Chapter 4


It's been a week since I told Maddie about Ken and I. I am not gonna lie this is the longest I have gone without speaking to her and it breaks my heart. I just wish she could accept our relationship and we can go back to how we were before all of this. It's pretty obvious she wants nothing to do with me or Ken cause she stopped going with us after school nor does she sit with us during lunch and it hurts.


During lunch I spotted Ken and Claudia at our usual spot, Claudia and I's usual spot, I decided to just walk up to them. Ever since she told me about her and Ken I ditched sitting there and started sitting with my classmates just so I can avoid her at any cost. 'Hi, is it okay if I sit here?' 'Yeah sure' Ken replied. Without saying a word I began to eat my food, we were all silent the whole time. After eating I left without saying a thing.l really wanted to say something but couldn't. 'Wait!' Claudia said. I really don't know why I complied. 'Can I speak to you please?' She said walking up to me, I turned my head to face her while she caught up with me. 'Is it okay if we walk together?' She asked. 'Sure.' 'I know you just want the best for me Maddie but Ken isn't what you think he is. I love him and he loves me.' Hearing her say she loved him broke my heart. 'I really miss you Maddie, enough with all this silent treatment.' She stopped talking and looked at me with teary eyes. 'This past week has been the hardest week of my life Maddie. I need you in my life, I really do.' She was already sobbing as she said this and without thinking twice I hugged her so tight. This made her sob even more. 'It's okay, it's okay.' I kept muttering the same words over and over again, soon her crying subsided. I sat her down on a bench near us and wiped tears from her cheeks with my hand. 'I missed you too Claudia.' I admitted. She embraced me this time.

As much as I hated them being together I got to accept this relationship, for Claudia's sake cause she loved him and he makes her happy and that's all that matters. 'I am sorry for giving you silent treatment for the past week, I never expected you and my brother to date but if he makes you happy then_' 'He does, trust me; he does.' Her eyes glistened as she said this. He sure did make her happy, it was visible. 'Then I will accept this relationship but I promise you. If he breaks your heart, I will forget that him and I are related.' Claudia just smiled and gave me a hug.


After talking to Claudia that day I went and had a word with my brother. 'I heard you finally accepted this relationship, I didn't think you would.' 'My best friend's happiness matters to me but I must warn you. If you ever break her heart, I promise you Ken; I will forget that you are my brother.' 'Why are you always negative? I would never do anything to hurt Claudia. I genuinely care about her, I really do.' I don't know why but even after he assured me he won't do anything to hurt her, my mind was still uneasy. I just couldn't wrap around my head as to why I was feeling this way when I should be relieved. 'See you at home Ken.' I left him and went to the library. I needed to grab a few books from the library.