Everyone was summoned outside the tower one after the other. The students then joined with the other students which were knocked out of the tower. Students returned their weapons back in their inventory or storage devices since they were now working.



The students which had came out of the tower, were looking for the one who caused the fake bombs on them.


The first have wanted to beat that guy up for messing with them and making their kill get away.


The second wanted to thank the person since they were in a moment were they could have died but they didn't show it on there face they just faked to be angry like everybody else.


"Attention every one,"


Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the source of the voice and saw a man wearing a fitted navy blue Italian suit. He had a atheletic buit, medium white to olive skin, black short hair in a faux hawk and had a face triangle face which sent most boys running for their money.


"I am Maxime Niels a [SS+] Rank, one of the instructers here at the Academy. I shall give you a breif explanation of the way things function here at the Future Stream Academy,


First the number of points you have shall be converted to credits. Credits is the currency used at the academy and you can't buy Credits using your own personal money but you can buy 100 Yos from a single credit.


Credits are gained by hunting inside the tower, performing duties at the academy or you can buy them using system coins. I advice not to use system coins as you will need them once you reach 'C-' Rank and open a system shop and your inventory close.


Thats the brief explanation of how things work here. You will be handed in your student ID's after you select your respective major's and your credits will be highlighted on your ID's.


Classes will be starting tomorrow morning so please select the majors you will attend to. Once handed in your student ID's you will have to purchase a room of your fitting from the amount of credits you have.


The top 10 students are wanted at the Dean's office and also a student with the name Ater Heart is wanted. So after receiving your student ID's you will leave for the Dean's office right away."



After Maxime finished his speach robots and instructers started giving students their ID's and a paper for major's they would focus on.


Most students were already signing to be a magician or warrior. Students handed in their major's to the robots which would sort out their classes according to the rank they have.


The whole process took 3 hours as they were 500 000 students altogether. Now everyone had their eyes set on the top 10 students and a student called Ater Heart who were called to the Dean's office and being guided by a robot in a white overcoat.


The students were quick to notice Ater as he was the only one not walking with the group of 10 students.



Ater was in his black track suit, a straw samurai hat and had a White Dove with black sports on his shoulders. He was walking elegantly and was the one at the back and didn't try to interact with the others.


Number 10 was a vampire girl with a body shape of loli and she was pleasing to the eye as her red hair reached her waist, her name was Lotte Femke.



Number 9 was a half-human half-demon girl with a slender physic, white fair skin a height of 170cm, black iris and white sclera eyes and had medium sized curly hair reaching her shoulders on her charming face and her name was Noriko Toora.


The Elf princess was Number 8 and Number 7 was Adrian Slava the Demon Prince, he had an atheletic buit,had slide parted straight short black hair. He had a handsome face suited for super models. His twin sister Emily was Number 6.


Lars Cumin was ranked 5th and it irritaded him to be beaten by a idiotic girl like Yung Sun-Hee who was ranked 4th.



Leo Becker didn't mind much of Gi Ho-Sook taking 2nd place and Fritz taking first as he knew that he was lacking and needed to work harder to catch up to them.


Everyone would take looks back at Ater who seemed not to care much about being around them even not being a top student.



The eleven passed a nice pavement which was surounded by different flowers and Emily and Caliel finally decided to make their move on Ater.



The girls didn't knew each others thoughts so when everyone was walking they waited until Ater reached them.



-----[ATER POV]-----

After Loki and Meui left, I was summoned outside the tower. I am not really worried as I didn't change the plot much. In the original Fritz would have stopped the Attack with a little help from the 'Underworld' constelletions.


All I did was make Odin's plan of trying to cause war wait a bit. Even during Fritz second run the war still happened.

When I heard I was called to the Dean's Office I wasn't suprized as my plan to be a free loader and be not included in the story until I kill Fritz at the end is working.



I don't remember the novel that much so its good for me to stay out of contact with them. I didn't walk next to the top 10 because compared to them I look like same ugly squid, so for fearvof being called ugly I walked 50 metres behind them.


Now Emily the Demon Princess and Caliel the Elf Princess stand while the others work in front, I wasn't suprized as the two had a rivary and they kept it on even when they became part of Frit'z Herem.


I took out popcorn from my inventory to injoy some female drama. I walked towards them and I am not going to leave until they go at each other hehehehe,


"So your name is Ater Heart,"


The two girls asked at the same time like they had planned this before. I just noded and the two girls blashed,


"Can I have some popcorn,"


The two girls said at the same time again and I thought, 'Whats going on here, aren't you aware of each others presence'


"Here you can eat together with me,"


I just directed the poocorn towards them and when their small hands were about to take the popcorn they finally noticed each other and I smiled inwardly as my plan to make them fight worked.


"You what are you doing here,"


They said at the same time as their faces were tomato red as they pointed at each other and Neir work up and started eating popcorn with me.


"Why should I tell you that!"


"Its none of you business!"


