Wolf man

[B+] curse a common name among hunters as it is the reason why most hunters can't be [A-] rank.

In order to advance to [A-] hunter need enlightment. The enlightment difers from people to people.

Enlightment is needed as being [A-] rank is a sure way of reaching [SSS+] rank. 

Now Ruber is facing the [B-] curse and his cheat system has stopped its function of feeding him EXP.

Ruber isn't really worried as enlightment comes in different ways and if he is lucky he might even find it in his next mission.

Ater and Ruber are in there Black and Red overcoats as they enter the Eastern subway and the two feel good because they are the only one with a system in this world.





 AGE : 18 years and 4 month


 COINS : 1392

INVENTORY: (5 metre square)

RANK: E- →D-


Health - 51→99

strength - 51→80

Defence - 50→76

Dexterity - 54→88

Accuracy - 62 →119

Perception - 53 →87

Intelligance - 110 →359

Aether - 54 →100

charm - 22→ 25

Affinity - Fire/ Ice/ Darkness


Novel Gate

*Can go inside novels

*The character possessed will be changed to fit you

*Skills and Items got from the novel can be bought back to the real world.

*Checkpoint allows user to go to and from the Novel at any time(2/5)

*Bus function allows the user to carry beings from the Novel to the real world and carry beings from the real world to any Novel

*Message function allows characters inside a novel to communicate with user. (1 message)


*Protects against all mental and spiritual attacks.

*Can be seen but can't be felt

*Can understand and talk differebt languages


King of acting - increases the chance of not getting cought while pretending.

Outsider - increases of success and expirence when doing things alone.


12 Dark Swords Art (★★★★★)

- A complete sword art with both a breathing method and footwork . It had been passed through since the world began and modified around the years. Once understanding increases the user may add his own skills to the art and the art can grow.

Dark boxing (★★★☆)

- A fist and leg art which was made as addition to 12 Dark Swords. Can make one strengthern their body using any type of energy. Can be used with any combination.

Just shooting(★☆)

- A shooting Art made by Ater Heart which releases bullets with ice, fire and darkness attribute.



-Can now be able to use all tier one spells with less Aether and make it easy to learn other Tier one spell.

Dark Magic(D)

-Can freely use Dark magic spells without the help from the system. More spells will be used as the Rank increases.

Magic (D)

- Can freely use magic spells without the help of the system. More spells will be used as the realm increases.

Rune Magic (D)

- You have a high understanding of rune magic, can use low level runes. 

Aether Control (D)

Can freely manupulate Aether in the body, to make anything big or small the user wants. Currently able to make small Aether strings which move at the will of the user.


Bonded Items

Dove Wings(Rare)

Gives the user the avility to have long White Dove Wings, the ability to manupulate dove feathers, can summon Dove familiars who can share sences with the user. The Wind Element can be used will the item is being used. (Dexterity +50) ]





 AGE : 18 years and 4 month


 COINS : 503




Health - 366

strength - 396

Defence - 369

Dexterity - 403

Accuracy - 300

Perception - 409

Intelligance - 469

Mana - 369

Aura - 378

charm - 25

Affinity - Wood/ lightining/ light


Game Gate

*Can gather experience from kill and system quest✘

*The stronger the kill the greater the EXP✘

*Kills have a chance to drope items✘

*An inventory space is created

*Pain will not be felt

*Team function allows the user to make teams and share EXP with them.✘

*Chat function allows user to send messages tp other team members.

Pass through

*Protects against all mental and spiritual attacks.

*If the user stands still no attack will harm the user

*Can ignore seals and traps.


Calm thinker- be able to keep a cool head at any given moments

Memory - Doesn't easily forget things


.Lighting spear strikes Art(★★★★★)


- A complete spear art with both a breathing method and footwork . Releases lighting strikes from each move that is made.Once understanding increases the user may be able to create lighting without using the Art

Swift Spear (★★★★)

- An Art that give the ability of being able to use any type of spear without a problem.

