam?"

"13 654 students Levin-sama,"

An elf woman in her late tweanties, with a large burst size, pale skin, a charming face, with glasses and had black hair tied up in ponny tail answered to the Dean's question with a straight face.

"How many students in the top 100 are still alive?"

"3 have so far died and there all died by stapping on traps made by a student called Ater Heart."

Levin frowned before asking, "Who is this Ater Heart?"

Harumi grapped her tablet and said, "He is the student with a total of 17 student kills making him the one with most kills,"

"Show me Ater Heart's current visuals"

The people sitting near the monitoring screen all nodded and after a few seconds the screen changed and showed Ater's visuals.

"Why are they in the tower?"

No one could answer the Dean's question as no one knew why Maui and Loki were walking next to Ater. Even if Loki looked different they could tell its her/him.

"Put him on the list of potential students and change the visuals and Harumi give me the brief summary of what took place so far."

Harumi tapped her tablet and a hologram showing different students showed up,

"Princess Caliel seems to have contructed a mid-rank wind spirit even though being a [D-] student and she was to put up a fight with most monsters alone,

The Demon twins Emily and Adrian have showed fatastic results even though Adrian got killed by Ater Heart he was still able to make it into the top 10

The Vampire Lars Cumin is doing what is expected of him and is ranked 5 even though he has been injured and the prodogy swordsman from the Becker family Leo has been showing a great perfomance even though he is currently ranked 3."

Everyone was shocked as they thought Leo Becker would be ranked first and Lars Cumin should probably be second. Dean Levin showed a wicked smile before asking,

"So who is ranked 4th, 2nd and 1st,"

Harumi nodded as she adjust her glasses and holographic image of three students showed up,

"First we have Yong Sun Hee, she is currently ranked 4th and has a good understanding of magic theory. He main elements are fire, wind, earth and metal. So far she only showed her fire and wind magic,

The second is Gi Ho-Sook who is ranked 2nd and has good affinity for ice magic and is also proficient in long and mid rage magic

The next is Fritz Seigfried who is ranked first we can't really tell weather he is a warrior or a magician as he uses a dagger and can also cast spell. We have ruled out the possibility of him using demonic energy as he can use light magic,

The three of them are currently in a team and they also killed the blind Great Cobra yesterday"

Everyone was shocked as they didn't know that a Great Cobra was on the first floor. Dean Levin was the only one who had a smile before asking,

"Aside from the constellation from the Band Of Lunatics how many others are in the tower and how many a connected to the Tower Channel,"

[Constellation can communicate using the Entertainment Channel to send messages to hunters in dungens and a Tower has its on channel which it uses and its also a source to get coins for the constellation who made the tower as they will receive income through subscription fees from other constellation. A constellation can open a private account at a cost of of many coins to sent private messages to a hunter.]

" 'The Guardian of Twins' is the only one here aside from the Band Of Lunatics they probably wanted to check on the Demon Twins but since one of them is out they should ne leaving

UnderWorld and the Band Of Lunatics are the only Divine Realms watching."

Levin grin widened before looking at monitoring screens and his 2 iris turned abyss black matching his sclera.


Leo Becker has been hunting solo ever since he come inside the tower. Leo Becker has had a less chance to express himself as his father always forces him to train non-stop. Leo is a prodogy with a sword and even he believes if he works hard he can became a constellation.

A few days before the Academy started The Dark Constellations caused a dungen break. Leo was around the place and he had to fight the monsters that come out of the dungen.

Leo being a prodogy swordsman was able to face of the monsters but the monsters were able to put him at the end of his rope. When his life was almost over was when a white haired boy showed up at the battlefield.

The white haired boy was able to overpower the monsters within a few minutes leaving them all dead. Leo was happy when he found out the white haired boy was coming to the Academy. Leo found out that the white haired boy was called Fritz and he wanted to thank him and befriend him as he was someone who can help him push through his limits.

Leo didn't get a chance to meet up with Fritz during the entrance ceremony as he was teleported in the Tower. Leo was happy that not only Fritz was above him and he wanted to work hard so that he could catch up to them.

Now Leo is walking towards a small mountain in the Tower. Leo has his dual swords on the left side of his waist and he is walking in a relaxed manner since the mountain he was heading to is the place he sensed Fritz Aura which is kinda mixed up with Mana.

Before Leo could reach the mountain a holographic screen appeared infront of him. He knew the man inside the screen,

"Dean Levin, do you need anything from me?"

"Yes I need you to kill Fritz Seigfried."

"But thats..."

Leo couldn't finish as Dean Levin openned his eyes which where all black. Leo's aslo iris started turning black before he run towards the mountain. Dean Levin just smiled as the holographic screen diasappeared.


Cumin family is one of the Seven Heads of the Vampire Clans. Lars Cumin the hair to the Cumin Clan has been a genius at fire magic since birth. Lars has fire, earth, blood and darkness attribute. He can use magma magic thanks to his fire and earth atribute and has the constellation of [The Garden Of Fire] willing to be his benefactor.

