Ruber coughed out blood and cleared his mouth and he charged at the Warewolf which was dodging the bullets.

Ruber did a left side swing but it was dodged as the warewolf bent down. Ater couldn't shot as he was loading a new magazine.

The warewolf used this chance to take Ruber by the leg making his back fall onto the ground. 

Barrell charged at Ater but he could few that something was in the air. He swung his claws in a open 'V' shape.

Ater was shocked as his [Aether Strings] were seen and were cut down. Ater then shot 3 [Parayzing Arrow] at the Warewolf.

"Whats this?"

The Warewolf was shocked but it just licked its lips and used his left hand to catch the three black arrows.

Barrell felt stunned for a second at the arrows. He couldnt move for a second. Ruber didn't miss this chance.

Ruber coated his spear with light element but since his spear was gold in colour it wasn't seen with the naked eye.

Ruber did a side swing aiming at the warewolf's head. When the attack was inches away Barrell regained control.

Burrell lifted his arm to block the attack. The warewolf's left arm was separated from its body, living blood gashing out to the ground.


The warewolf screamed as it hold its missing limb. Ater run and picked up Ruber who was in range with the Warewolf's blood.

"Ruber you are already a half vampire, what will happen if you became a warewolf."

"Huff huff then I will be OP"

The two ignored the screaming Barrell as they charged at him from the front. Barrell was inraged at being injured by weak humans than him.


The Warewolf's voice vibrated through out the whole subway. Ater and Ruber did a full swing arming at the Warewolf's head.

Barrell used his right claws to block the attack. Ater used this chance to shot at the Warewolf's forehead with his Glock 19.

Barrell used his teeth to break the bullet and was able to push the two brats a few meter back but as they were being pushed two more bullets came at Barrell.

Barrell used his claws to cut down the bullets but a golden spear was thrown at him. The Warewolf let the spear in its mouth.

Barrell used his teeth to hold the tip of the spear and his sharp teeth broke the spear making it into a million pieces.

A barrage of spears and bullets came at the Warewolf who cut everything with his claws.

Ruber was using [Object replicate] which makes him able to make copies of any object he touched on his golden spear.

The Warewolf's missing arm started growing again and the two boys stopped their attacks. Barrel looked at the two and saw them drinking a golden liquid in an palm sized bottle.

The injuries on the two boys stated healing at Barrell was shocked at this.

"What is this, did you humans create medicine that would heal you without a heeling Nether user,"

The two boys ingnored Barrell and charged at him and he greeted them as he had gained back his arm.

Barrell caught the boys weapons and he double kicked them in the gut. The two were sent to the trains wall.



Ater and Ruber groaned as they hit the wall and stood up as blood came down from the corner of their lips.

Sparks of lighting started to come out of Ruber's spear. Ruber charged at the warewolf as he shouted,

"Lighting Spear strikes,"

Tne attack was fast but the Warewolf was able to see through it, when he tried to dodge a black bullet came aiming at the place were his heart would be.

Barrell let the spear attack hit his shoulder and the half vampire didn't stop as he spinned his spear aiming at Barrell's neck.

The Warewolf used his left arm on his injured shoulder to push back Ruber but he couldn't get time to breath as Ater attacked him with his rapier.

Ater did a thrust aiming at the injured shoulder which was showing signs of healing. Barrell blocked Ater's attack using his left claw.

When the warewolf was about to punch Ater a full swing came from Ruber's spear which made him jump back.

Ruber could only hit empty air as the Warewolf stepped back and before he could properly stand a flying kick landed on his solar plexus.

Ruber was sent flying to the wall of the train. Ater wasn't spared as a side kicked landed on his face sending him next to Ruber.

The subway train was now filled with holes all over but it didn't stop through out the battle. Barrell had a huge grin as walked to the two boys.

Ater and Ruber were coughing up a huge amount of blood and Barrell couldn't help but ask,

"Does your heart finally fell despair? Did your mind finally break."

The boys helped each other to stand up and Ater pointed his black rapier at the Warewolf as he grinned,

"Nah man I feel victory,"

Before Barrell could say anything Ruber pointed his golden spear him,

"The heart and mind do not feel a shit during a fight,"

"So where do you humans feel victory?" Barrell said as he stopped his movements.

"I feel it in my bones"