Chapter 12


I spent two weeks at my grandparents home and was left with a week until school opened. I told Maddie I was coming on the last week before school opened but little did she know I was already in the plane heading back home. I sent her a text before I left that we were going to the mall and she said she was just home so this was going to be the perfect surprise. I only told Ken I was coming and he said he would pick us up at the airport when we landed. I called him when we landed and to my surprise he was already waiting for us at the airport. I ran up to him as soon as I spotted him and embraced him. 'I missed you.' He said breaking the embrace to give me a kiss. I found myself smiling as he kissed me, he was such a great kisser and I really yearned to feel his soft lips against mine. 'I missed you too.' 'Shall we? Hi Henry.' He took our luggage and together we went to his car. 'Hi_' Henry replied. I could tell he was still shy around Ken but I am sure he will get used to him. 'Where is Maddie?' 'I left her at home, she was watching K-drama as always.' I am not surprised, Maddie loved K-drama with her might. We dropped off our luggage at home first, we unpacked; Henry said he wanted to call his friend and show him what he got, I also wanted to go give Maddie and Ken what I bought them. 'Are you coming with me to Maddie's house?' I asked Henry as I was to leave. 'Yeah.' He ran up to me and took my hand into his. Ken headed out as we approached their house. He said he wanted to go watch a match with his friends. 'I will see you later babe' he said. So that meant Maddie was alone in the house.

We went up to her room and knocked once and before she could answer we barged in and shouted 'Surprise!' She just froze unable to say anything. I always love it when I surprise her, her reactions are wholesome. 'Hi bestie, are you just going to stand there? Come give me a hug. I missed you.' I widely opened my arms and embraced her. 'I missed you too_ When did you come back?' she broke the hug and wiped her tears. 'Today.' 'Oh Henry, come give me a hug buddy. I missed you.' 'I missed you too Sis Maddie.' 'Why didn't guys tell me you were coming?' 'We wanted to surprise you.' Henry replied. 'Oh you were also in on this, did you want to see me cry buddy?' Maddie began tickling him, he laughed til he couldn't anymore. 'Okay... Okay... I am sorry.' 'You better be or else_' 'It was all Claudia's idea, you should also punish her.' She gave me the look and I knew I had to run for my life. 'No Maddie please don't tickle me. I said backing away from her. ' I tried running but eventually she managed to get hold of me, she tickled me til I couldn't take it anymore. 'I'm sorry, I am sorry.' She stopped ticking me and embraced me again. 'I missed you Claudia.' ' I missed you too Mad.' 'I bought you something. Close your eyes.' 'You know I hate surprises Claudia.' 'Just do it.' 'Okay fine. What is it?'

'You can open your eyes.' 'Wow, is this really for me?' 'Yeah, do you like it?' She just nodded. Emotions were succumbing to her. I bought her a baby blue crocheted blanket. She always wanted to own one but couldn't find one with the color she wanted, so as soon as I saw the exact one she always wanted I knew I had to get it for her. 'I have always wanted a crotched blanket and you got me the exact one that I always wanted.' 'Yep, I am glad you like it. But there is more.' 'What? Do I have to close my eyes again?' 'Yep, you know the rules.' 'Why is it so heavy?' She asked as I placed the other gift I bought her onto her hands. 'You can now open your eyes.' 'Wow, candles. I love candles.' 'I know you do, I bought four. Each has a different scent and they smell great.' She sniffed them and gave me a broad smile. 'They smell amazing Claudia, thank you. Now I feel bad.' 'Why is that?' 'You got all these things for me and I didn't buy you anything during the school break.' 'Come on Maddie, I have the best gift and it's standing in front of me; You, you are the best gift. I love you Madelyn Fader.' 'I love you too Claudia Marianne Dickinson.' 'You know, it's so weird when we call each other by our full names.' I giggled. 'Yeah right, I was gonna say that.'

'Sissy, mom is calling your phone.' Henry said handing me my phone, I almost forgot he was in the room with us. 'Hi mom, we are at Maddie's right now. When are you going to be home?' 'I am sorry sweetie but I have to work the night shift but daddy will be home with you. I will see you guys in the morning. I miss you.' 'Okay, I will tell Henry. I love you ' 'I love you too honey.' I was disappointed that mom won't be home with us during our first night from Namibia. I was looking forward to having dinner with her and dad, telling her all about my adventurous visit to Nana and Pop pop.' 'Why a long face, what did your mom say?' 'She won't be home with us tonight. Apparently she has to work.' 'But she will be home the next day right?' 'Yeah, I had hoped to spend time with both of my parents after returning back from Namibia and tell them both what we did while we were there.' 'Don't be sad sissy.' He gave me a hug. I found myself easing up a little. 'I am not sad, just a little disappointed. But that shouldn't stop us from having fun okay. Maddie, how about a sleepover at my house?' 'Sure, I would love to know what you did back in Namibia.' 'Yes!' Henry gushed. Clearly he was as excited for this sleepover as I was.


