Chapter 18


Two months passed since Ken left for college, it was getting hard each day without him here. Even though we spoke on the phone, I yearned to feel him close to me. Been in twelve grade was also so stressful, I rarely had time to rest during the weekends due to a lot of assignments and projects. Maddie has been my supporter through all this. There are days were I felt so overwhelmed and she was there to make me feel better.

This weekend I promised to take her out to make her feel better, I know school has been as stressful to her as well. I went to her house, and her mom dropped us at the mall. 'If my shift wasn't about to begin I would have stayed and hung out with you guys. I miss our little mall adventures.' Auntie Emma commented. She was a nurse and her shift was about to begin. Maddie's dad Willam was a mechanic, he opened his own workshop downtown, he was usually at work during weekends. My parents were both at work and my little brother was at his friend's house. After dropping us off we went to get something to eat, I was starving. We went to the Bison restaurant; we have never been to it before so I thought we should try it out. The waitress welcomed us and showed us where to seat. She was so friendly, not forgetting how beautiful she looked. She appeared to be in her mid twenties, with a fetchingly crescent waist, it was like the uniform was tailored on her body. She had jutting collar bones, her hair was so black and shinny pouring over her shoulders. If I was a boy I was surely going to hit up on her, which got me thinking about how many times in a day does she get hit up by guys who come to eat here. I began to feel sorry for her. 'Here are your menus, please let me know when you are ready to order.' She broadly smiled at us exposing her dimples. 'She is so beautiful' I commented when she was out of sight. 'And sweet too.' Maddie added, I was glad she agreed with me. We usually have different perspectives. 'Order anything you want, it's on me.' 'You really didn't have to bring me to a fancy restaurant Claudia, fast food restaurant was just fine by me.' 'You deserve it bro, just once in your life let me spoil you. I have the whole day planned by the way.' 'Where did you get money to afford all this, I am sure this restaurant is expensive.' Maddie didn't like it when someone spent money on her, she is the opposite. She doesn't mind getting her loved ones the most expensive gifts, on Christmas she got me a digital photo frame with all my favorite photos and videos of Ken and I and me and her. It was just so sweet, when I asked her how much it was she refused to tell, she always does when I ask her about something she got for me that is expensive. The waitress finally came and we ordered. Maddie ordered spring rolls for an appetizer while I ordered onion rings. For main course she ordered Crispy skin salmon fillet with spaghetti Bolognese and parmesan cheese, I ordered aged eye fillet steak and mac and cheese. I had no ideas what aged eye fillet steak was but I wanted to try it. 'Here are your appetizers. Your food will be here in a short time.'She said moments later with our appetizers. Maddie gave me one of her spring rolls, they were so mouthwatering. The onion rings were great but not as much as these spring rolls. We continued to chat as we waited for our food. The waitress finally came with our food. 'Salmon fillet and spaghetti Bolognese for you, and eye fillet steak and mac and cheese for you. Hope you enjoy your food, call me if you need anything.


