Shiro Nakamura was the only one who played Tower Of Broken Immortals to the end. Shiro Everyone dropped the game when they couldn't pass the tenth floor as the boss was unbeatable and was even called The One Above The Gods.

Shiro had killed Gu Tian Zhen in the game and knows the perfect way to kill him. Shiro knows its best to kill Gu Tian Zhen when he comes down to the 8th floor when his Rank is supressed by the Tower System.


Shiro as one of the strongest players in the outside world had decided to raid the 8th floor alone and to use the Tower Broadcasting to show the world that he could kill both the 8th floor boss and the 10th floor boss. 


Shiro had killed the Vampire Basilisk which was the boss of the 8th floor with out breaking a sweat. Now he was waiting for the 10th floor boss to appear. Shiro looked at a large mirror that the tenth floor should come out through.

Shiro was not really handsome, he had black short hair in a long fringes on his heart shaped face and a beautful pair of royal blue eyes. He had white fair skin and an atheletic physic with a height of 187cm.


As Shiro was looking at the mirror he could see something coming through and he turned his camera on to let the world see that the 10th boss could be defeated. The figure started coming out from the mirror.


Two his suprize it was not who it should be, there were two people who came out. The two had similiar average body shape and an almost similair height.


The taller was wearing a red double breasted suit and a red fox face mask . He had curly red hair in a quiff and Shiro could tell that he was a vampire like anyone in the Tower but he couldn't tell how strong he was.


The shorter one had a black double breasted suit and an all black face mask that only left his medium sized blue hair outside. Shiro could tell he was not a Vampire and like the other he couldn't tell his strength.


Shiro activated [EYES OF REPLICA] a skill that lets him see other people states and can copy their skills if he is able to tell the name and can see it in action.


He got the skill from the Tower after fooling the boss of the 2nd floor who was a Vampire Vodnik.





"Oh is that 'EYES OF REPLICA'?"


The one in the black suit called out to Shiro who was shocked for not seeing through them and to make it worse was that the people infront of him knew his skill which even The Vampire God the final boss himself.


"Who are you two?"


Shiro asked as he could tell that something was off. The two looked at each other and then nodded and the one in a white Rabbit mask started speaking,


"We are the Invaders you can call me Red Fox and you can call him Black Heart. We came from the 66th floor."


Shiro was shocked, The Tower Of Broken Immortals only had 31 floors and had Vampires only.


Now two people infront of him are saying there are above that place and he never met them in the game.


The Tower System was created by humans in exchange for living in a world without mana for 2000 years.


The Tower System separated the Tower from the World as it gathered information about the Tower.


When it was done collecting information it sent it to the humans outside the tower in a the form of a video game.


The Tower System could bring back the Tower to the world after the game was cleared. 

Shiro knew this as it was the last message he received after he cleared the last floor of the tower in the game.


"You should stop depanding on the information you got from that foolish game Shiro.

When are you going to grow up, life is not a game but it is a reality that can shift at any given moment,"


Black Heart even added a few more worries to Shiro as he knew about the game which no one in the tower should know about and also his name. Shiro smiled as this was a feeling new to him,


"If you from the 66th floor them how long is the tower,"


"Well somewhere around 750 chapters I didn't read the whole thing after the final boss fight, Do you know something Red Fox?"


"Well the Tower was openned to everyone outside and our guy here was named King and the Tower became his own,"


"Wow Red you do read a lot but what about his two girls I forgot there names"


"Black if my memory is right you were reading that novel ever since the Academy started and you forgot that."


"Can't help it, there weren't my favorite characters."


"Sigh! Black you are sick in the head. The were Monica and Naomi and yes the guy had babies with all of them."


"Ohh so does the novel tell us how they made the babies."


Red hit Black in the head and Shiro couldn't laugh because this two people not only knew him but also Monica and Naomi who were members of his party.

