Start Again

Its been a week since I last saw Helen, after that incident she never returned my text or answer my calls. I left it like that as I don't want to pressure her.

Can I just turn back the clock♪

Forget my sins♪

Now I am at the baseketball with the rest of the gang. Gerrald is just smiling while holding his phone and the rest of us are playing a two on two match.

I am on the same team as Armson and the other team is made up of Godfrey and Michael. I am currently on the losing side as Armson is trying to show of and making a lot of mistakes.

It looks like the issue with his sisters is still tattooed in his bones. For the past week Godfrey and Michael have been doing it at my place, after paying me as I need to clean up the mess when they are gone.

Currently Armson has the ball and he is dribbling infront of Godfrey, only to get the ball taken away from him. Godfrey goes for a 3 and it connects.

With what Godfrey does everyday it will be shocking if he were to miss. We played for an hour and Armson kept on messing up leaving us with a clashing defeat. We can't really blame Armson as I messed up a lot too. Just thinking of Helen is pulling me down

Yes I know its hard to take it backwards♪

Everybody has left and I am still in the school campus. I am in the classroom doing nothing than staring at unsolvable Mathematics problems infront of me.

Gerrald went out with Carla, I can't believe a week ago that guy couldn't outer a single word to her. Now all he does is talk about her and his grades seemed to have boosted, is this the power of love that others only enjoy.

Armson went home to make sure Michael and Godfrey don't ever lay their feet there. Godfrey and Michael are at my place doing what they do best and the reason I can't go home. Don't they get tired, or is it they were born for that.

"Sigh, I think we should drope the word single in our group and add romantic. It will be The Five Romatic Boys Band, TFRBB for short, hahahaha"

I could only talk to myself in the lonely class that had a dim light coming from the sun that was going to rise in the opposite side of the world.

I feel broken, or maybe I was born broken. I can't tell the difference now.

I am bad at romance and I shouldn't have fallen in love with Helen. I was the jerk and she was the angel.

You see my world is spinning like there is nothing to know♪

You see my world is feeling like it might explode♪

I just kept on doing the unsolvable math problems, maybe there are the ones making me feel like shit.

"Hahaha, just like any human, I try to blame something for my misfortune."

I might turn crazy if I continue talking to myself like this. I am already crazy so there is nothing bad about being more crazy.

"I feel like that guy who used to be an errand boy at an inn before going crazy,"

I just have to think about my favorite character from a Wuxia Novel, but unlike him I am not a regressor or know some cool Martial Arts.

He knows when to rage out and when to keep a cool mind. I am going to rage out on this math problems.


- ABC is a tringle with AB as the hypotenuse. AB = (x+3), AC = 9 and BC = (x-2)

a) Form an equation in x

b) Solve this equation

c) Hence write down the length of the hypotenuse.

Total 6 marks.

- PQRS is a trapezium in which PQ is parrell to SR. X is a point on SR such that QX is parrell to PS. PQ = PS = 6cm and QR is 7,6cm.

a)Draw a clearly labeled diagram of the trapezium.

b) The Name of the quadrilateral PQXS.

c) The Area of the trapezium.

Total 7 marks


I give up, I am the kind of guy who gives up when things don't work out.

Thats m...

"Fritz to think you are still at school at this hour,"

I couldn't finish my sensei's favorite line, as a girl with a triangle body shape with big burst size, white pale skin with a charming round face with yellow eyes and blond hair in a pony tail, interrupted me.

"Well I am shocked to see you at school at this hour Dione,"

"I always go home late"

No wonder why she is the top stop student and look at all those books she is holding.

I didn't say anything to her since we never chat with each other that much. She walked in and placed her mountain of books on Michael's table which was next to me.

She took a sit and I just looked at my triangles and trapezium. We stayed in silence and only the sounds of pages being flipped by Dione was heard. I was still on the same problem and never moving.

Dione started paking her books into her bag and after she was done, she walked away without saying a thing.

Well at least thats what I thought she would do. She stopped at my table and took the white paper with my triangle and trapezium.


She clicked her tongue as her yellow eyes glared at me with pitty. Just Fuck off, I know you can already solve math for University graduates.

"Fritz don't tell me that for the past 32 minutes, 44 seconds and 5 milli seconds, you have been just doing this,"

Unlike you I can't count milli seconds, so how can I not have been doing this.

She dragged the chair infront of me and sat infront of me. I could feel her soft legs, but she looked like she didn't mind about the contact.

"Fritz I am sure we did this topic ever since we were second years."

Really so where the fuck, have I been during those times you did it.

"Looking at your face, you really don't know. Sigh let me teach you.

At the first problem, you first draw a triangle for a better understanding......"

I know that I messed it up♪

Time and time again♪

Dione started giving me a free lesson for..

"....20 minutes, 31 seconds and 9 milli seconds,"

Maybe if I study hard, I can count milli seconds too.

As I was racing my thoughts, something started rubbing inbetween my legs. I looked under the table and saw toes in white sucks rubbing me.

I looked at the owner of the toes and she had a serious look like, she wasn't the one moving the toes. I just made a serious face, but my mind was making weird sounds, I can't talk about.

After I was angry and prepared to do it, she removed her leg and put on her shoes as she stood up.

"It took you 3minutes 33seconds and 3 milli seconds,"

Is that really true, to think I tried to keep a cool head for that long. For some men its a short time, but for weak and small guys like me its a life time.

She got hold of my neck tie and pulled me over to her soft lips. Everything about her was as cold as snow. It was like I am kissing someone beyond a gate so far away.

I could tell what she felt, just like me she was broken and I can't believe someone like her could fall apart just like us.

I am sorry broken people can't fix each other, it will lead to being more broken.

We kissed and I could only accept that its not only guys who can feel broken, even near perfect people like Dione can broke.

"6 minutes, 6 seconds and 6 milli seconds,"

She said as she separated our lips. She stood up and her yellow eyes locked onto mine.

"You were my first and don't you dare tell a soul OR ELSE.."

I could only node at her words as I don't even want to imagine what would happen, if I tell a soul, as she took her bag and left.

"You were probably my longest,"

I said undernith my breath as I stared at my pants that would rip off at any minute, if I continue like this.

"Fuck I forgot,"

I can't remember anything Dione tought me 20 minutes , bla bla bla seconds and bla bla bla milli seconds ago.

I just stared at the setting sun, waiting for me to cool down and take my leave.

Should I tell Armson that I got kissed by his childhood lover, No thats a bad idea Dione told me to forget about this and Armson loves the class snitch.

I just sang along while looking at the beautiful but lonely sun. Looking good doesn't mean you will be happy.

After bla bla bla minutes, bla bla bla seconds and bla bla bla milli second I finally left the school campus and go enjoy the up coming weekend.