Foreign Boxing(★☆)

- A martial Art made by Ruber Fox using the combination of old world martial arts and can be used without an energy core.


 Object Replicate (B+)

- Can make copies of anything the user touches. The more mana the stronger the copy is to the original.

Man of Wood (B)

Can freely transform any body part to wood.

Fourth Cloning (A) 

Can make up four clones similiar to the user. One Clone can be used at a time as the clone body will have the soul of the user]

The two boarded the subwway train and since it was near full with only one person.The two looked at each before turning their backs in an attempt to live.

But before they could live the subway train's door closed. They could only curse their luck and just turn back to the figure and his body doubles.

"So you are the Bones Brothers,"

It was one of the double or the orignal bodies, it was is in brown school shoes, black school socks, khaki school shorts and had a brown on top with a logo of a impala. It had a striped khaki and brown neck tie with brown school sunhat.

It was a one metre tall ten year old boy with white pail skin with green eyes and a pretty face with curly black hair and ears of a wolf. He was one of Wolf man twins and were the only Wolf men alive.

[Wolf man- A crossbride between a Warewolf and a human. There are weaker than most Warewolf but stronger than most humans. There are rare as the genes of a human and Warewolf have a 0.0002% compatability]

His name is Knox Crush a Semi-Master Rank and his Nether ability is [Eternal Clones]

[Eternal Clones- an ability to make clones who are the same as the user and would only disappear if they die.]

"Hey you two are you listening?"

"Hey Ater did you hear something?"

"I didn't hear anything Ruber and I think we are on the wrong train."

"To think they were this crazy, pretending not to see us,"

One of the cloned said as it stood up but unlike the rest it had a scar on its left eye. It charged towards Ruber and throw a punch at him.

The punch did nothing to Ruber as he standing still and it passed through him. The other clones then looked at Ruber. Ater took this chance to jump and stick to the roof.

The train started moving and the clones (maybe the real body was there )was now attacking Ruber. Knox didn't stop and now the clones body was now imitating a brown colour it was his Nether strengthing his body.

They punched at Ruber but the result was the same and they even broke the trains door making it fall to the subway.

Ater didn't attack as he might shot the real Knox and because each clone was a nice meat shield when things go Sourth.

Knox and his clones didn't stop and now there bodies grew black fur and his height increased by 30 cm. 

A barrage of punches came at Ruber and the result was the same. Ruber was filling tired of standing at the same position but he knew better than anyone that if he did that he would be as good as dead.

"Is that your gift, I heard that you two can pull out weapons from your overcoats and have high mental strength"

The clone with the scar on the left side said that as it kept on punching at Ruber but his first just passed threw.

"Hahaha I will punch him until he bleeds"

"Me too"

"Me three"

"Me four"

The clones kept on shouting until they reached Me 59 and they just kept on punching. Ater could only sigh at them.

After three hours straight travel the train reached Gurdon City. Knox and his clones were still punching Ruber and they looked more energetic.

Ruber was not well as standing in the same position for three hours is not easy. Knox and his clones noticed they had arrived and did there transformation and the brown light was gone.

"I will punch you again next time lets go into the city and we must meet here at 6p.m"

Ruber was the first to walk out as he might be standing at the same position again. Ater followed behind.

When they went out side the subway they saw that it was they first arrived in. Two of Knox clones followed them.

"Bones brothers lets go get something to eat."

"Yah yah you will be the ones buying as you can see I am not that rich to support all of the other me in the train."

The two clones said as they looked at Ater and Ruber who would only sigh as they knew that having those many mouths to feed would make them broke.

The two had brought a large amount of healing potions that left Ater with a 2 Million Bank balance from his 100 billions.

Ruber was not different either as he had to waist almost every Yo he got on his first quest to run 10km.

Ruber and Ater took the two clones to get food and sight see around as last time the two didn't really look around the city.