Burrell charged at the two human boys. He was so fast that the boys couldn't see him. He punched both of them in gut.

The two boys were sent flying to the roof. Burrell was waiting for then to fall but no falling sound came. 

Burrell looked up and saw the dark blue haired boy sticking to the roof with his back holding the Red haired boy while pointing his M&P9 at him.

A silent bullet was shot at Burrell who cought it with his claw. The bullet started shining and Burrell throw it out of the window letting explode outside.

"Human you are interesting, that makes me what to eat you more,"

Burrell jumped and tried to rip out the dark blue haired boy but was stoped by a red spear. 

The sound of metal vibrated through out the train. Two golden bullets came directed at Burrell who just leaped to the left wall of train and let them pass through.

The Bullets this time didn't explode but just left gunshots on the train, living a golden light.

"I am in luck to think you are a light Nether user, If I eat you I am sure to reach stage 3."

As soon as Barrell stopped talking the two boys landed on the ground. The two boys now gripped their weapons and pointed at Barrel.

Barrell smicked and charged at the one holding a black rapier. The boys were to slow too react.

Barrell hit the dark blue haired boy in the solar plexus sending him flying to the wall. Barrell gave a round house kick to the red haired human who was next to him.

The two boys even though bleeding stood up and charged at him. Barrell launched a straight punch towards the half Vampire.

Barrell blocked the rapier coming at him from the back with his left claws. When the human tried taking his guns Barrell gave him a side kick in the diaphragm.

The young human hit the wall cracking it and splitting a little blood before standing up.A full swing came from Barrells back.

Barrell just side stepped and let the Half Vampire's attack hit the train creating a hole on the floor.

A golden bullet come directed at Barrell but he used his claws to cut them before they reached him.

The Young Vampire didn't miss this chance and threw a thrust at Barrell but to his suprise the warewolf jumped up and advanced towards him and gave him an overhead punch.

The red haired boy could only let his face kiss the floor as the punch was to strong for him. The warewolf raised his claws aiming at the Young Vampire's heart.

His attack was stopped midway as a black rapier came directed at him. Barrell spinned into the air and gave a flying kick to the human boy's face.

The half Vampire used this chance to get away from the warewolf's rage. The half Vampire used his light element to coat around his spear.

The half Vampire used the spear like a javelin directed at Barrell who was heading towards his human friend on the floor.

Barrell just moved a few inches to the left and let the attack drill a hole at the trains floor. Barrell used this chance to charge at The red haired boy as he was weaponless.

When Barrell was about to reach the half Vampire a golden spear came out of the half vampire's mouth.

The warewolf was suprized and took a few steps back. The dark blue haired boy used this chance to fire 3 bullets with his M&P9.

Barrell just tanked on the bullets and he let them explode on his fured skin. Barrell came out uninjured and he rushed towards the gunner.

Barrell landed a perfect punch on the human boy in the gut leaving him coughing out blood.

A tree branch come towards the warewolf but the warewolf just swing his claws once breaking it all apart.

"HUHUHUHU you guys are going to get me a nice power up. Fight till your hearts despire."

The warewolf charged at the Young Vampire and kicked him in the abdomen. The Young Vampire was sent flying and coughed up a pile of blood.

The dark blue haired boy didn't miss this chance and took out his peacemaker and shot a black bullet towards Barrell.

Barrell moved his head sideways letting the attack pierce through the trains wall. The human boy didn't stop as he used his Glock 19 to shot at the Warewolf.