Let me take you to the time Ruber and I found ourselves tighed up on a tree, wearing brown pants only and the first thing we saw was a man in a red hanbuk with white pants and had white boots. 



He had a dashing handsome long face that would out match even beautful girls, with purple eyes and long indigo hair. He had a body shape of bishounen. We knew the man so the first thing we did was call him out,



"Gu Tian Zhen!"



We called him out at the same time but the guy smile turned into an evil grin. He put his hand on his lips,



"Huhuhu, when did you start calling me by my name, I know you are kinda special but for now lets put that aside."



The guy took out a long red whip. I meet Ruber's eyes before seeing a system messege infront of us.



[Story current progress- 40%]



[Note - You won't be getting the Tower's system.]



[60 Days left until the players arrive]




[New quest arrive



Receive a whipping from Gu Tian Zhen. Each whip has 5 EXP. Health, Strength and defence will increase as the whipping goes.



Current EXP


Ruber Fox - D (220/300)



Ater Heart- E- (200/600)]


I couldn't believe my eyes that Ruber's ability would turn every event into a mission and why do I need more EXP to rank up than him, shouldn't lower ranks need less EXP to level up. 


whip whip


Gu Tian Zhen started whipping us as his smile deepened and we started screaming it was painful. I could see Neir who was on a branch having a blast at me.

After I don't know how long, I had reached 'E' rank and the whipping stopped. I had whip marks all over my body and tears where no longer coming out. Ruber seemed no different from me.


"Wow, that was tiring. Now go up and make your own houses before sun down and once you are done I need you to clean around this place, leaving no leaf behind."


Gu Tian Zhen said that as he pretended to wipe of some sweat off his handsome face. How can I make a house I am still tired and I can't even move.


[New quest arrived


Create a house and clean around the manner


Reward - doing Gu Tian Zhen's chores

Failure - No food and being given more chores


Current EXP 


Ruber Fox - D+ (320/400)

Ater Heart- E(5/800)]


And thats how I got my self in this mess and to make it worse the [Game Gate] ability is making up weird quests. F^ck it I hate this Novel.


----[POV NAR]----

Gu Tian Zhen was a half dragon and was the The Boss of the tenth floor of Tower of Broken Immortals. Before Gu Tian Zhen came to the tower he waa just a normal Asian Dragon living with his Asian Dragon mother.

One day the two were attacked by a Flame Phoenix. Gu Tian Zhen's mother had shielded him from the attack resulting in her death. Gu Tian Zhen was weak and he couldn't do anything about it, he just watched his mother burn in front of him.

Gu Tian Zhen was enraged and he wanted to kill anything that has the name Phoenix but he was weak and he couldn't kill anything. In his seach for streangth he was approached by a The Vampire God Sutzek, who offered him a deal.

Sutzek told Gu Tian Zhen that he would turn him into a vampire and he would turn into an Arctic Dragon and gain enough strength to kill all the Phoenix. Sutzek wanted Gu Tian Zhen to be a servant in his tower after he was done with the Phoenix.

Gu Tian Zhen who was just a giant Blue Asian Dragon at the time agreed and he drunk Vampire God Sutzek's blood.

Gu Tian Zhen appearance changed and he looked similair to Sutzek except for his purple eyes and indigo hair, the Vampire God had blood red hair and eyes.

Gu Tian Zhen then went on his journey to kill anything with the name Phoenix. He finally archieved his goal after 200 years and there wasn't a single Phoenix left in the world.

Gu Tian Zhen was left with nothing much to do and he went to The Vampire God's Tower which was called Tour of Broken Immortals. Everyone in the Tower was a vampire in same way.

Gu Tian Zhen stayed in the Tower for 3000 years and he would kill players who would want to reach the 31st floor where the Vampire God is located.

 Gu Tian waa given the title One Above The Gods because no one would pass through him as the guys on the lower floors were not weak and would need an army to take them down. But with the on going of time players coming to rhe Tower until there was none.


During the 3000 years the world changed as the people outside the tower began to modernize and lost the ability to use mana.

The Tower formed a system panel which cut it off from the world and people would need heavenly luck to come to the Tower. 


Gu Tian Zhen would sometimes sneak out of the tower and move around the developed streets as now no one knew him, and he even stole cars and guns from the city.


Gu Tian figured out that some people had made a RPG game of the tower and even showed hidden places he didn't knew.


Gu Tian didn't tell anyone about this and he started looking for the one who made the game. It took him 10 years to finally get a clue but what he saw shocked him.


He saw a book which talked about him being killed by Shiro Nakamura, who had played the game to the end. Gu Tian knew he wouldn't win as he read how easily he got killed. Gu Tian then found a small thread floating in the air when he finished reading.


The thread was invisible to the naked eye but Gu Tian could fell something beyond the thread. When he touched the thread he saw a white book with letters he couldn't read. Gu Tian could only write one word on the book which was 'Help' 


After writing he saw a dark blue haired boy with an average body and looks in a fitted green double breasted suit. 


The scene only took a second before the thread vanished and he was back in his old fashioned floor, which was filled with trees and had an ancient Asian Castle where he lived alone.


Gu Tian started filling a headache as memories of him picking two children and him taking care of them poppped in. He was able to fight the memories since he was strong.


