Chapter 6


On the way home I kept looking at Maddie through the rear mirror and I could see she was fuming. I also couldn't wait to get home and confront Ken about all this. It really annoyed me how he was just clueless and busy jamming to his favorite songs on the radio. 'Ken, there is something that I need to talk to you about.' 'Okay, what's up babe?' He turned down the volume and looked straight into my eyes. If I wasn't mad, I would have looked away blushing but not this time. His little charm didn't work on me today. 'As I waited for you and Maddie to come to the car, I got bored and opened your gym bag.' 'Okay, is that what you wanted to tell me?' I shook my head. 'I then wore your football jacket and I reached into your pockets and found your phone.' I paused and took a glance at him. 'I looked through your phone and saw your chat with Maddie who at first thought was Maddie your sister. How could you do this to me Ken? All I ever did was love you and be committed to you.' I was already in tears as I said this. 'I can't believe you went through my phone Claudia. You know it's wrong to do that. Believe it or not, Maddie and I are just best friends. We can call her if you think I am lying to you.' 'I believe you Ken, no need to call her. I am sorry.' 'Its okay babe, I love you.' He kissed me and took me into his embrace.

I was glad that he cleared the confusion. I gotta share the news with Maddie or else she was going to bury Ken alive. 'I love you too babe. I will call you later okay.' I went to my house and decided to give Maddie a call, she instantly picked up. 'What did he have to say for himself?' 'Calm down my hero. It was just a misunderstanding, he said they are just best friends and I believe him. Ken will never cheat on me I know that.'


I instantly regretted picking up Claudia's call, hearing her say she believes Ken will never cheat on her and that he isn't currently cheating on her made me wanna throw the phone against the wall. 'Calm down Maddie, no need to get all worked up.' I muttered to myself before I could say a word to Claudia. 'Okay, if he says so then cool. I have a lot of homework so I will talk to you tomorrow okay. Have a good night.' 'Okay, I love you.' Without saying a word I hung up; I didn't even say 'I love you' back because I was pissed. No matter how much I wished for them to break up, Claudia always kept going back to him.