Emily and Caliel shouted at the same time as they walked closer to each other, I could see even The Great Dove Neir flipping her wings in joy and I knew I got myself a nice opera.


"You pointy eared freak who only knows how to hide under her spirits,"


"Says a black eyed freak who only knows how to hide in the shadows,"


After that it was another endless barrage of insults for the next 5 munutes and as soon my popcorn finished and Neir flew back to my shoulder I finally became a good man and put it on my self to stop them as I had injoyed enough.


"Girls why don't we stop this fight and go to the Dean's office the others must be already waiting for us. Here Emily hold my left hand and Caliel you hold my right hand,"


I put my hands infront of them thinking they will refuse and think of me as some weird person but to my suprise the two princess just started blushing and noded slightly before taking my hands and we started walking will I was in the middle.


'What the hell is going on, why did they agree so fast and aren't they suppose to like Fritz and be fighting for him with the other girls,'


I thought as I tried chating with the girls as we walk and they also seemed intrested in talking to me and it makes me wonder about my looks. I mean two of the beautful girls in the whole world are here acting all cute and shy in face.


----[POV NAR]----

Everyone in there training suits was waiting for Emily and Caliel to come, no one even thought of Ater as he was someone they didn't want to hung around with as he seemed to mysteries.





Two girl laughs were heard and Everyone looked at the direction and saw the two princess holding hands with Ater, which made Lars anger boil up as he was eaying the two girls.


"Ater you are such a nice funny guy,"


Emily said as he smile deepened and Caliel also smiled and also said,


"Yah Ater you should probably take a music major your singing is cool,"


Ater just smiled and thought, 'Are you kidding me, I am a good singer but not that funny please stop making more enemies for me'


Yung Sun-Hee smiled as she saw the two girls which were 1cm taller than Ater walk by his sides like their are his mistress. She wanted to mess with them and a plan quickly formed in her mind. 


When Ater and the two princess were about to reach them. Sun-Hee run towards Ater and hugged him at his neck and a small devil smile was in her face which she removed and put on a pitful look and looked at Emily and Caliel,


"You two girls how could you try to steal my man, so shameless and Ater I am so disapointed at you how could you do this to me,"


Ater's face turned pale white as he didn't think the idiot will make him more trouble, 


'You idiot of a girl can't you read the room you are making my life even worse, Fritz will kill me for this. I already offended Lars, please go away'


"Hahahaha Sun-Hee please leave the poor guy alone, "


Gu He-Sook was the one who helped Ater and all he could do was thank her in his mind, while Yung Sun-Hee removed her hands from Ater's neck.


"Since everyone is here you can go in to see the Dean,"


It was the robot in an overcoat who said that, he looked like a human and had a handsome face than Ater. This made Ater even fell worse as he was surrounded by super model faces all around.


Fritz just noded but the corner of his heart was aching because he never got hugged by Sun-Hee even in his previous life. Lars was more angry at Ater and he was shacking a bit from rage. Leo seemed not to care as he just wanted to rest for the day.


Adrian was making plans to report back to The Demon King about his twin sister's actions of falling in love with Ater. Lotte Femke and Noriko Toora had eyes on Leo since he was the most handsome out of the five boys.


Gu He-Sook and Yung Sun-Hee seemed a little sacred to see the Dean. Emily and Caliel seemed to have forgoten about their rivary and were now glaring daggers at Yung Sun-Hee for disturbing their time with Ater. Ater just shock his head at the childish antics of the two princess.


The eleven entered the Dean's office, it was nicely clean and had a nice smell to it. There were two book shelves in the right side of the office which seemed to have been filled with records of students. Instead of having a glass window there was a huge TV which showed every corner of the Academy. 


Infront of the TV window was Dean Levin who was sitting on an arm chair and a sportless desk in front of him which was made of glass. There were 4 sofas which could fit 3 people each infront of him.


"You are finally here you may sit my dear students,"


Dean Levin said and the eleven sat on the sofas, from the right Ater was sitting with the two princess on his side. Leo was on the next sofa with Lotte and Noriko on his side.



Fritz was on the next sofa with Sun-Hee and Ho-Sook at his sides. On the far left was Adrian and Lars who were angry for sitting as boys only and now sparks of lighting were seen whenever they exchanged looks.


"The reason I called you here is beacause you are the strongest among your pears,"


"What do you mean strong?how is he strong?"


Adrian was the first to lush out at the Dean's words as he pointed at Ater who was Number 99.


"Ohh, Ater here is the one who killed you and responsible for the explotions in the tower,"


The Dean's words seemed to carry a lot of rage even though he was smiling. Adrian shivered a bit before closing his mouth as he thought of the time he stepped on a feather which took him out of the exams.


Lotte and Noriko saw Ater on different view as one needed to be extreamly strong to be able to cover the whole 1st floor with explotions.


The others kept a straight face as they already knew that Ater was the reason behind the explotions.