Gu Tian Zhen went to his Castle but he was shocked to see two boys sleeping in his bed.

He could tell the other was a vampire in a weird way and the other was the boy he saw when he touched the thread.


Gu Tian Zhen knew how weak the boys looked even though he couldn't sense anything from them.


He wanted to make them stronger so that he can leave the Tower once and for all. Gu Tian Zhen grinned as methods of making the two brats break through their limits shone in his head.


When he whipped them using the dragon whip which strengthens ones bones, he was shocked to see that the boys would get stronger from being beaten so he started his plan of inputting pain into them.


In just three days without giving them food the boys are showing results of getting stronger.

Gu Tian Zhen is now walking in his vast Tower floor, looking for Ruber he told to cut down trees using a hand axe.

Since he couldn't fill the presence of neither Ater or Ruber all he could do was give them tasks and they would curse him and he would follow the sound.


"Damn that piece of shit, and now everything he says is being a quest. Fuck you too you shit system."


Gu Tian could hear Ruber's cursing as he chopped down the trees.


He walked towards Ruber and he saw him sitting down after doing a job well done. Gu Tian reached Ruber's back and he kicked him in the butt.


"Which piece of.."


Ruber couldn't finish his sentance as he saw that it was Gu Tian Zhen who kicked him. Ruber could only clenched his fist and curse at the Dragon.


"You did a good job Ruber, but as the law states if you cut down a tree you should plant 10 more and since you cut down a hundred you are going to plant a thousand,"


Gu Tian ignored the fact that Ruber cursed him as he did what he came to do and left. Ruber eyes were shaking as he looked at the system.


[New Quest 

- plant down a thousand trees

Time limit- 6 hours

Reward - Ability - Man of wood 

can change any type of body to wood


Failure- Losing a rank.


Current Rank




Ruber just started cursing Gu Tian Zhen as he did his work. Gu Tian walked towards Ater who was at the river washing clothes with a 200kg club.


"Ahhhh, I had enough,"


Ater was screaming while he chased Neir with a net. It looked like Ater was hungry to the point he wanted to eat Neir but it was not working as Neir just dodged.


Gu Tian Tian just made the water in the river to fall on Ater. Ater's face was full of rage when he looked at Gu Tian Zhen but he kept it inside and forced a smile while veins showed up on his face,


"Master, as you can see the clothes are all nice and clean like they have been brought today,"


Gu Tian Zhen looked at the clothes and he could tell Ater did a good job as those clothes had not been washed for a 2000 years since the last player showed up.


"Good job then. Ater I have a question for you,"


"Sure ask away,"


"Ater what do you think about God?"


"Well to me God is like an author with out of control characters and since he is the author he can mess with any character he wishes even though they are out of control."


Gu Tian took a long time to digests Ater's words and all he could do was put it aside and give Ater a new task to do.


"Ater I want you to bring me the teeth of ten river goblins,"


"What are you crazy goblins can't leave in wa.."


Before Ater could finish he was hit by a huge [Water Ball] which took him flying and hit a tree trunk. Before Ater could release a sound he saw a system message,


[New Quest

- Kill ten River goblins


Time Limit - 6 hours


Reward - 300 EXP


Failure - Suffer Gu Tian Zhen's rage


Current Rank 

E+ (800/1200)]


Ater could only take out his black rapier from his inventory as he needed the points to get him close to [D-] Rank. Ater looked at his foes and he could see goblins with light blue skin swimming in the river.


"Did that guy call them, there we no signs of monsters when I was washing,"


Ater could only mutter underneath his breath and he just looked at Gu Tian Zhen who was smiling.


Ater took out a his Glock 19 and prepare to shot at the goblins who seemed good at using water to their advantage.


Ater's inventory and storage bracelet was filled with bullets, but he didn't want to worst them.


Ater made two ice spikes and shot them in the river. Ater's attack didn't even reach the river as it was sharted to dust by a water slash.


"Kiriririri look at that skinny human, I bet he tastes ugly."


"Kiririri yah ugly just like his face, even I look better than him,"


Ater's was angry that veins could now be seen all over his face. He put his rapier away and he took out a M&P9 and he started walking towards the goblins who where playing in the water. 


"Kiririri look at the ugly human did he hear us,"


"Kiririri maybe he did his face looks like that of a gorilla,"




All the ten goblins started laughing at Ater who had suddenly stopped and armed both his guns at the river.


"One Shot Ice"


Atet started shotting at the river. The goblins tried to move but the water they were in was now freezing and before they knew it they were freezing too.


Ater emptied his two magazines and part of the river was now frozen.


[Quest - complete


The system has now started taking interest. (35% interest has been deducted)

New Reward- 195 EXP ]


"What you sh*ty system,"


"Ater I said I wanted their teeth not what ever you are doing,"


Ater ignored the system as it was not really his ability so there had to be a prize to pay.

Ater started collecting the teeth from the frozen goblins as he just cursed his luck.


After Ater was done Gu Tuan Zhen didn't give him a task so he went to look fo Ruber.

On his way to look for Ruber a pink system window was shown in the sky for everyone to see.




"I guese its time for Gu Tian Zhen to mess with the eighth floor,"