

Now!", ordered captain Maguire as the Sandawana backed up slipping just out of range of the Bydanian ships relentless firing. Executing the dual feat of lifting the electro magnetic shield and opening gunports in one swift motion, the Sandawana launched a ferocious attack on the seven Bydanian ships. Lasers smashed into the unprotected hulls in a relentless hail of lasers tearing mercilessly into the super structures. The attack continuing until the Bydanian ships were no longer firing.

"Threat level neutralised", reported lieutenant Tashinga. 

"Cease fire!", captain Maguire ordered. 

As the Sandawana broke off the attack, the broken hulks of the Bydanian ships were drifting helplessly against the murky darkness of space.

"Set course for Byda", captain Maguire ordered lieutenant Tashinga.

The starship shot past the drifting hulks proceeding on a direct course to Byda.

"Open channel to Byda", captain Maguire ordered, lieutenant Tanaka at communications. 

Lieutenant Tanaka's fingers flew into action manipulating the console in front of him.

The scene on the giant computer's screen changed from the view of accelerated space as the starship tore through space, to be replace by a humanoid dressed in some sort of official dress.

"I am commander Girom of the Bydanian border control. How may I help you, captain?"

"I am captain Sydney Maguire of the Space command's Deep space fleet

"Captain", the humanoid greeted calmly.

"I demand to know why your starships attacked my ship", captain Maguire charged.

"You are mistaken captain, we carried out no such attack?", commander Gerom replied.

"I assure you commander, there are several crippled Bydianian ships which we chose not to destroy out of respect for the treaty between our two peoples".

"Submit your flight plan to avoid any further mishaps", commander Gerom requested.

"You shall have it", said captain Maguire.

"Navigation, send the Bydanians co-ordinated of our flight path", captain Maguire ordered lieutenant Anesu sitting at the navigation console.

"Have a safe flight captain", said commander Gerom.

"End transmission", commander Gerom ordered lieutenant Tanaka at communications. 

The image of commander was replaced by the extraordinary view of stars seeming to rush at them from all angles and race past them like shooting stars.

"Treaty?", quizzed captain Lucinda.

"To avoid having to fight on too many frontiers, Space command has entered treatise with the more reasonable alien civilizations we have encountered. The treatise ensure territorial respect for each others space. They also make provision for mutual cooperation on matters of defence of each others' space, non interference in each other internal processes. Now this is where it gets tricky".

"How?", captain Lucinda asked.

"Because sometimes the difference between interference in each others' affairs, and mutual cooperation isn't so easily distinguishable. If one faction should decide that involvement of a third party in internal affairs is interference it can create a dangerous situation for the said party. However if interference by a third party turns out to have a mutually desired end, it can be accepted as being cooperation for the greater good.

"Ok so where does that place us regarding our involving ourselves in what is their internal affair?", quired captain Lucinda.

"That remains to be seen", simply said captain Maguire, and they both fell silent as the Sandawana raced towards planet Byda with the image of stars passing rapidly alongside, over and below the starship like streaks of light.

"Captain we approaching Byda", announced 

lieutenant Anesu sitting at the navigation console.

"Reduce speed from hyperspace to normal space in preparation to enter the planet's atmosphere".

The Sandawana slowed down with the image on the big screen showing the stars suddenly slowing down the pace at which they were coming up to the starship. Thereby painting a normal view of space replacing the accelerated view of hyper space as planet Byda came into view.

"Captain, transmission coming from the planet, announced lieutenant Tanaka manning the communications console.

"On screen", ordered captain Maguire and the image of a female humanoid appeared on the giant computer monitor's screen.

"Welcome to Byda, captain", she announced warmly facing captain Maguire as he set in his commander's chair.

"I am major Plaitin of the Byda port authority. You will receive co-ordinates directing you to a landing port". 

"Thank you Major", replied captain Maguire as the Sandawana entered the Byda's atmosphere.

"Receiving landing co-ordinates now", announced lieutenant Tanaka at communications as the massive starship descended out of the Bydanian atmosphere. 

"The image of major Plaitin was replaced on the big screen by the a view of the planet's surface as the starship descended gracefully out of a clear Bydanian sky. Buildings and other infrastructure gradually began to take shape. The crew could eventually make out the landing pad, a vast plain with winking indicator lights guiding craft where they were to land. The facility was far removed from any settlement with the makings of a city visible in the distance. A terminal building stood to one side of th vast plain, with midday sun glistening off its sleek glass panels.

"Captain, for a planet in the midst of a civil war the planet seems remarkably calm. I was expecting we were going to fly into a scenario of starships engaged in a fierce battles right from the planet's orbit", observed captain Lucinda.

"Your concern is noted captain", calmly replied captain Maguire.

"Should we even be landing on the planet?", asked captain Lucinda suspiciously. Look captain we disabled several of their starships and they brushed the incident aside. Something doesn't add up", captain Lucinda argued.

"I 'm not sure what is going on here", captain Maguire confirmed. "If there is something fishy going on we need to be careful not to raise the Bydanians suspicions. Politely declining the invitation to land would have alerted them that we are on to them. As I explained to you earlier about the intricacies of Bydanian politics our mission might have been endangered.

"So we play along, is that the game plan?", asked captain Lucinda.

"It's the only plan", captain Maguire confirmed."If there is some kind collaboration with the intention of attacking Earth we 'll need to be smart get to the bottom of it