Two bagger boys woke up next to the subway which had lights and the first thing they did was check up on how the other looked like.





The one in dark blue hair was wearing a trousers that hasn't been washed for a hundred years. It had a missing left leg making it look like a half-short, half -trousers


He had a trench coat missing its arms and was dirty that it can't be compared, a t-shirt that lost its colour and turned black and his shoes showed out his toes.

The one with the red hair had a big trousers that made him look like a kid who stole their parents clothing. It was black from dirt and had a hole that showed a piece of his butt out.


He had layers upon layers of t-shirts that were dirty on. His shoes were showing out his toes. Both of them looked like they haven't washed their bodies for more than a month.


"Ruber did you steal your dads clothes hahahahaha,"


"Talk about yourself Ater you don't usual smell but you smell like shit,"


[Story current progress- 0 %]


[Note - Your action may affect by decreasing or increasing time of the novel ending]


[400 Days left until the novel ending]

The two stood up as they read the blue system messages infront them. They looked at each other and grinned.


"Hey Ruber do you wanna have a baggar contest,"


"I am sure you would win Ater"


"Stop joking you would win"


"Lets go check the loser will keep a picture of the winner."


The two left leaving Neir who was sitting rock sighing about how the two behaved like five year olds.


The two entered the streets and the sun showed it was mid-day in spring. They got 21st century vibe from it. Towering building and people working on about. The two were near the Central Business district. 


The nice parved roads, modern day clothing. The two looked at each and they ran in opposite directions.


The two were running to get cleaned and the first to clean up would then take pictures of the other. 


Ater went to the East and Ruber went West. Even though they were dressed as baggers they still had their states and abilities.


The two didn't know the city there were in but they had to navigate through it to find places they can bath and get ride of their bad odour.


Ruber run through cobblestone streets which were filled with people as it looked like it was a weekend. He walked towards a hotel and was kicked out as soon as he arrived near the entrance.


Ater was like a crazy person, he entered a karaoke bar. Everyone was looking at him and was chased out as he was a bagger.


The two faced many troubles many problems like Ater being chased by dogs and Ruber being hit with an egg.


Ater stole a bucket filled with water and washed himself, while hiding behind a bush and thanks to him carrying a few bathing products in his storage bracelet he cleaned himself.


Ruber sneaked inside an internet cafe's bathroom and cleaned himself and just like Ater he had a few bathing products.


It took a total of six hours for them to be finaly presentable. Neir was waiting for the two boys at the subway entrance. 


Ruber and Ater were in their Red Fox and Black Heart gears without the weapons and mask. 


On the way they noticed that the streets were empty with crows and ravens dancing to the sound of the night. It was like a ghost city and they knew one thing and that was Warewolves would be playing around.


Warewolves can walk at day time in their human forms but at night they can transform at will and during a full moon their strength increases by ten folds.


The two were lucky the streets didn't have a single Warewolf. The two arrived at the same time and smiled at each other as they entered the subway station.


Neir didn't flew over to Ater as she just flew to the air. The two had smiles as they entered the subway train that just stopped and was empty.


When they entered they could hear chewing sounds and when they looked at the left side of the subway train.


They were greated by a river of blood and human body disfigured and thrown around. It was gore. The two wanted to puke out their insides but stopped.


A crouching humanoid figure was eating one of the bodies as blood dripped from its mouth.Its green eyes looked at Ruber and Ater.


The figure had brown fur covering its body, the facial features of a wolf, human hands with 7cm sharp claws.


It had a reaped jean on its legs were bent like a wolf but tall like that of a man and had a height of 2 metres. 


It was a stage 2 agility type Warewolve and its fighting abilities could be ranked [A-].


Ater and Ruber felt a shiver run down through their bodies when they heard the subway train door closing.


Ater and Ruber tried to play it cool and act like there were not there, but since the Warewolf saw them it was useless,


"You look human but you don't give of a scent are you a cyborg,"


"No we are ghost "


The two said at the same time and the warewolf finished eating its meal and stood up.


"Oh I wonder if you will test good. I never ate a ghost before."


[New quest arrived


Kill the second stage Warewolf Burrell before sunrise


-3000EXP will be rewarded to each and a 99% interest is going to be taken by the system from Ater Heart.




Current EXP 


Ruber Fox - B (500/2200)

Ater Heart- D-(27/2200)]

Ater and Ruber could only curse the system inwardly and they took out their weapons from their inventory.


Ater took out his belt with guns and his rapier. Ruber took out a short red spear with a length of 130cm and a diamond shaped tip.


"Oh is that new technology, you must be members of The Warewolf Hunter Corp. Killing you will be really interesting."


The Warewolf Burrell licked its fangs which were dripping blood and he charged towards the two boys.