Chapter 19


The stand up comedy was, I really can't find the words to describe it. It was beyond amazing, it was just out of this world. I'm am forever grateful to Claudia for pulling this through for me. 'Thank you so much Claudia. I really can't thank you enough.' I kept saying this on our way back home. That night Claudia decided to spend the night at my place. We couldn't stop talking and laughing about the show. 'Girls, you have to get some sleep. It's already late.' Mom said standing by my bedroom door. 'I don't think I will ever be able to sleep tonight.' I whispered to Claudia so mom doesn't hear us. 'Me neither.' She whispered back. 'I can hear you whispering, go to sleep.' She said in a scolding tone. I don't know when but we both ended up sleeping. Mom came knocking at our door in the morning so we get ready for church. I was just too tired to wake up. We finally managed to get up and got ready to go to church. We kept yawning on our way to church. We must have dozed off as well, mom woke us up when we arrived. I wanted to ask her to let us stay in the car but didn't even dare, I knew it was going to turn into a lecture. We attended the service even though most of the time we were sleeping. When we got home we went to my bedroom and crushed on the bed with our shoes on.


We finally got back home and instantly went to sleep, with our shoes on. We were woken up by Auntie Emma when she was leaving for work. Thankfully she made dinner before we left, we ate and took a bath and went back to sleep. Maddie stayed up, I left her on the living room watching TV. Maddie woke me up in the morning to get ready for school. I forgot it's a Monday, I woke up and took a bath. 'I just remembered, my books and bags are at home, I will go get them.' I said preparing myself to leave. 'I went to get them for you while you slept.' Maddie responded. 'Really, thank you so much.' I gave her a side embrace and rested my head on their shoulder. 'You are welcome, and I placed your presentation on the study table.' 'What presentation? Oh fuck, I clearly forgot I had a presentation this morning.' I hurried to the table and took a look at it. We were to present in English literature. 'Maddie_' I went to give her a hug. William dropped us off at school before going to work. She went to her class and I went to mine. We promised to meet each other up at lunch.


During lunch I went to the cafeteria and sat on my usual seat facing the table Ken usually occupied with his friends before he went to college. I never thought I would say this but I missed him. I recalled the times he would wave at me gesticulating me to come sit at their table with them. How sometimes he would smile and wave at me as we walked past each other in the corridors. 'Hey Maddie, why haven't you touched your food?' Claudia said sitting down next to me. 'I was just looking at the table Ken and his buddies used to occupy. I found myself thinking about him.' 'I miss him too.' I could hear the sadness in her voice. 'How about we go see him this weekend?' I suggested. 'Sounds great but it's kind of far to go and return on the same day.' 'Yeah true, and he can't give the both us accommodation.' I was kind of disappointed.


After eating we went back to class, I had to go prep for the presentation so I left the dining hall before Maddie. She said she wanted to visit the library before going to class. The presentation was a success, everyone loved it, my teacher loved it too. I was so proud of myself, mostly proud of Maddie for writing this presentation that pleased Mr Davis, he sure was a hard one to please. My mom came to pick me up after school and she dropped me off at William's workshop while she headed to work. It's been so long since I came to Maddie's dad's workshop. I needed his help on something concerning mechanics that's why I was there. I put on the overall so I don't get dirt on my clothes and I began helping him. He would ask me to loosen the bolts, hand him the tools he needed. Doing all this was therapeutic. A car suddenly parked opposite his workshop workshop. It looked similar to that of Ken, a girl got out of the car, she wore a mini shirt, I don't really think I should call this a skirt, it was so short. And a guy finally got out as well. That's has to be Ken, he looked like him. 'Claudia, the spanner, Claudia!' I gave him the tool I had in hand without even looking at what it was at first. 'I said a spanner, not a hammer. Claudia!' 'Yeah?' 'What are you thinking?' 'Uh, nothing. What did you say to wanted?' 'A spanner but you handed me a hammer.' 'I am sorry, I got a little too distracted.' 'Do you want to take a break?' he asked taking his head out under the car. 'Yeah, I think a break will do.' I then walked out of the restaurant and tried to follow them. I managed to catch up with them, I pulled the guy and he turned to look at me. 'I am sorry, I thought you were someone I know.' Turns out it wasn't Ken. 'I am sorry.' He simply smiled at me and said it's okay. I walked back to the workshop disappointed. I found him already closing up and we both went home. 'That sure has to be Ken's car, there were no number plates but it sure looked like Ken's car, even the interior. Maddie FaceTimed me later that evening and I told her what I saw. She said maybe I was mistaken.


I just got off the phone with Claudia and she said she just saw Ken's car in town with no number plates and this raised my suspension, what if he is in town and didn't want us to know he was in town; I had to find out. I did my assignment and played a game on my phone before calling it a night. In the morning I got ready and went to school. 'Hi Maddie.' 'Hey Claudia. What's up?' I ran into her at the gate. We walked inside together. 'Last night I managed to speak to Ken, he said he didn't come here and he had his car there with him.' 'See I told you you were overreacting. Cars can look similar you know.' 'Yeah true.' We went our separate ways in the hallways.