Lars grew up with a diamond spoon, which made him really arrogant and bossy. He wanted to prove the he could top the entrance exam alone so he went to hunt monsters alone in the first floor of the tower. Lars has been compared to Leo Beaker who is a prodogy swordsman. The two never fought but most people favor Leo which makes Lars really want to put the human in his place.

Lars wanted to settle his score wirh Leo, but to his suprise Leo wasn't the only one in his way. Lars never knew who the other three humans infront of him are but he wanted to prove that he is the best. Lars was so angry that he ended up touching a white feather with an explotion rune which ended up taking up his whole left arm.

Lars as a vampire would heal himself at the cost of one rank and if he did that he would be [E-] Rank which will make him weaker and he would easly get killed. Lars swear he would find the bastard that took away his arm and make him suffer a fate more cruel than death, even though his arm will be back when he is outside the towet he doesn't care.

Now Lars is heading towards a small mountain in the tower. He is wearing a red training suit and is holding a wooden wand that almost looks like a baseball bat. Lars is going to the mountain because he can smell Leo from the other side and same other strong people on the peak of the mountain. Leo is sure that its everyone infront of him and he wants to show them their place which is undernith him.

While Lars was about reach the mountain a holographic screen appeared infront of him. He knew the man inside the screen, Lars cold face started frowning as he didn't like the guy,

"Dean Levin what do you what I am a busy man?"

The figure of Dean Levin smiled before saying, "Yes I want you to kill Fritz Seigfried,"

"I will think about it,"

Dean Levin openned his eyes before saying, "You will do it"

Lars iris turned black from red and he charged towards the peak of the mountain.


Emily Slava is one of the three Arch-Demons. Emily is a girl with fair white skin, a charming heart shaped face with straight medium sized black hair in a front layer style, a height of 180cm and has an atheletic built.

Her idiot twin brother stepped on a white feather before getting himself elimated from the exam. She didn't really bother with it as her brother would usually get in her way when hunting monsters.

Emily has darkness, shadow, lighting and earth element, and her profession is assassination. Emily is good at sneak attacks and she is sure that no one her age can find her in the dark and can hide their presence.

Emily almost dropped her jaw when she saw a boy in a track suit and samurai straw hat, she couldn't ditect anything from him, it was almost there was a transparent wall protecting him.

Emily has been looking for the human as he might be the only one who can understand the joy of assassination. She even thought of marrying with the dark blue haired boy. She knew the boy won't refuse her as her looks even make constellation fall for her.

Now Emily is standing on top of the Biggest Mountain in Tower and she is trying to sport her future husband but she is having no luck at all. She just smiled because he wouldn't be her future husband if he was sported easily.

While Emily was about to descend the mountain a holographic screen appeared infront of her. She saw one of the man who haf been eaying her. She clicked her tounge,

"What do you want?"

Dean Levin knew she could just ignore him if he tried anything funny, he openned his eyes and waited a few seconds for Emily's iris to turn black before speaking,

"I want you to kill Gi Ho-Sook and Yung Sun-Hee"

Emily just hold her twin daggers and disappeared in the shadows.


Caliel Melahel is the one and only daughter of the elf king and his wife. Thanks to to being a Royal elf she is able to communicate with spirits and has a a love for nature just like any elf. Caliel is loved by the constellations from the [Souls Of Mother Nuture] Divine Realm as she takes good care for the environment.

Caliel is able to summon mid grade spirits at 'D-' which is something shocking and being able to do this shows how great her mental strength is. Caliel can only summon two mid-grade spirits at her current level.

Caliel was shocked at when she saw just how many spirits following around a boy with a black track suit and a strawvsamurai hat. She could tell that the boy could't see the spirits which where following. Caliel was happy to see this because spirits can't follow a person who is not close to nature. Caliel could tell that someone of the spirits were not from this world.

Caliel decide to tell her parents about the boy after the exam is over. Now Caliel is looking for the boy, she just want to teach him spirit arts and talk about nature, thats want her mouth is saying but her mind and heart are saying other wise.

She asked the spirits around her to look for the boy but for some reason he is not being seen so now she has to look for him herself. She is near the shore of sea and is admiring the beauty of the ocean.

While she looking at the sea, a holographic screen appeared infront of her. Since Carlier was a kind person by nature she smiled at the person in the holographic screen.

"Dean Levin its nice of you to check on me, is there something you need my help with?"

The Dean smiled and opened his black iris and stared at Carlier. Carlier was unable to move and stayed like that for 10 minutes before her own iris turned black. Dean Levin smiled,

"I want you to kill Gi Ho-Sook and Yung Sun-Hee"

Carlier just nodded and started walking in the direction of the small mountain next to the sea. Dean Levin was having a small nose bleed as controlling Carlier took a tour on his body.


While Dean Levin has been making his plans, Fritz, Ho-Sook and Sun-Hee were sitted under a shade while eating wild fruits they found in the Tower.

Fritz was shocked was shocked at how Gu Ho-Sook seemed chaty, in his previous life she was someone cold as ice and was closed of. This didn't really bug him as his thoughts were somewhere,

'In the previous life Dean Levin started a war by using the heirs of each family to battle out each other in this mountain. I am not going to let him have his way this time, I am going to save everyone dear to me.'

