
Opening moves

A convoy of starships from the Deep space fleet entered neutral space in formation in response to the presence of a large fleet of alien vessels. An alien fleet of what could only be described as an armada of vast proportions was fast approaching. According to information from the Earth 's observation posts in deep space the trajectory and size of the alien fleet could only suggest only thing, a massive surprise attack. Space command was not taking chances with a such a large number of vessels of unknown origin and was leaving nothing to chance.

Why would anyone be coming with a large fleet of they were friendly and only wanted to say, "hi". If the admiralty at space command had read the situation wrong, it was still better to err on the side of caution than to allow a massive incursion into Earth's space by unknown beings. 

Regardless of their intention the best approach to the was to intercept them in neutral space before they could get anyway near Earth. If indeed their intentions were friendly, it could then be put across to them diplomatically that their approach of arriving with such a vast fleet vessels was unacceptable. Accordingly to that end and in the best interests of cordial relations the rest of the armada would not be allowed to proceed beyond the neutral zone. 

Only one ship, presumably the flagship carrying the beings dilplomats would be allowed to proceed and be escorted to Earth.

The presence of the starships of Deep space would be a show of force, gently encouraging the aliens to cooperate. However if the alien fleet was on intent on hostilities, the starships of the Deep space fleet immediate mandate would be to expel the invaders from the neutral space back to wherever they had come from.

The two fleets approached each other on a direct collision course, with the starships of Deep space spreading out to create a wall effectively forming blockade separating the unknown ships reaching Earth. The distance between the two fleets narrowing rapidly, admiral Gwangwa ordered, ordered, "Com", hail the lead ship on all subspace channels using the universal translator(a Application using logarithms to send out messages in different languages).

Lieutenant Ruva, sitting at the starship's communications console got busy, her fingers move rapidly over th console as she executed the command.

The two fleets raced towards each rapidly narrowing the distance separating them, in a nerve wrecking contest to see which side would give way first. As the distance between the two fleets fast diminished, vice admiral Nyathi ordered all starships to stand by to fire missiles. "Now", he shouted into his hand held communicator as the starships came within firing range of the alien ships. Launching the attack the starships of released a ferious barrage of missiles at the tightly packed formation alien armada. The alien ships responded by breaking formation to evade the oncoming missiles. 

This was the break admiral Nyath was looking for and speaking with a sense of urgency into his hand held communicator issued fresh orders. Starships mimicking the alien ships disperal broke out from the blockade and picking out individual targets dived into the attack.

Neutral space was lit up with starships firing a cocktail of missiles and lasers at the opposing ships. Navigation lights flashing, charging to attack, and taking evasive manoures to avoid enemy fire starships engaged in ship to ship battle as they entered into the fight in an exhibition of deadly firepower, incredible dexterity, daringness and courage. Starships rushed at each other having narrowly colliding into each as the battle raged. 

After a going at it for a while, with many missiles having been fired along with lasers, vice-admiral Nyathi's mind told him there was something wrong with the scene that met his eyes. He noted the lack of the telltale explosions of destroyed vessels inspite of the heavy fighting, as he watched the scene of battle on the big screen aboard the bridge of the Mwenezi.

Turning to lieutenant Ruva at the communications console he asked in order to confirm.

"Lieutenant how many direct hits?"

Looking at the console before her she promptly replied, unconfirmed sir. The other starships also report the same. 

"All starships cease fire and hold your positions!", vice admiral Nyathi ordered speaking into his hand held communicator. 

The intense action stopped as Deep space starships broke of the attack. The alien ship mimicking the starships also broke of action, before changing their earlier Earth bound course and heading off towards into the depths of neutral space.

"What the hell are they up?", vice admiral Nyathi exclaimed below his breath to no one in particular.

A ground vehicle approached the Sandawana as it set on it's perch on the barren plain and waited. Captain Maguire watching on the giant computer monitor's screen turning to captain Lucinda said,"captain you are in charge while I am on the surface. The well being of the Sandawana, and it's crew are in your hands".

"I don't know about this captain.What if we something happens and we have to take off before you return?", captain Lucinda asked. 

"I trust your that whatever decision you make will be the right one", captain Maguire replied with confidence. He rose from the commander's chair and walked off the bridge. 

Captain Lucinda rose from her chair and approached the long backed commander's chair with its head rest, before lowering herself into it, suddenly feeling the weight of command. 

"Com, perch me into the ship's internal public address system", she ordered lieutenant Tanaka at communications before literally taking a heady dive into her new role and announcing,"this acting captain Lucinda, all hands to battle stations. This is a priority one all alert and it will remain in force until further notice". Captain Lucinda's address coming over the starship's public address system. 

"Captain Lucinda out", she concluded, breaking off the address.

Captain Maguire was lowered on to the Bydanian surface by an elevator from the underbelly of the starship. Setting foot on the planet for the first time he walked towards the ground vehicle. A door slid open on one side of the vehicle and a humanoid putting on a golden scalp cap and dark suit of alien design walked out.

"Welcome captain", the humanoid greeted captain Maguire as he approached the humanoid. 

"Princess Elantra awaits you", said the humanoid