The next day, when I woke up once again, I was startled by the room and the view. When I was going to get used to this, God knows. Why the hell should I get used to this? Anyway, I am going to make sure I do not stay forever.

I made my way to the bathroom after getting freshened up. I was sitting on the bed. Battling between whether to go to the dining area or not. I can't stick over here, and that bastard won't let me. For the Day second day battle, I made my way to the dining hall.

As I entered, I saw only his sister Edwina at the dining table; no one else was there. Great. I made my way to the table and took my seat. As soon as she saw me, she was fuming, and I didn't give her another glance or even make any gesture toward her. "You should get the hell out of our family and our lives. You can't stay over here after what your dad did to us. Get the hell out." "If you open your mouth in front of your fucking bastard brother gladly, I will fucking get the hell out. Why can't you convince your brother rather than fucking shout at me?" "Not only are you staying under the same roof, but you are also insulting my brother. How dare you?" "Are you not satisfied? Do you want to hear more? I got a lot." "Shut the fuck up." "Gladly, ladies first." "Both of you knock it off. Wina, have your bloody breakfast without creating a scene. I mean, not even a word from your mouth." "I am not getting who is bloody older and younger over here." "If you want to know, then act like one." "You are disrespecting me in front of him. In front of this criminal." "That chapter is long closed, and don't bring that matter up now and then." "How can you forget everything easily and bring him here? Can't you once think about what we are going through?" "We have been going through it for the past 14 to 15 years. Somewhere, it needs to end. We have lives we need to concentrate on, and most importantly, we have snatched what rightfully belongs to us. So, end of discussion. You can't bear his presence; simple avoid him. Daily, don't create a scene. We have work to do and are not free to watch any of your shows. Am I clear?" "How many days should we go through this? How many days is he fucking staying over here?" "Good question. I will get back to you on that when I am totally free to answer. For now, if your stomach is full, leave us alone." By stomping her feet, she was once again stormed toward her room.

This is only my second day, and I am done forever. "I knew this would happen, bastard. Because of you." "As I said a few things, I can't help it, and you did well over here. With or without my presence, you can totally survive. Keep it up." "Like seriously." "Yeah, don't you believe me? That was a hell of a counterback. I really liked it." "Hey, bastard, she was literally fuming and wanted to stab me any moment; are you fucking getting that?" "She only barks; trust me." "God, I give up." We were having breakfast, and still, whatever happened, nothing affected either of us. Just great. After having breakfast, we parted ways.

I left the restaurant early, as there were no customers, and David had plans. After the incident took place in his restaurant, he never left me alone, especially in the evening. After getting fresh, I was lying on the bed, scrolling through my phone. When the door was opened, I knew only one shameless bastard who would enter without knocking. By placing something on the table, he was lying beside me.

"Tomorrow evening, I have arranged a housewarming party." "I am not fucking attending any party, and I will be in my room." "Make sure to wear the outfit. It's the latest design blazer, which suits you perfectly." "Did you hear me? Your family won't be pleased; my presence is already annoying them enough. I don't want to continue at the party too." "Gray, as I said, they will get used to this. They have to. Forget about them. You can't hide forever. Don't forget about tomorrow, okay? I am not letting you shut yourself in this room." With that, he left my room. God, I was groaning due to frustration.

My every move from the evening was forced, like really forced. I had kept my word by ignoring his request. I was lying on my bed, but I was forced to wake up, wash myself, wear a dam outfit, and be forced to the party.

Here I am sitting at the bar counter, sipping the bloody drinks in annoyance. Most of the people at this party I have known once upon a time, back then. Every friend was present, only to boost my annoyance. Facing the old faces was like going back in time and reminding me of everything. The knowing look I was getting was irritating. It felt like everything had happened yesterday. For sake, they were greeting me, but not by heart; I could make out that much, and somewhere I felt my presence was making everyone uncomfortable for so many reasons.

My friends were shocked to see me, but they overcame it soon and started mingling like old buddies. This is a fucking talent, which I totally lack. I developed this habit of feeling self-pity and absorbing old memories. Getting lost in my own world was carving to come back.

I started observing Joshua, who was smiling and welcoming guests through various gestures. He was always this way, nothing new, and it always mesmerizes me, especially his confidence level.

In the past, I would always compare myself to him. I was making sure at least I was capable of standing beside him; if it was one step behind him, that was also ok with me. Pathetic, still, I was. At present, I totally give up on competing for various reasons. One thing I was forced to do due to my dad's doing, and now I lost hope or the same stamina that I was carrying before was not within me anymore. One more reason I was not willing to attend this party was that I was nothing, and it felt from the core. Everyone at this party I knew had achieved something; they were successful. In front of them, I was nothing. There was no need to point out, their various expressions; that was enough. They might not be degrading, but I felt that way because of my inferiority complex.