Claudia and I went the the mall and she took me to some restaurant called uh, I forgot the name. The hospitality there was great, and the waitress serving us was undeniably beautiful. We placed our orders and the food finally came. Claudia ordered aged eye fillet steak, I have no idea what the fuck that was. We instantly digged in our food, I gotta say these people made succulent food. We even forgot we were engaged in conversation. Claudia finally broke the deafening silence between us. 'Can I try yours?' She said already with her fork extended to my plate. She swirled the spaghetti and she devoured it in 'Can I also try yours. I bet the aged steak is as aged as the name says.' I jokingly said. She handed me her plate to cut the steak. I took a bite and this was the best steak I have ever tasted. 'I take back my words, this is by far the best steak I have ever had in my life.' I cut another piece but this time I made sure to cut a bigger one. 'Can we exchange plates?' 'What! No.' she swiftly took her plate and had another bite of the spaghetti. We were so full that our stomachs had no space for desserts but Claudia insisted we order them and have them as takeaway. 'I don't know if they would let us take the food as takeaway.' We called the waitress so we could order our desserts. 'Is it possible that we take our desserts as takeaway? We are so full, I don't think our stomachs have the space to accommodate the desserts.' I said stroking my now huge belly. If someone saw me like this they would surely think I am pregnant. 'Yes you can do takeaway. What would you like to have?' I ordered lemon pie while Claudia ordered chocolate waffles. We waited for a while for our desserts. The bill finally came and I couldn't believe what it read. I looked at Claudia worriedly. She inaudibly mouthed "it's on me, relax". How can she expect me to relax when the bill is this high. She took the money from her wallet and placed it on the bill. Our desserts finally came and we bid farewell to the kind waitress and thanked her for her amazing service. She thanked us for the tip, I had no idea Claudia tipped her. As we left the restaurant I stole a few glances at Claudia, I really wanted to say something to her. 'Just say it Maddie.' she said brightly smiling at me. 'How can you afford all this?' We could have shared the bill you know.' 'I have been saving all my allowances. Why share the bill, today I said everything is on me. I have one last surprise for you.' She took my hand in hers. Claudia's parents gave her and Henry allowances every month. And they usually rewarded them with money if they did a chore they were asked to do or passed in school. We walked to the parking lot. 'Our chauffeur will be here.' 'Did you just say chauffeur!? Did you just hire a limo?' I was getting concerned at this point. 'Of course not, I can't afford to hire a limo but rather I hired someone to drive us somewhere. If my parents weren't at work I would have asked them to drive us there.' 'Drive us where?' I really hated when she put me in suspense like this. 'Wait till you find out, oh there is a little gift I got you.' She said handing me the gift box. 'You really didn't have to get me anything.' 'Of course I had to, open it.' She zealously said. 'What is this, a tie?' 'Turn around.' She said taking the tie like cloth from me and blindfolding me with it. 'Oh it's a blindfold.' 'Perfect!' she amused. I was getting agitated at this point, I really hate been put on suspense this long. 'How do you expect me to go with a blindfold on Claudia? I can't even see where we are going.' 'Well that's the point. How far driver?' 'We are about to reach.' the man responded. I really wanted to ask reach where but I just knew Claudia won't give me an answer. 'Great, trust me Maddie you are going to love it.' 'We have reached mam.' the man announced. 'Thank you sir, we will call you when we are done. Come Maddie.' She said helping me out of the car. 'Claudia, can you please tell me where we are?' 'Yeah sure, but before I do I have got something to say. I don't think I really say this enough but I am thankful for you and I love you so much. Take this as my little token of appreciation.' 'I love you too.' She untied the blindfold and finally I could see. 'Where are we?' 'Turn around this way, what do you see?' 'Markus Ray poster! This can't be true, tell me you are joking.' I instantly broke down. 'We are really here, I know how much you wanted to come see him.' 'I thought his tickets has long sold out, how did you get hold of them?' 'I had my connections. Come let's get in, I am sure the show has already started.' I hugged her. 'Thank you.' 'You are welcome, let get in already. Go in, I will be with you in a minute, I have to make a call.' Markus Ray was a stand up comedian, it was always my dream to see him. This year he was in my town but unfortunately the tickets got sold out in a few hours after their release. I still don't know how Claudia got hold of them.


I have never seen Maddie this happy in a very long time. When she excitedly hugged me, I got emotional. 'Go in, I will be with you in a minute, I have to make a call.' I lied, I just really needed a minute to cry myself out. I was so happy to see Maddie so excited like this, every time it was her doing something to put a smile on not only me, but everyone she cares about. I am just glad I made her dream come true, she had always wanted to attend Markus Ray's show. Even though it was hard to get the tickets after they had sold out, I am just glad I did. This is just a proud moment for me. 'Get it together Claudia, you can't be crying like this.' I muttered to myself.