
Dum.. Dum.. Dum..

Its the weekend and just like anybody who is home alone, I have my headphones on full blast and enjoying myself like a baby I am.

Even though I am broken, enjoyment is a feeling that always make me feel less broken. I need to go to a party later in the afternoon and I will be going alone for the first time.

I used to go to parties with Grandpa or with the boys. I used to go to church parties with Grandpa and I would always feel out of place. When I went out with the boys, we would just end up doing something idiotic.

Now Grandpa is gone and everyone of my four friends has something better to do, than hang out with a guy like me.

Its going to be a new experience, being at a party alone. I am super dupper nervous and just hope that I fit in although I am bad at it.

Yeah, I just wanna be wanted, oh♪

I could use a little love sometimes♪

I just need to be needed, oh♪

Like to know I'm crossin' someone's mind♪

I just wanna be someone that somebody needs♪

Afternoon arrived and I am in black leather clothing as I stand a few metres away from the gates where the party is happening. I can hear the sounds of the loud speakers vibrate through out the streets.

My heart danced together with the speakers as I advanced towards the party. Its a free out door party and it was loaded with people. I entered tthe party and I could see people in groups moving about.

I started moving around the party grounds, as my eyes started searching for anyone like me, but reality struck back at me.


I just laughed out loud and nobody seemed to have heard my voice. It was a new feeling but it was also something, that could make me a grown man by a few inches.

I was alone.

I felt like the only black bird in a flock of crows and ravens.

But even so, I didn't show it on my face as I just moved my feet around the party ground, with a small smile on my face.

The most lonely faces smile a lot.

I could see couples showing of their love for one other. There were also bad boys and bad girls who were making out in some hidden places. There were no single guys like me out there.

But just like my master, I know how to rock out. The kinda of guy who feels happy at a party where he is the only single guy.

Thats me.

I just need to be needed, oh♪

Like to know I'm crossin' someone's mind♪

I just wanna be someone that somebody needs♪

I just want to be more than a drop in the sea♪

It was almost sunset and it was time for this single young and handsome dog to go home. Being alone and thinking of my crazy master boosted my confidence and I think I am in the top 5 most handsome people in the whole world. (Dude finally got crazy)

I danced with my arms as I walked out of the party ground and I happen to sport two familiar figures who were kissing in the crowds.

There was a two metre tall guy with a femine body and pink hair. On his arms rested a blond haired girl who he was passionately kissing.

I grinned and took out my phone to capture five movie like images of them. I left the party grounds and just walked all the way to my place.


It was now Monday and the five members of TFSBB were at the baseketball Court playing a two on two match. I was at the side lines, thinking of a new name for our group as most of us don't fit in with the word single anymore.

Armson and Gerrald make a good team and so is Godfrey and Michael. I am mostly the one who messes up in the group. I am glad those morons are my friends, as no one would hang out with a type of guy like me.

I averted my eyes from the four and stared at the clear blue sky. For some reason the sky looks pretty and is like the blanket that covers me in this world.


"Hey Fritz are you okay? you have been staring at the sky for almost an hour now."

"I am okay Michael I was just thinking of a new name for our group,"

I said as I sat up, everyone just looked at me like they didn't get the meaning of my words.

"I don't think the name single fits us anymore, as the most of us are no longer single,"

Everyone then sat down as they looked at each other trying to check who was single and not.

"Those that got kissed during the last seven days raise your hands,"

At my words we all raised our hands, except for Gerrald who kept his hands down.

I am suprized to see Armson raise his hands, did by some stroke of luck get a girl.

I am the only single guy in the gang.

"I don't have a girlfriend and I have never kissed anyone in my whore life."

At Gerralds words, I took out my phone which showed a picture I took at the party and passed it around the three guys, who raised their hands with me.

"I agree with Fritz lets change our band name."

Michael said, as he handed me back my phone. Everyone noded and Gerrald was still pretending like her never kissed a girl.

"What about The Bones Brothers?"

"Godfrey that name is already taken by Ruber and Ater, and we are not anything close to brothers. Lets go with Human Preachers,"

"Frtz we are not a gospel group lets go with Sunshine Heaven,"

"Armson why don't we go with Apologetic Stars."

At Michaels words we all went silent and thought about the new name.

We all noded and that was what it took to change our Band name, from The Five Single Boys Band, TFSBB for short, to Apologetic Stars Band, ASB for short.

"Guys as I have said I am still single,"

"Shut the fuck up Gerrald we all saw the picture of you kissing a blonde girl. What we should be talking about is who kissed Armson."

Gerrald went silent at Michael's words and now everyone was looking at Armson, as we wanted to know who would kiss a short guy like him.

"Its Ash, Fritz"s step sister,"

As soon as Armson's words left his mouth I stood up and started chasing him.

How can a short guy like him go out with my sister?

Does he want to make me have a short nephew.

Go make babies with other girls, who are not my sisters.


Armson really deserves the title of being the fastest around the whole school. The guy ran three laps around the whole school campus just to get away from me.

I thought Armson liked the snitch, but to think it would be my younger sister whom me liked. I can't believe Dixon let this happen.

If I see Armson, I am going to beat the shit out of him. How can he have the guts to go around my back and kiss my sister.

"I am going to end him,"

"Fritz please be silent, you have been making sounds for the past 8 minutes, 6 seconds and 4 milli seconds,"

Its after school and I am in class together with Dione, who didn't go to where she usually reads her books at.

I can't study properly, as the thoughts of Armson doing something with my younger sister are popping up.

I heard that short guys are big down there, and what if he does it with my younger sister. He will straight kill her.

For a moment an image of Armson doing my sister, what his dad did to Veronica appeared.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Armson is just like his Dad.

As that thought passed through my mind, I immediately stood up and started packing my staff into my bag.

"Fritz are you leaving?"

"Yes Dione, I just thought of something that needs to be checked out before time runs out."

I replied to Dione who was sitting next to me, as she stood up. I finished packing my staff and said goodbye to Dione before leaving towards Armson's place

Well that was the thought in my mind, as soon as I finished packing my staff into my bag Dione pushed me towards my desk and I could only lay on top of it.

There was silence between us as Dione sat on my chest. I could fill her cold breath penetrate through my nose.

She moved her head slowly towards mine and before long we were kissing. My hands gripped her a*s and she seemed not to mind, as she kept on kissing me.

It was a kiss of two broken souls, that would signal the end of our after school relationship.

I just want to be wanted (ooh)♪

Oh, yeah♪

We just want to be wanted (ooh)♪


I just wanna be wanted♪

I could use a little love sometimes♪

I just need to be needed♪

Like to know I'm crossin' someone's mind♪