Fritz keep having those thoughts in his mind and the first one to notice was Gu Ho-Sook,

"You seemed a little lost Fritz-ssi, Is something on you mind,"

"Leave him be Ho-Sook he is aways like that, don't watse your time on him, he will never tell us even if we asked," Sun-Hee said as she puffed her cheeks in Fritz direction.

Fritz smiled and he started frowning before saying, "Get ready,"

Before Ho-Sook and Sun-Hee could respond they saw four figures coming from all the 4 major compass points. One thing could be said about them, they all had a black iris and seemed out of control.

Fritz, Gu Ho-Sook and Yung Sun-Hee all stood up not knowing who was going to attack first. Leo gripped his dual swords and looked at Fritz, Lars took out his bat like wand and its tip started changing to magma.

Emily started turning into a shadow and Carli was gathering her fire spirits to attak Gu Ho-Sook and Yung Sun-Hee. Before the battle could kick of white feathers started falling to the ground.

Fritz could sense that something was wrong with feathers coming out from the doves. Doves were surounding the whole floor and before the feathers could hit the ground Fritz started running towards Gu Ho-Sook and Yung Sun-Hee.

Lars regained his composure as soon as he saw the feathers at it was something that took alway his hand and now those feathers were covering the whole floor and some were coming towards him.


Somewhere in the sky Ater was using 'Dove Wings to float while Loki who looked like Ater's was also floating near him and Maui was just grinning next to them.

Ater is using the Doves to send feathers inchanted with explotions runes and Loki and Maui were helping in sending fakes made of light bombs to the ground. The Aether core in Ater's brain is helping him in controlling the Doves with out sufering from pain.

Ater smiled as the feathers were about to reach the ground. He clicked his fingers while saying,


Boom, boom boooom

Loud explotions were heard as the feathers connected to the ground. Loki and Maui started laughing as they looked at the students who thought they were dying but were hit with light bomb which only took away their eye sight until the explotion ended.

Ater looked at his ranking which was increasing as the main purpose of his explotions was to hit monsters and have a little fun while watching students faces who thought were killed but actually they were not.

Loki and Maui helped Ater under the condition that he joins The Band Of Lunatics. Ater joined because he was also crazy in some sense. The explotions died down after 30 minutes and Ater looked at his current ranking which was 99 and had 2 220 points.



Yung Sun-Hee was screaming, while she run around like an idiot. Fritz and Gu Ho-Sook were the first to notice that the explotions were just a prank but it was after they had screamed a bit, which made them look like idiots.


Sun-Hee kept on screaming and she took everyones attetion. The [Dark Mind] which was manupulating everyone was now not working and their iris had returned to normal. Lars wanted to shout at Sun-Hee for being a cry baby but he didn't because he too screamed like an idiot.

Leo was just having the same straight face as he was the only one who didn't scream. Emily and Caliel screamed like little children and where cuddling each other during the explotion but now the rivary between the two girls had returned and were glaring daggers at each other.

"Who could have done that, the person was only aiming around monster bases, I am pretty sure he didn't harm a single student."

Leo was the one who said that as he ignored Sun-Hee screams. Everyone looked at Fritz who always has an answer for everything. Before Fritz could give an answer a blue holographic system message was seen by everyone,

[Constellation 'The Cunning Thief' says he will give a drink to who ever says the correct name of the person who caused the explotion.]

"Ater Heart the eighth member of [The Band Of Lunatics] Divine Realm,"

Fritz said that as he frowned and a 1 litre bottle of wine fell to the ground, which proved his answer to be correct.

"Who is this bastard Ater Heart, I am going to kill him,"

Lars said as the moments the feathers toyed with him came to mind. Leo seemed worried as this showed that Ater wasn't in a benefactor contract but on a equall footing with the mischievious constellations.

"He is the guy who had a weird hat, black track suit, slippers and had dark blue hair,"

Gu Ho-Sook said as she gripped her wand to show case her anger and she wanted to beat him up for freaking her out but she was also thankful because he stopped the fight which was about to take place.

Emily and Caliel were the most thankful ones as the idea of their future husband Ater popped up in their minds and they wanted to go and express their love for him right away but they didn't move because the other was waching.

Emily didn't move because she didn't want Caliel to no her thoughts and that was also the same for Caliel so now lighting sparks are in between the two of them.

While the seven had different thought about Ater, a holographic screen appeared which showed up and the Dean was in the screen as he had veins all over his face and was sweating blood from rage,

"The exam has ended and you will be summoned outside the tower in five minutes. Damn it, that...."

The Dean's message was heard but he was so angry that he forgot about being live and it made students who didn't like him laugh at him.

The ones who were really enjoying themselves were Ater, Loki and Maui in the sky who had ruined Odin's plan of trying to break a war amoung people on Earth and it would later develop in a fight between constellations.

Knowing that Odin would be under the weather for a few days Loki is laughing as she thought of a perfect plan to kidnap Huginn and Muninn and while Maui is laughing as he thought of himself eating Geri and Freki. Ater is laughing at the two constellations being caught by Odin and being given a beating.