Shiro could tell that the two infront of him knew more about him more than himself. Kuro faked a cough to get theor attention,


"Cough cough so what is it that you guys want,"


Shiro activated [Negotions King] a skill that lets him have an upper had during deals,


"Well its simple you just have to let beings from the tower leave in your world in exchange for you leaving in ours."


Red answered as he didn't want his partner to screw things up. Shiro started thinking deeply,


'In the game it said that the Vampire God was an Evil man who destroyed many races and he forced same of them to join his tower were he would be King. 

The Vampire God took away many human lives and he is pure evil and for a man like that to have someone on top of him means that the person is the most evil'


Shiro smiled as he reached his answer,


"We won't be foolish enough to trust words from the likes of you and by coming here means that something is wrong up there.

My answer is no there is no way humanity would live with scum like you,"


"So be it,"


Black and Red said at the same time as they took out their weapons.


Red took out a shiney golden spear and Black took out a belt that crossed his which had peacemaker on top, Glock 19 in the middle and M&P9 at the bottom and he took out a black rapier.


Shiro also took out his katana and dagger.

"I didn' think someone from a higher floor could use guns"


Shiro tried to moke Black but he never got a reply as Black just looked at the forest there were in.


Kuro rushed at Black as he looked like the weakest of the two. Shiro was so fast that Black couldn't think of seeing him, but Black just smiled undernith his mask. 


Before Shiro could reach Black, his skill [Divine Sense] that lets him predict the enemies moves and take a look at the future for one second. Kuro saw his arm falling to the ground and he couldn't tell why.


Shiro stopped and jumped a few metres back as he didn't want that future to happen. Shiro tried to understand what would have attacked him in that second but he couldn't get a grip.


"So you used Divine Sense pretty good for someone who runs away."


Shiro could hear Red Fox's mocking voice, but he knew better than anyone to be enraged by it. Shiro now changed his plan and he would try to separate the two and ambush them using the forest to his advantage.


"Well try to catch me if you can you sh*ts"


Shiro stated stated running in the forest but to his suprize the two didn't even follow like they knew he was going to do this. Shiro could notice that there was a huge amount of White Doves in the forest.


"Is it luck, I will just blend in with the Doves since I am wearing white clothes."


Shiro used [One With Nature] a skill that allows his to blend in with the environment as if he were part of nature.


When The Doves startes to gather around him, he couldn't help but smile even when his skill [Divine Sense] gave him danger signals.

Shiro stayed under the Dove and Trees for a minute and he started advancing to where Black Heart and Red Fox were.


He made sure to stay hidden. As he walked he suddenly felt blood dripping from his left shoulder.


Shiro looked at the shoulder and he saw that he had been shot with a peacemaker bullet that was abyss black and he couldn't few pain from the wound.


Black Heart had used [Black Devour] which is a Black Magic spell that eats away a person's mana and [Pain Nullify] which is Black Magic spell lets the target that got hit not fell pain at all. Black had inchanted bullets with those spells during his spare time.


Shiro removed the Bullet and wonder how he got shot from such an angle without him even noticing it.


He was someone that could kill an [SSS] Vampire Basilisk without sweating much and this showed that the two were stronger than [SSS] ranks. 


Shiro leaned on a tree as he tried to take a golden healing potion from The Tower System inventory as he had prepared them to fight Gu Tian Zhen.


He drank a potion but when his mana tried to reach the wound it got sucked and even the mana in his body was now being sucked at a rate he could notice.


"Black Magic,"


Shiro knew want happened to him and he took out his 10 cm long dagger and cut of the flesh. He could only grit his teeth as he took out the flesh.


Shiro didn't make any sounds and he took out another healing potion but when he it was near his mouth his skill [Divine Sense] send him warning signals and he leaped forward leaving the potion to break.


"Why is that tree holding that spear,"


Shiro had a small cut on his injured shoulder and the tree he was leaning on was holding Red Rabbit's spear. Red Fox had used the skill [Man of wood] to transform his whole body to a tree.