Ater didn't even care as he was happy that The Dean was uglier than him and that would make him the second ugliest.


"Ater your explotions were well timed its almost like you knew it before hand,"


The Dean looked at Ater with a curious gaze as the explotions messed up with his Benefactor's plan to make a war. Ater smiled as he knew what The Dean was talking about,


"Well maybe I am a regressor"


The Dean and Ater started laughing but Fritz face became even more pale and sweated a bit, because the idea of Ater being a regressor like him strike him hard and he just knew who to ask.


Gu Ho-Sook didn't miss this chance and she decided to ask Fritz Later. The Dean is laughing because it is a joke and Ater is laughing at Fritz who he just spilled his secret indirectly.


"Lets put the jokes aside, and get to the reason why I called you here,"


The Dean's tone changed and the air in the office changed and everyone looked at him.


"I want you to became members of the student council,"


"I agree,"


Ater, Lars and Adrian said at the time, while the others followed Fritz plan which he told them on the way to the office of not going to follow the Deans words.



Ater agreed because he could get free Credits for joining the student council and the others agreed because they didn't want to be bossed around.


The Dean noded and looked at Fritz who seemed to be leading the students who didn't agree. The Dean's iris turned black and he looked at Fritz.


Fritz smilled inwardly and used the copy slot he got from killing The Great Cobra. 


[Dark Mind (B)

- can controll victims with lower mental strength than the user. If the victim has strong mental strength, the user will safer from brain pains which could lead to death if the skill is not deactivated.]


Fritz began using the skill to counter the Dean and they looked at each other for 5 minutes and they started having a nose bleed.


"We are not here to watch ugly and handsome men have a staring contest, if there is nothing else I am leaving, I didn't buy a house yet,"


The two cancelled there skill and Ater stood up and waved at Emily and Caliel who were sitting next to him, before he went outside the office. Lars and Adrian stood up from their sofa and were about to get out when they noticed they were together,




The two clicked their tounge when they looked at one another before leaving. Leo and Fritz were the only boys left in the office while all the six girls stayed behimd.


"So tell me if there is a reason to why you don't want to join the Student Council?"


The Dean asked them as the blood on his nose evaporated away leaving no trace behind. The Demon and Elf were the first to respond,


"We will only join if you put us in the same team as Ater Heart,"


The two girls said at the same time which shock Fritz even more as he thought,


'In the past life this two were at each others necks, what is happening is Ater Heart really a regressor. I should ask them if there is really a regressor other than me'


"Well since the Student Council works in groups of three its not a problem but let me tell you that Ater Heart has chosen the Commercial Department and he won't be in any combat Courses."


The Dean answer brought Fritz to reality and the two princess were happy as they thought Ater saw them as equal and didn't select between them.


"Its no problem" "I am okay with it"


Emily and Caliel said as they now went to buy their houses and the Dean's office had now left with six students. Fritz still didn't want to join the student council which let the others not joining as well. Lotte and Noriko only agreed as they only followed want Leo did.


On the way out of the Deans office Fritz thought,


'The Dean messed up a lot of students in my past life, now I am not going to let that happen. I am goung to stop both his and my fathers plans.'


Fritz looked back at the five and said, "We should go buy houses now, the sun is about to set. Don't forget that you should never trust anyone at this academy."


Leo Becker and Gu Ho-Sook wanted to ask about what about him but they just nodded as Fritz was already walking away.

----[Fritz POV]----

After I bought my house I took a trip to the underworld as I needed answers about Ater Heart. His soul was sealed forbidding him of any form of life.


I took a coin with both it heads and tails as a design of a man's back in a boat crossing a river. The coin is a target to get into The [Underworld] Divine Realm.


I justed pressed the coin and a golden light covered me and now I am walking in middle of towering walls which lead to the only place with light here, everything else is black and I have to use my senses to navigate this place.


I finally saw a white door and I walked towards the door and I openned it the moment I got there. Inside there were two women sitting on black arm chairs,

"Fritz-kun what is it that you came here for?"

The emotionless voice who said that is a women with a height of 170cm in black kimono and she is all bones, with the only hint of flesh the hair on her head with a golden hairpin, she i The constellation [The One Left to Rot By Her Husband] Izanami.


"We all the ones who are suppose to contact you hope have a good reason for your visit,"


The cold who said belongs to a woman in her mind thirties in a black wedding gown, with an average body shape, pale white, average looks with long black hair with black make up on her face she is the constellation [The Who Got Abducted By Darknesss] Persephone the Queen of the Underworld.


I gritted my teeth before asking, "Did Ater Heart free himself from the seal?."

----[POV NAR]----


While Fritz was in the Underworld the Dean was in his office while kneeling with his head on the ground,


[The Great Constellation 'The Father With A Stolen Eye' says you should do your job properlly and make sure to take a good look at The Band Of Lunatics and The Underworlds actions.]


The Dean just stayed like that as he sweated all over untill the holographic screen disappered.