Chapter 11


Nana and Pop Pop took us to the farm, everything had changed; it was as if it was my first time there. 'Why does this place look so different? Nana are you telling me this is the same farm I came to when I last visited you?' 'Yeah, it's the same farm sweetie.' She chuckled, I am sure she thought I was crazy. Pop then took Henry and I to the cow house and taught us to milk a cow. This is the first time in my life I have milked a cow, it was indeed a fun experience. I am glad we managed to capture this moment on my camera, thanks to Henry. He filmed me while I milked the cow.

After helping Pops milk the cow I went on to help Nana collect eggs from the chicken house. The rooster then attacked me out of nowhere, no matter how much I ran it kept on coming for me. I have never been that terrified in my entire life. Nana thought this was funny, she continued to laugh while the rooster chased me. 'Why weren't you helping me in there? That chicken nearly killed me.' She continued to laugh at me til we went back to the house. 'George, guess what happened today as we went to collect the eggs.' She said in between laughs. Pop Pop was all ears, he patiently waited for Nana to stop laughing and tell him what happened. 'Testy gave our dear Claudia a warm welcome.' Now it was Pop Pop who was laughing, Nana joined in. I was getting agitated at how they thought this was funny. This was clearly not a warm welcome, now I know why they call him Testy, he sure does have a lot of anger issues.

I left them alone as they continued laughing and went to find my brother. 'Sissy, you won't believe what we did today. I rode a horse.' He amused. 'Really, that's so cool, how was the ride?' I was really envious of him, how I wish I could say the same about how I spent my day. 'It was awesome, after that Pop Pop took me to the horse house and there is this horse, it has a baby. It's the cutest, I managed to take some pictures.' He said handing me his phone. The little baby horse was cute, I found myself smiling while looking at it in the photos. 'Claudia, could you give me a hand in the kitchen honey.' Nana called out. I went to the kitchen and helped her prepare dinner while Pop Pop and Henry went outside to chop down the wood and they created a bonfire outside. After having dinner we all went outside and just sat around the bonfire and just gazed at the sky. 'Maddie would have loved it here' I muttered to myself.

My phone started to ring and it was Maddie, it was as if she could sense I was thinking about her. 'Hi, how are you?' I asked. 'I am good.' Something was off about her, I could sense it. 'Are you sure you are okay?' 'Yeah, I am just tired. I did some thorough cleaning of the house so I am knackered. How about you? How is it there?' 'Good.' I decided not to tell her about the incident that occurred here. 'We are at the farm right now and we are sitting around the bonfire star gazing.' 'Now I am starting to wish I was there with you guys.' 'You were going to love it here. Where is Ken? I haven't talked to him since I left.' 'Uh he is in his room, let me go give him the phone.' 'Hi babe, can I call you later, I am in the middle of something.' 'Okay' I replied. I was sad he didn't want to speak to me. 'He is watching the game, but I will make sure he calls you right back when it ends okay.' 'Okay.' Maddie always knew how to boost my mood; I found myself smiling. 'Okay bye' she said. 'Bye, I love you.' 'Love you more. Take care of yourself okay.' 'Yes mom.'


After talking to Claudia, I went back to Ken's room. 'You need to call Claudia right now.' I said snatching the remote from him. 'I said I will call her.' 'How do you think she feels having not spoken to you ever since she left? She has been calling you Ken but you never picked up or bothered to return her calls. If she did that to you how will you feel? Tell me.' 'Okay, fine I will call her. Jeez, always ready to attack.' He grabbed his phone from the bed and called her. 'Hi babe, sorry I haven't called since you left nor returned your calls.' After confirming he indeed called Claudia I then excused myself and went to my room, my phone beeped some moments later and it was a message from Claudia. 'Hey, thanks for making sure Ken speaks to me after the game.' I grinned and put my phone away.

The next morning I went out with mom, she wanted me to help her choose a gift for her friend Cara's birthday day on Saturday. 'Do you think she will look good in this?' Mom asked showing me a pink floral dress. 'Uh, I don't know mom. How about we just buy her something which is not a piece of clothing? Maybe some home decor products. She just bought a new house right?' 'Well that's a great idea.' We bought her a cute aesthetic dinner set, a set of twelve. We then went to the photo shop and made her a customized clock watch which has her family picture. After that we bought something to eat and went back home. 'Thank you honey for helping me out today, I don't know what I could have done without your help today.' 'Don't mention it mom, I am glad I could help. Shall I help you make dinner?' 'It's okay honey go freshen up and get some rest. You must be tired of all the wandering around.' 'No I am fine mom, I would love to help you.' 'No Maddie, you helped me so much today, just go take some rest. I will call you when the food is ready.' I knew arguing with my mom would not bear any fruits so I gave in and went to my room.

I don't know when or how I fell asleep, I was woken up by my mom knocking on the door. 'Honey, dinner is ready. Are you going to join us or should I bring yours to your bedroom?' I really wanted to ask her to bring them to my bedroom but I decided I would just eat in the dining room with everyone. Ever since that time I slapped Ken, I have been having dinner in my room. 'I am coming mom.' I knew it was going to make her happy to have all of us eating on the same table. 'Wow! It has been a long time since we ate like this as a family.' Dad commented as I sat down on the dining table. I grinned at him and continued to eat my food. 'Mom can I go to my room and take this call?' Ken asked as his phone kept vibrating on top of the table. We are not allowed to use our cellphones when we are at the dinner table, at first mom would not even allow it if we brought it to the dinner table but she became lenient as time went by. 'Okay honey but first go through your leftovers into the trash can.' He swiftly got up and threw out the leftovers into the trash can and went to his room.