Claudia and Henry decided not to tell me they were back from their two week stay with their Nana and Pop Pop. They showed up at my bedroom door and I was so happy to see them, Claudia even brought some gifts for me from Namibia. That night I went and spent the night at her house. We made dinner while Henry and Uncle Henry watched soccer. It feels weird to call them both 'Henry' so I decided to call the big Henry Uncle Henry. I don't really have uncles so I consider Claudia's dad my uncle. My mom has two sisters, she had a brother who passed away before he was even born. My dad also has three sisters, he is the only male. All my aunts live far away from us. The only time I see them is on family reunions and sometimes on holidays. The last thanksgiving, my aunt Mary who is my mother's older sister spent it with us at our home. She brought my cousins; Derick who is ten years and Nova who is five.' They are both so adorable. Aunt Mary is a year older than my mom but mom had kids before her which I think is hilarious. She gave birth to my brother Ken when she was eighteen and had me three years later. Her other sister, my aunt Jenny is ten years younger than my mom, she doesn't have a child. The last time I heard from her she said she was in the US doing modeling. Out of all my mother's siblings Jenny is surely the prettiest so it's not surprising she became a model.

From my father's side, all his sisters live abroad, one is in Finland; Aunt Carol, her twin Aunt Catherine is in Australia. They are dad's older siblings, his younger sister; Aunt Carleen is in the US so we rarely see them but we do talk to them on facetime from time to time. After having dinner, we decided to all watch a movie while we cuddled on the sofa. Uncle Henry was cuddled up with Henry while I cuddled with Claudia. It was so great to feel her warmth against me. 'Let's watch spiderman.' Henry suggested. 'We watched spiderman for like what_ five times already.' Claudia said. 'How about the the documentary of Ben Carson.' 'Lame.' Claudia and I said at the same time. At the end we all watched the 'evil twin'. It was a very touching movie about twins who had to go stay with their barren rich aunt since their mother was in the psychiatrist hospital. The mother plotted to kill her sister with the help of her twin girls so that they all could inherit everything. The other twin sister didn't agree with the plan of killing her aunt so she always ruined their plan of killing her aunt. It was so emotional to watch, I found myself tearing up.

'Wow, that was a great movie.' Uncle Henry finally said as the movie ended. 'It sure was, I didn't believe there was such a thing as the evil twin.' 'Same,' Henry replied. 'I am happy she didn't die in the end.' Claudia said. 'Yeah me too but I feel bad for the evil twin. She is now crazy.' Henry replied. Well the evil twin sister and her mother failed in what they wanted to do thanks to the good twin and the mother unfortunately passed away and this left the evil twin sister traumatized and she started being delusional and was admitted to a psychiatrist hospital while the good twin went to live with her aunt. 'Its time for you to go to bed young man.' Uncle Henry said carrying Henry in his arms. 'But I am not sleepy daddy, besides there is no school tomorrow.' 'But it's past bed time buddy, your brain needs sufficient sleep everyday or else you will start to be delusional like the girl in the movie.' 'Dad is right buddy, we are also on our way to sleep.' Claudia assured him. 'Can Sis Maddie read me a bedtime story and tuck me to sleep.' 'Yeah sure, I would love to. Come here.' I took him from his dad arms and carried him to his room. 'What story do you want me to read to you?' 'I don't know, how about you sing me a lullaby?' I hated singing but I agreed to sing for him. I sang him 'somewhere over the rainbow' and slowly he drifted to sleep. I then kissed him goodnight and as I turned around to leave I was surprised to see Claudia and Uncle Henry standing at his bedroom door.

After slowly closing the door we tiptoed away from his room, Uncle Henry also got inside his room. 'Good night girls.' 'Good night.' We both replied. 'How long have you guys stood there?' 'The moment you started singing. Dad came some moments later. Who knew my best friend could sing. Is there something you cannot do?' I found myself blushing. 'Uh, I don't know how to sing Claudia, you call that singing?'


I am going to disagree with you in that one Maddie, she really does know how to sing. As I was making my way to my room I heard her angelic voice coming from Henry room and even at this moment I am still shocked that was my best friend singing. I mean I never knew she could sing. She has never sang before, all I know she loved to write poems but she was always shy to recite them to me nor anyone. I am sure a lot doesn't know she wrote poems.

'Shall we sleep or should we watch a movie?' 'I don't know, aren't you tired from traveling?' 'No I am fine, it's not like I was travelling from the north pole. It was just an hour flight to here but it's fine if you are tired. We can watch a movie tomorrow.' 'No it's fine, what do you wanna watch?' 'How about some Korean drama.' 'What? When did you start liking Korean drama?' She laughed at me. 'I would like to see why you love them so much?' 'I have already watched almost every single one on my laptop. I haven't watched this one though, we can watch it.' 'Okay.' We ended up watching the movie but somehow I fell asleep while we were watching the movie. I woke up the next morning with Maddie not on the bed. I went downstairs and there she was; she was having breakfast with Henry. 'Good morning.' I said rubbing my eyes. 'Good morning sleepy head. Have a sit I will go get you a plate. What do you want to have? Cereal or scrambled eggs, bacon and bread.' 'Number two.' 'Okay, how was your sleep?' 'It was fine, did I fall asleep while we were watching that movie?' 'Yeah so I decided to pause it and go sleep as well. Clearly it showed you were exhausted from traveling but no; as always you wanted to be stubborn. Today no more sleeping late okay.' 'Yes mom.' Maddie was the mom in our friendship. She always treated me like a child even though I was older by her, by four months.