Fight in Gurdon City I

When the clock reached 5 pm people started deserting the streets like there were being chased by an invisible force.

After 30 minutes not a single soul could be seen on the streets. All the lively activities that were happening had stoped and every building had closed its doors shut.

The unwritten law of this World was that to Never let anyone in at Night.

Ater, Ruber and the two Knox clones were just walking out of the amusement park and they could only be greated by the ghost city in front of them.

The two knox walked infront and the two followed and as soon as they moved a distance of a Kilometre they saw a fight between Ravens and Crows.



It wasn't that the fight was interesting but what the two black birds were fighting for. Ater even thought of the Eastern Kingdom but the birds now looked so evil and cruel to him.

The Ravens and Crows were fighting over a left over adult human's leg. The leg had almost lost all the flesh on it as it was teared apart by the two birds.

Some of Ravens and Crows had a piece of flesh that could be seen through its beak and the whole beak was blood red.

Ater and Ruber wanted to puke and chase out the two corvus birds but stopped as this was not the world there are from were Ravens and Crows will be [S] ranks thanks to Huginn and Munnin blessings.


The two got their answer but were to slow to react as now there were surrounded by stage 1 Warewolfs that all had grey fur and a red star mark on their forehead.

The stage 1 Warewolf might look like the regular wolf but its strength is above the realms of a normal wolf.

Ater and Ruber looked at the two Knox waiting for orders as he was their captain dispite his young age.

"There are 40 stage 1 Warewolves and that red star mark means there are from 'The Den' "

One of the Knox said as his body was spliting to two forming another him and the other did the same.

"Hey if there are members of 'The Den' then they are..."

"Yes Ater they are the villians of this world and an Organisation that opposes The WHC and their leader is the Final boss and more like the Fenrir of this world,"

Ruber and Ater put their hands in their overcoats pocket and when Ater took out his three guns, something suddenly hit him.

"Ruber if my memory is correct in the Novel at the end of chapter 1 Singh entered a city that was filled with corpses and had destroyed buildings,"

"Now that I think about it the start of chapter two he fought against stage 1 warewolves, and in the middle two stage 2 warewolf brothers and a..."

"Stage 3 Warewolf"

Ruber didn't finish his last sentance as Ater knew what would come next and now the two faces turned pale and they knew that it was not easy to fight even a single stage 2 Warewwolf.

Now they had to face two of them and not to add a stage 3 Warewolf that would be [SS] rank if it was the Real World.

Knox and his clones didn't hear the two boys as he was making out clones of himself and now there were 20 of him.

All the Knoxs felt their blood running over to their heads as this was finally a fight they would let loose. Knox was a fighting freak and his clones were no different from him.

"If it isn't one of the Wolf man twins, we are going to be rewarded today and maybe be promoted to stage 2"

The Warewolf that was in the direction of the sunset said as he and the other Warewolves walked slowly to incircle them.

"He seems to have people under him now, I guese after his twin sister lost an arm he was now told to babysit,"

The other Warewolf in the East said and the talk about Knox's twin sister all of the Knoxs eyes were filled with rage.

When the sun set all twenty of them rushed at the stage 1 Warewolves. It was a 2 to 1 fight but Knox didn't mind.

The first Knox moved at lighting speed and punched at the Warewolf that talked about his sister and made its head crack as the punch went through the skull of the Warewolf leaving it dead.

Two Warewolf didn't mind about their comrade dying and jumped towards him using their claws to aim for his neck.

Knox jumped in to the air and since he was fast it looked like he vanished. The two Warewolves attack hurt the others face and before they could do anything Knox had already drilled a hole in their skull with his legs.

The other Warewolves were no different as most of then lay on the ground with their stomaches wide open.

The sight and smell of Warewolf gore filled the place and non of the stage 1 Warewolf corpse looked better than the other.

But before the Knoxs could regroup two of the clones heads exploded living the corpses gashing out blood as it lay on the ground.

"Brother we are in luck to think we ran into the Wolf man,"

"Yes Brother if we eat him we will reach Stage 3 "

Two low piched voices came from the direction were the Knox Clone body was and as the other Knox moved their eyes to the direction.

There were two muscular grey Warewolfs in cargo pants and each had a height of 2 metres and a red star on their foreheads.

The two had strange smiles as they walked towards the battlefield.

Ater and Ruber who were standing on the side lines tried to move but before they could, all the Knoxs charged at the two Stage 2 Warewolves and they could see the rage in his eyes.