Approaches from my friends, behaving like everything was ok, and various questions from various people about my whereabouts—everything was exhausting. It didn't take hours to discover that I was out of place, and it started to feel suffocating. At some point, without getting noticed by anyone, I made my way to my room. By opening the window, I was watching the garden. Thank God, it felt so good. For a few minutes, I stayed that way. After changing the outfit, I was off to bed.

I was awake in the middle of the night when I felt a presence. I knew who it was. Joshua moved close toward me, and by placing his chin on mine, he spoke, "You escaped." "How much did you consume alcohol? You reek of it." "Sometimes inevitable, Gray." "Yeah, right." "Don't change the subject. Why did you leave the party in between? You didn't enjoy it." "I was tired." "That was a good lie." "You should go and take a rest. I can't stand your smell." "Hmmm." "You are not moving." "I am tired, Gray. Let me be this way." "This is my room, if you kind of forget." "Don't talk like an idiot; instead of going to any other room, why would I come particularly to this room?" "Yeah, right, and." "Sleep, don't talk; I am tired." "That's what I am…." 

He started kissing me, and the same alcohol effect had on our kiss, but I didn't feel disgusted, not for a second nor his breath. We were out of breath. "Sleep now." And yeah, I gave up and didn't have any more chance to argue, as he had already dozed off on me just like that. Great.

I didn't know attending the party had such an effect at present when my label was no one. After a few days of the party, once again, people who had ghosted me started to show up again in my life. Through calls and messages. Not to forget my friends. Everything is just hilarious. I never thought attending a party had so much effect, or if it was because of Joshua's fame, I was not getting it. My life is taking a 'U' turn because of one bastard's re-appearance.

The more astonishing thing was when my parents contacted me, followed by my sister. Exactly a month after the party. This was epic. How the hell my parents were aware of me staying with Joshua was beyond me. Still, they got an informer over here, and I can't believe their cunning brains are still working in the same direction. Not only do they have the nerve to call me, but they also give orders saying the same old shit thing. "Gray, finally, our time has come. For all our suffering, he has to pay. Don't forget what he has done to us. He has invited things by making you stay with him. Use the bloody opportunity to snatch back what rightfully belongs to us. Don't miss this opportunity because of what you had in the past. He used you, Gray; use him now. Get back to him; it's your turn, and you owe us."

What exactly do I owe them? God knows. After whatever happened, they pushed me to go through, and I still owe them. What the hell rightfully belongs to them? They won't change, they fucking won't, and definitely they will die this way for sure. I didn't scold them or turn down their ideas; in return, I promised them to follow their orders, like I had done before. Giving hope, and they were satisfied just by that, which is unbelievable. For an emotional touch, he also added that they would anytime go roofless, and in severe debt, usual blah, blah. I am not fucking giving in this time; I am fucking done with them.

My sister wants her respect back in her husband's house, which she lost when we went bankrupt. Now, it was my responsibility to get her respect back, as everything was okay between me and Joshua, and to use this opportunity to benefit her. I was not getting how. When she gave me the same idea as my parents, I got to know. God, she is fucking the same blood; how can she think differently? And once again, I gave her hope.

I liked everything, but it was stressful due to their back-to-back messages and calls. Still, I liked everything. Their expectations and my hopes. Waiting for things to turn their way, thinking that everything is going to be ok, dreaming of leading their previous luxurious lives, and boosting their energy with my assurance. Why am I letting their hopes up? So that they fucking don't come up with any other sh*t ideas.

I am enjoying this attention. I don't know why, but I was. I was not getting why my friends were approaching me in any way; I was not useful to them. I could only guess because they want to be in favor of Joshua, and that's it.

Life can change in a second. I never dreamed of any of these things happening. Like none. When it was happening, I was not sure how to react. I am happy, for sure, and enjoying everything. But nothing was making sense. I had given up on everyone, and I had rebooted my life with new people. Now my past life is peddling up with a selfish agenda. How can everyone be selfish and cunning? They were once part of my life for their own benefit, everyone, including Joshua. They showed their true colors, so I gave up on every individual. Now, they are reappearing for their own selfish reasons. The only thing I am not able to make out is what might be Joshua's reason to reappear and gain control over my life.

I wanted to question him so many times. But I couldn't; I was once again trapped by everything. His charm always works on me, like on Day 1. Whether I questioned him or not, irrespective of the outcome, he would always get his way around me. I wanted to know where this was going to lead me.