Sinse Shiro's hand was in no condition to move he dropped his katana.


Shiro leaped in the air but when he was in the air two bullets from Glock 19 and M&P9 came directed towards him coming from above cloud level and the Dove covering him left him open and he swing his dagger to cut out the bullets.


When his lighting fast dagger reached the first bullet his skill [Divine Sense] reacted and he knew he had to not touch the bullets but it was to late.




An explotion happen in mid air, the two bullets had explotion inchantments from Black Heart.

Shiro was able to defend himself using [Grace Shield] a skill that can be used twice a day and it creates a white shield to protect the user from direct attack.


Shiro landed on the ground and he looked in the sky and he couldn't tell weather Black was hiding in which cloud as the weather was cloudy.


Shiro had forgotten that he left The Tower Broadcasting on. People who watched his condition were now worried about him as they thought he would die. Such people were Monica and Naomi who rushed towards The Tower.


On the 8th floor Shiro was running around the forest as he couldn't tell where the next attack was coming from.


Shiro took our the last healing potion to heal his shoulder and before he could drink it a bullet came from the sky which aimed at his man hood.

Shiro felt a sense of danger and he left the potion to break as he dodged the bullet but a spear came directed again at his man hood at his new position, when he tried to block the spear with his dagger, a black bullet came towards his eyes.

Shiro was forced again to use [Grace Shield] using all of its chances of defending him.


"Tsk you guys only know how to hide and play tricks,"


Shiro said towards to the tree that waa holding the golden spear,


"Its funny hearing that from someone who run away ar first,"


Red's voice could be heard from the tree and Shiro knew that Red was the tree and he charged towards the tree and he cut it in half using his dagger.


Red had used [Fourth Cloning] a skill that lets him create four clones of himself that would have the same abilities and body structure as him.

He can only use one Clone at a time because his Soul needs to possess the clone he is using.


"Not really strong are w.."


Shiro who had cut down one of Red's Clones stopped his sentance mid way as he saw it turning into dust including the golden spear.

Two bullets can directed at him, but he quickly dodged and headed in the direction the came from. Shiro then used the doved and trees to hide himself as he saw Black Heart.


Shiro smiled as he finally got him. He moved too fast as he was aiming for Black's head, before he could reach Black his [Divine Sense] showed an image of his head rolling on the ground.


He quickly jumped back and stared at Black who was just staring at the sky, like he was waiting for someone.


"You knew I was coming after you,"


"Shiro did playing that game damage that small brain of yours. It was a failed game which means those who play it are failures."


Shiro didn't answer as the words had a hint of truth in them. Black just started walking away from Shiro,


"Hey you Black where do you think you are going!"


Shiro shouted at Black who kept on walking and then he suddenly turned back to look at him,


"Shiro tell me something, is life a game to you,"


Shiro kept his mouth shut as he gripped his dagger with his useable hand, Black continued,


"Well its not your fault most people beleive that life is a game surrounded by a bunch of characters.


I know of someone who has the power to get inside a novel. At first he was happy meeting with people beyond a gate one can never reach. He didn't care about what others might fell because to him there were characters.


As time went on he fell in love with someone he thought of as a character. He didn't care much about it but as time went on his feelings grew deeper and deeper and now he was on cross road.


The first was to make himself one of the characters and the second way was to make people out of characters.


He chose the second path and he went on to his second novel he fell in love again. He took anyone from that novel as tools and just pawns for himself.


He had a perfect plan but whats a perfect plan when you are all alone. His plan failed as the woman he loved didn't love him back.


He felt despair and he finally knew that no matter how one calculates things, there are never able to calculate one's mind as it is an ocean of thoughts.


Shiro my point is stop seeing others as pieces, well I guese I will need to show you how cruel reality is.


People love Heros but a Hero is more loved when they die,"


Black after his speech and he didn't bother with how Shiro was doing. Shiro just waited for a few minutes,





Shiro heard two women cries and he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the direction.